Bill Windsor had a Date with Michelle Pfeiffer in College

Bill Windsors Second Job was as a TV Cameraman and Radio Station DJ.
Bill Windsor’s second job was as a cameraman at KLBK-TV in Lubbock, Texas. Then I was a DJ at KLBK-Radio.
I was a cameraman in the television studio. We filmed commercials and operated the two floor cameras for the news, weather, and sports.
I punched a time clock. The other crew members and I would try to eat lunch as fast as possible so we could get punched back in. We would race from the cafeteria to the time clock. When we got really lucky, we would be logged out for only six minutes.
I got the jobs because my Dad was the General Manager of KLBK. My Dad was ALWAYS a fabulous supporter of me in everything I ever did. He was truly special in so very many ways. My Dad lived to be 89 1/2.
Before I had a real DJ job, I was the “host” of a one-hour weekly show called “Teen Topics.”
I spoke about what was going on at Monterey High School. I wasn’t paid.
I had to study and go to Dallas to take a Third-Class Radiotelephone Operator’s License to be able to DJ. In those days, we did it all — announced, played the 45-rpm-records, and operated “the board.” There was no engineer to help. It was great fun. I had the midnight to 6 am shift, and all the high school and college students “knew” me. It was a Top 40 radio station.