Mary Windsor celebrated her 47th Mothers Day in Heaven.
Bill Windsor’s Mother was born in 1925, and she died of misdiagnosed breast cancer on December 23, 1977.
She was the best mother ever!
Mary Windsor celebrated her 47th Mothers Day in Heaven.
Bill Windsor’s Mother was born in 1925, and she died of misdiagnosed breast cancer on December 23, 1977.
She was the best mother ever!
Walter Windsor was moved to Peachtree Christain Hospice on February 13 2008
We were advised that Dad was declining and would not make it. He was moved on February 13 at approximately 6:00 p.m.. The hospice doctor took Dad off all medications except some Ativan. He had not even had any IV fluids.
Madison Harrell was born on June 26 2002. She is the daughter of Brittany Windsor who is the daughter of Bill Windsor.
Both Madison and Brittany were disowned by Bill Windsor in 2023.
My Mom was Mary Windsor, and she was the best mom ever! She was a stay-at-home mom.
And my Dad was Walter Windsor. He was the best father ever! Walter Windsor and Mary Windsor were The Best Parents Ever
I was the first-born child. My brother and two sisters followed.
I was a very lucky boy. My siblings and I could not have had a better childhood. My Dad wasn’t paid what he was worth as the manager of television stations while I was a child. I always thought we were “rich.” We weren’t, but we had a very comfortable life.
I, William Michael Windsor, was born in Columbus, Georgia. My Dad and Mom had just driven to Columbus from California with my Mom almost nine months pregnant. Dad became the General Manager of WGBA Radio in Columbus.
We were living in a motel when Mom went into labor. Dad didn’t want his son to come home from the hospital to a motel room, so he raced out and rented this home at 2222 Buena Vista Road, Columbus, Georgia.
Walter Windsor and Mary Windsor were The Best Parents Ever.