Anatomy of a Facebook Scam


I received a Friend Request from Bessie Mea Tennyson.  I accepted it because there was no cleavage or gummy bear weight-loss posts.

You’re friends on Facebook
Lives in Menlo Park, California


Hello Bill
How are you doing today?
12:59 AM

You sent

Hello Bessie Mea, I’m okay.  Thank you for being a Facebook Friend.  I’m asking all of my Friends to join the American Association of Non-Lawyers as support for all of us who don’t have lawyers.  Please join, or I’ll have to UNFRIEND as I’ve reached the max on Facebook Friends with a long list of Requests.
Bill Windsor updated his cover photo.
I’m Bessie by name, I am from Menlo Park, CA here in United States of America ,I work for Facebook Headquarters and you ?
[MY THOUGHT: She won’t join.  I smell yet another scam.]
3:19 AM

You sent

I have spent the last 14 years helping victims of injustice with legal work, I do it for free. I’m 75 years old and disabled. I can’t walk and have use of only one hand. I was hit by an 18-wheeler at 75 miles per hour in what I believe was attempted murder.
You sent
Bill Windsor Story – October 12 2023 – Bill Windsor
4:04 AM

You sent

I need you to join, or I have to unfriend you.
[MY THOUGHT: She won’t join.  She ignored my request.  The aroma of  yet another scam fills the air.]
7:55 AM
Bessie replied to you
Bessie Mea Tennyson
You sent
Pass away

You sent

I’m going to report you to Facebook for impersonating a Facebook employee.


You sent
You wrote: “our attention is urgently needed because we have a vital information to pass across to you about your Facebook Acct..” I responded: “Pass away.”
pass across. I think you are a crook.


Looks like I’m not entertained


[MY THOUGHT: OOOh, THE ANATOMY OF A FACEBOOK SCAM is definitely taking shape now. ]
Cool. For what reason?
You sent
You sent
What did I win?
[MY THOUGHT: It’s the 15th of December.  Th 6th of March was a mere 253 days ago.  It’s definitely a scam.]


You sent
What do I get?


You sent
What did I win?
You won the sum of $400,000.00USD from the Ongoing Facebook Lottery Promotion going on.
Three other winners has claimed their winnings and they are Happily living with their Family.
Here are some pictures of our winners take a good look


[MY THOUGHT: Grammar anbd punctuation are not this scammer’s long-suit.]
I am your claims officer and i am here to take you through the steps on how you will get your winnings.
Shall we proceed on the claiming of your winnings?

You sent

you may proceed
You sent
written down
[MY THOUGHT: Poop gathering.  Scamaroo.]
Those are the details you are to reconfirm in other to claim your winning prize
Those are the information needed for the processing of your Facebook Winning Certificate.
You sent
Please first give me this same information for you.
You sent
To give to law enforcement if this is a scam. is on this page.
October 2 Birth date  1948 Birth year are on this page.
Bill Windsor and William Michael Windsor are on this page.
75 years old is on this page
My address is shown on this page — 5013 S Louise Avenue #1134, Sioux Falls, SD 57018
Open photo
[MY THOUGHT: Forgery, impersonagting a government law enforcement official.]
You sent
I’ll call the local office of the FBI to confirm this. Now I need your contact information, date of birth, drivers license state and number.
Sorry I can’t give you that Bill I will only give you my Facebook ID card.

Open photo

You sent
works for me


Bessie Mea Tennyson
[MY THOUGHT:  This person doesn’t have a clue who she is dealing with.  The odds of me keeping something like this secret are 0 to 400,000.]
Hope you do understand that Bill
You sent
What’s the scammer doing???
[My Thought: Shame on scammers.]

You sent
Theses are very-real looking photos.
That’s because they are real.  My trusted companion Google Reverse Image Search has all of these.  But surprise, surprise, none of them have a dman thing to do with Facebook.
Reputed mob boss arrested in 1978 ‘Goodfellas’ airport heist
APRIL 1 2020 WESTWOOD, CA — FBI agents take Robert C. Fierro into custody…
You sent
Gee, Bessie Mea, I’d say I’ve got plenty of proof you are a scammer.
[MY THOUGHT: DUH, I just fell off a turnip truck.]


You sent
I don’t THINK it. I know it. Have your officials contact me. I’m going to print all of this on Facebook and on

Home –

9 PM

You sent

Have you ever been in prison, Bessie Mea?


