William Windsor Became an Entrepreneur as a Student at Texas Tech in Lubbock Texas

  As a college student at Texas Tech University, William Windsor was working as a DJ at KCAS-Radio in Slaton, Texas and KLVT-Radio in Levelland, Texas.  He was working 30 to 40 hours a week and paying most of his college expenses. Bill was President of Delta Tau Delta fraternity at Texas Tech.  He was … Continue reading William Windsor Became an Entrepreneur as a Student at Texas Tech in Lubbock Texas

Entrepreneurial Bug Hits Bill Windsor

Entrepreneurial Bug Hits Bill Windsor. It was the third grade when Bill Windsor was first hit with the entrepreneurial bug. Some kids in our neighborhood were selling Grit magazine door-to-door, and they made money doing it.  I wanted to make money so I could buy more baseball cards. The best I could manage was a lemonade stand.  … Continue reading Entrepreneurial Bug Hits Bill Windsor

Bill Windsor Story – October 12 2023

As I prepare to launch an association for pro-se parties in an effort to regain our Constitutional rights and provide legal justice for non-lawyers, I was shocked as I discovered in October 2023 that very few of my Facebook Friends today were Friends back when I was filming Lawless America.  So it seems many of … Continue reading Bill Windsor Story – October 12 2023

Bill Windsor – Retired Guy

  Bill Windsor is a retired guy, kind of. Bill is a serial entrepreneur who has started over 50 businesses during his career. He has started and operated businesses in a wide variety of areas — T-shirts, screenprinting, fraternity and sorority merchandise, bail bonds, university services, credit cards, research, retail, wholesale, manufacturing, advertising specialties, premiums, magazine … Continue reading Bill Windsor – Retired Guy