Bill Windsors First Job was a Dream Job

Bill Windsors First Job was a Dream Job.  At the age of 16, when I got my driver’s license, I managed to get a summer job delivering prescriptions for Security Pharmacy in Lubbock, Texas.

Nothing could have been better than getting to drive all day!  I was so past ready to get my driver’s license.  I got my license later than my friends because we moved from Louisiana to Texas.  I had to wait to take driver’s ed.

Mary Windsor and the infamous green Valiant
Mary Windsor and the infamous green Valiant


I, Bill Windsor, used to drive up and down our short driveway.  We had an ugly green Valiant with push-button transmission.  This is my Mom standing in front of the infamous green Valiant at our home at 3109 40th Street in Lubbock, Texas.


Entrepreneurial Bug Hits Bill Windsor

Entrepreneurial Bug Hits Bill Windsor.

It was the third grade when Bill Windsor was first hit with the entrepreneurial bug.

Some kids in our neighborhood were selling Grit magazine door-to-door, and they made money doing it.  I wanted to make money so I could buy more baseball cards.

The best I could manage was a lemonade stand.  But it was a start.

Billy Windsor and Tony Windsor hold baseball bat
Billy Windsor and Tony Windsor hold baseball bat

I was into baseball big-time.  We lived near Spring Lake Park in Texarkana, Texas, and we played baseball every chance we got.

I was on several teams over those years, and I continued to play baseball through college.

I later played softball for many years.

Billy Windsor Received an Omen at 4-Years-Old

This is Billy Windsor at the age of four.

There really wasn’t such a thing as an imprinted T-shirt back then, but I’m sure wearing one.

What’s extra special about this photo is that in 1977, I launched the magazine and trade show for the T-shirt business.  Impressions Magazine and the Imprinted Sportswear Shows have been credited with creating an industry.  I have been known as the “father of the imprinted sportswear industry.”  I guess that now makes me, William M. Windsor, the grandfather.  Impressions Magazine and the Imprinted Sportswear Shows are still going after 42 years.

Billy Windsor Baby Book 1948
Billy Windsor Baby Book 1948

Baby book for Billy Windsor.

Walter Windsor and Mary Windsor were The Best Parents Ever

  • windsor bill 1948 Mary holds smiling Billy in 1948
    Mary Windsor holds smiling Billy in 1948.

My Mom was Mary Windsor, and she was the best mom ever!  She was a stay-at-home mom.

And my Dad was Walter Windsor. He was the best father ever!  Walter Windsor and Mary Windsor were The Best Parents Ever

I was the first-born child.  My brother and two sisters followed.

I was a very lucky boy.  My siblings and I could not have had a better childhood.  My Dad wasn’t paid what he was worth as the manager of television stations while I was a child.  I always thought we were “rich.”  We weren’t, but we had a very comfortable life.

I, William Michael Windsor, was born in Columbus, Georgia.  My Dad and Mom had just driven to Columbus from California with my Mom almost nine months pregnant.  Dad became the General Manager of WGBA Radio in Columbus.

We were living in a motel when Mom went into labor.  Dad didn’t want his son to come home from the hospital to a motel room, so he raced out and rented this home at 2222 Buena Vista Road, Columbus, Georgia.

Walter Windsor and Mary Windsor were The Best Parents Ever.