I can’t be in Prison Bill for you to get your winnings prize you don’t need to deep into all this because all this has been posted by Facebook officials to keep all innocent people aware of scammers online.


As you can see am in office now.

You sent

You did a really poor job of pasting a Facebook F over some other graphic.

You sent

Are you mentally ill?


No I’m not I can’t accept those sort of words Bill you’ve to respect me as much as I’m doing with you.

You sent

I have started setting up the first of my articles on Once done, I will post it on Facebook and I will file complaints with Facebook and the FBI. If you get $400,00 to me in cash, I’ll have to drop it.

That’s absolutely no problem Bill there’s no way you’re doing this because you’ve been choosing for this and it’s yours no one can take it away.


You are to choose one out of the three listed payment option below and your winnings shall be packaged in accordance to the option you choose: Options/Preferred mode of payment 1.CHECK DELIVERY 2.ATM CARD DELIVERY 3.CASH DELIVERY

I want you to know that your CASH DELIVERY and some other relevant documents as regards to your winnings will be deliver to you by the FedEx delivery Company.  Mr Mark Eliot Zuckerberg the CEO of Facebook have ordered a private FedEx delivery company to deliver your winnings to you at your doorstep for security purpose.


As you can see am in office now.

You sent

You did a really poor job of pasting a Facebook F over some other graphic.


You sent

Are you mentally ill?


No I’m not I can’t accept those sort of words Bill you’ve to respect me as much as I’m doing with you.

You sent

I have started setting up the first of my articles on Once done, I will post it on Facebook and I will file complaints with Facebook and the FBI. If you get $400,00 to me in cash, I’ll have to drop it.

Bill Windsor – Retired Guy – Bill Windsor


That’s absolutely no problem Bill there’s no way you’re doing this because you’ve been choosing for this and it’s yours no one can take it away.



You are to choose one out of the three listed payment option below and your winnings shall be packaged in accordance to the option you choose: Options/Preferred mode of payment 1.CHECK DELIVERY 2.ATM CARD DELIVERY 3.CASH DELIVERY

You sent



I want you to know that your CASH DELIVERY and some other relevant documents as regards to your winnings will be deliver to you by the FedEx delivery Company Mr Mark Eliot Zuckerberg the CEO of Facebook have ordered a private FedEx delivery company to deliver your winnings to you at your doorstep for security purpose.

Mark Zuckerberg


Great, but I don’t want you at my home as I am not there. I am in Florida in my RV. When will the delivery be made? I’ll get you an address.


You sent

I can meet at any FedEx ofifce

Bessie replied to you

Original message:

I can meet at any FedEx ofifce

No you don’t have to worry about that.

Bessie replied to you

Original message:

Great, but I don’t want you at my home as I am not there. I am in Florida…

That’s not a problem as long as you can give us your current address in Florida it would be delivered right to you


Do you live in your RV?

You sent

I am traveling from town to town. I live full-time in my RV.

Please tell me the date for delivery, and I will get an address.


I am about to forward your info to the FedEx and head office now and once your winning certificate is ready your delivery agent will get back to you.

You sent

Great, so glad you aren’t a scammer. Brooksville is where I’ll be tomorrow.


Okay that’s good no problem Bill.

You sent

I’m excited. I’m disabled and don’t have money for surgery…until now. Maybe I will be able to walk again and regain the use of my left hand.

You sent

I received a text message from Mr Williams from FedEx Delivery Company at 510-244-3843.


Amen Bill you’ve got nothing to worry about here you’re going to be alright and walk again this is Just a Blessing from our Lord.

You sent

God Bless you and Facebook

You sent

Now he wants a fee. Nah.

I’m publishing and reporting.

Your photo will be the header on my Facebook Page.


I want you to understand that this requested fee is for the shipment of your package to you and we also want you to know that there is no way they can ship the to you if you don’t have the fee paid to the right department according to their mode of operation.


I want you to know that the Delivery Company is a profit making organization that needs to be paid for!!! The services they render the Facebook has cleared all government related taxes on this,the only fee you are to pay yourself is the delivery fee for the delivery of your package to you at your doorstep ok.

This may sound too good too be true but i bet you this is true and fully legit the FedEx fee is the only fee needed for the delivery of your check to get to you,i will solely implore you to try as much as you can to raise the delivery fee because this is the only distance between you and your CASH.

You sent

Bessie Mea Tennyson

Bill Windsor updated his cover photo.