This website provides a detailed biography of Bill Windsor.
William M. Windsor is not your average guy. Your average person hasn’t started over 50 companies in his career…but Bill has.
Your average person hasn’t taken a 50-state road trip…but Bill has…twice.
Your average person hasn’t produced and directed a documentary film to expose government, judicial, and law enforcement corruption…but Bill has. Your average person hasn’t created a TV sitcom…but Bill has.
Your average person hasn’t represented himself in taking an appeal to the United States Supreme Court…but Bill has…twice.
Your average person hasn’t been nominated by a political party to be a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives…but Bill has.
Your average person never entered a penmanship competition and was only awarded a Certificate of Participation…but Bill has.
Your average person was not the last person in the United States Army who served as a corporal…but Bill was.
Your average person hasn’t had his life threatened hundreds of times…but Bill has.
Your average person hasn’t been the victim of attempted murder…but Bill has.
There’s a lot to be said for average and normal, but Bill traveled a different path. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good…but always interesting.
HERE’s the Latest:
Sworn Affidavit of William M. Windsor
Petition for Writ of Prohibition