My day started at 6 a.m. I didn’t sleep well as I was so excited to go to Nova Southeastern University Dental School to apply to be a patient in a special new program. (Go Dolphins!)
As long-time readers here know, I have endured Dry Mouth since my attempted murder by an 18-wheeler on 5/5/2017. This has caused me to have about 17 teeth fall out or be extracted.
I have been quoted as much as $56,000 for extractions and implants. Today, a dental student under the supervision of a faculty member dentist will do a full evaluation to ensure I am a qualified candidate. A government grant is paying for this to cover veterans, so my DD-214 U.S. Army Discharge Papers are the most important thing to take. I will have a permanent student dentist. It’s a brand-new program, so I anticipated prompt treatment.
On October 3, 2023, the State gave $5 million to Nova University for dental care for veterans — https://sharkbytes.nova.edu/news-announcements/veterans-access-clinic-receives-5-million-from-the-state/?_gl=1*nub5pz*_gcl_au*MTkwODM0MzAzNS4xNzAyMTQ5Nzc5
I had everything I was going to take organized the night before. So, shave, shower, floss, double brushing of my remaining teeth, sweatpants and sweatshirt as it was COLD, and shoes.
My neighbors were going on a five-day trip to the Florida Keys, and I made a “Have a Great Time” sign to put on their windshield. But they were already gone. Back to the RV, and I was locked out. The door wouldn’t open. I pulled and pushed, tried other keys, and froze my butt off. Fortunately, while everything else I needed was locked away, I had my cell phone on a rope around my neck. I called AAA, and they could have someone there by 8:15.
I was going to be at least 45 minutes late for my 9:00 a.m. appointment. I left a voice mail for Violet, my contact at the School.
Nova’s #1 Rule is “ALWAYS BE ON TIME.” Damn!
The AAA man got the door open, and I grabbed my stuff and hit the highway.
I had seen photos of the dental area at the main campus in Davie, Florida. It was packed, so I left my Walker in the truck and walked with my cane so I would not be a problem when I was inside. I have no balance, and I cannot walk more than 30 feet with the Walker.
I arrived 45 minutes late, had to walk down two flights of parking garage stairs, then a long walk to the front door of the Dental Building. I could barely move when I got to the Reception Desk after I had gutted it out for maybe 150 feet. Then I discovered it was another long walk, an elevator ride, and another long walk. I almost fell over when I reached the door after close to a football field of stumbling. The very beautiful “L” saved me, and eased me into a chair.
I apologized profusely for being late, but there was nothing but kindness.
I had a lot of paperwork to do. “L” saw me struggling, so she got me a desk and a chair.
Let me set the scene. This is the most beautiful school building I have ever seen. They must have someone who comes around daily and fixes any scratches on the walls or whatever. All the equipment looked brand new.
I learned there are 35 student dentists, all from other countries. It’s a U.S. Government program. These student dentists are here for three years, and then they get licensed in the U.S. and return to their countries as licensed dentists.
My dental team was a sweet lady from Haiti with a name I can’t spell, somewhat like Godiva, and my student practitioner, Vito from Brazil. There aren’t enough words to describe how nice and kind they were. Dr. Goldsmith was the Supervising Dentist. Very businesslike, but very kind.
I was asked a lot of questions, and they took a panoramic X-Ray.
After three hours, I was officially accepted! If I could have moved, I’d have jumped for joy. I begin treatment on January 4, 2024 as all the students get to go back to their countries for “Christmas.” I will go on Mondays and Thursdays.
As I am a veteran, there is apparently no charge. YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I literally stumbled back to my car, but Vito showed me a shortcut and held me up until I got on an elevator. I drove home and collapsed. I couldn’t keep my eyes open, and I could barely walk. But I was EXCITED!
If all goes as planned, I will have fixed, permanent dentures (All-on-4) on the bottom and top. Decay will be a bad memory in the rearview mirror.
I wrote every dental school in Florida, and Nova Southeastern was the ONLY response. Timing is everything as they had just opened this program in Clearwater. Thank you, God