Bill Windsor seriously injured when he was hit by an 18-wheeler at 70 miles per hour. He has four herniated discs in his back, five in his neck, and Diastasis Recti, an allegedly inoperable abdominal injury.
A corrupt judge, Jeff Ashton, has kept the case from going to trial.
A second accident on 12/26/2022 aggravated the injuries. Bill has lost the use of his left hand, and the surgeon says it is linked to the traffic accident because the nerves in the neck control his hands.
Bill falls a lot, and he can’t get up. He has an alarm that will wake the dead that he now wears around his neck with his cell phone. He used a cane, but he couldn’t walk far. He then had a four-wheeled Walker, and it really helped keep him balanced, but his back couldn’t go far. He now has a Nuclear-powered Walker, but he needs to live somewhere he can better use it.
On 5/5/2017, Bill Windsor was driving down the Florida Turnpike in his little 2500-pound convertible, and an Angel saved Bill Windsor.
I was driving 70 miles per hour. I was properly in my lane and abiding all traffic laws. I was preparing to exit and go left, so I was in one of the two exit lanes, the second one from the shoulder.
I had never been in a traffic accident in my life. I heard a very loud noise. I realized I had been hit by a 60000-pound Boise Cascade truck.
According to Jerome Wilt, an eyewitness, my little car was lifted off all four tires, spun 180-degrees in the air, and then dropped to the roadway where I did eight high-speed spins back and forth across the six lanes of Southbound traffic.
There was a big cement wall in the middle of the road that separated the Northbound lanes from the Southbound lanes. I had no control of my car, and I knew I was going to die when I hit that wall. Then I heard a whisper in my ear. It was an angel. She whispered: “Driver’s Ed.” This caused me to recall what I was told at age 16: “steer in the direction of the skid.”
I did as she instructed, and I narrowly escaped death. I’m alive because an Angel saved Bill Windsor. I suffered four herniated discs in my back, five herniated discs in my neck, and a Diastasis Recti abdominal injury.
Every disk from my neck to the base of my spine is herniated, bulging, or both. I can no longer walk. I have use of only one hand. My teeth have rotted out of my head from anxiety medication that caused Xerostomia – dry mouth. My insurance was used up quickly, and there has been no trial, so Medicare won’t pay. But I’m alive because an Angel saved Bill Windsor.
Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt.
Corrupt judges, including Jeff Ashton, have kept my case from going to trial. Mine is just one of the millions of cases of INjustice.
This may not have been an accident. There is significant evidence that this was attempted murder involving Sean Boushie, the man who attempted to murder me in 2013 and threaatened to harm me hundreds of times. He was in communication with another eyewitness, Carrie Broussard. Carrie Broussard lied in her deposition. No one stopped to help me. It was like there was a blockade of vehicles to keep anyone from getting near me, and it was beyond odd that I did not hit anyone on such a busy highway. It may have all been orchestrated.