Bill Windsor is working as a writer. He is writing for himself and for others. He has launched a website to promote his work.
Bill has created a TV sitcom, and he is working with an agent and her editor. The third draft of the pilot episode needs to be completed. Bill has also been working on a screenplay.
He first worked as a co-writer on a screenplay in the 80s. “Big Boo Boo at Booger Creek” never found a producer. It was a comedy western about the most inept bank robbers ever. The theme song and soundtrack were great, written by Hiram Kennemer aka Russ Marker. Bill acquired the rights to the screenplay and re-worked it. Still no luck.
In addition to his screenplays, Bill has several books that are complete. He hopes his agent-to-be will represent him on those projects. If not, he will self-publish and sell on Amazon.
He was approached about doing contract writing. He is working with a company, and he writes all types of web content for a wide variety of companies. In recent months, he has written about perfume, auto parts, fire safety, traffic accidents, and much more. He has learned a lot about a diverse assortment of topics.
Bill Windsor is no longer working as a publisher, but he has been writing essentially his entire adult life.

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