Bill Windsor truck hit on April 10 2024

  • View down driveway from corner where Windsor parked to left
    View down driveway from corner where Windsor parked to left

On April 10 2024, I went to Winn Dixie for a few basic grocery items needed, and Bill Windsor truck hit on April 10 2024.

This was only the second traffic accident I had been involved in my 75-1/2 years.  I was almost killed in the first accident on 5/5/2017.
This is the story of when Bill Windsor truck hit on April 10 2024.
Winn Dixie Entrance off Main Street in Bushnell Florida
Winn Dixie Entrance off Main Street in Bushnell Florida
This shows an entrance lane in the center of the photo (to the right of the yellow stripe).  The two Driveway exit lanes are just to the left.  The Driveway is 27-feet wide and the entry lane is about double that to allow vehicles in and into the parking areas to the right.
The accident happened on 4/10/2024 when I visited the Winn Dixie grocery store at 1122 N Main Street in Bushnell Florida, just off Highway 301.  I have gone there about twice a week for many months.  I drive in the only entrance to the Parking Lot off Main Street (shown above).  I travel about 200-feet to the front of Winn Dixie and park in the Handicapped Parking space at the right front of the Winn Dixie building.  (The pickup truck is shown in the space in this photo.)

I have always parked in the same spot or one to the left if the end space is occupied.

Handicapped Space where Bill Windsor always parked at Winn-Dixie
Handicapped Space where Bill Windsor always parked at Winn-Dixie

I always leave the same way.  I back straight out and then turn to the left to do a U-Turn around any of the cars in that parking area.  This puts me back on the Entrance Driveway. (I did a U just past the white car in this photo.)


This is what I see at the spot on the Driveway where I turned on the way in.

View down the driveway from corner where Bill Windsor parked to the left
View down the Driveway from corner where Bill Windsor parked to the left

I measured this at 190-feet, the distance from the Stop Sign at the highway to the entrance to the parking areas beside Winn Dixie’s building.  This is my view after I did my U-Turn.

Width of the Driveway measured at 27-feet.
Width of the Driveway measured at 27-feet.

I measured the width of the Driveway to be 27-feet.

Florida road width must be 12-feet per lane.  This makes the Driveway two lanes, one in each direction.  The Pickup Truck has a width of six-feet and is 20-feet long.

Exit from the Parking Area to the right of the Entry
Exit from the Parking Area to the right of the Entry

This is the exit from the big Parking Lot to the right of the entrance drive.  It is 70-feet to the Stop Sign.  This is where the Robert Lindquist vacated his parking space on 4/10/2024 in his 2020 Polaris Slingshot and headed for home.  He ran right into the driver’s door of the pickup truck driven by Bill Windsor.

Robert Lindquist later lied about this in a bizarre claim saying I had passed him.  But I never passed anyone, and when we first spoke on 4/10/2024, he said to me: “I didn’t see you.”  I responded: “I didn’t see you.”  He hit me from my left rear.  He came to my truck window.  I am disabled so I remained seated right where he hit me.  I did not move the truck an inch.  Robert Lindquist admitted fault and signed an agreement saying his insurance would pay.  But 10 days later, he has not filed an insurance claim.  This is very strange.


Robert Lindquist giving information to Bill Windsor after he hit Windsor's truck.
Robert Lindquist giving information to Bill Windsor after he hit Windsor’s truck.

Robert Lindquist is shown giving information to Bill Windsor after he hit Windsor’s truck.  This shows the truck in the right lane of the Driveway about 10-feet from the white line, 30-feet to the Stop Sign.  This is the precise scene of the accident.  Damage can be seen on the driver’s side of the truck.  The tree (Tree #1), seen to the right just above the cab, is 23-feet to the Stop Sign.  The white lane divider is 20-feet long, and Robert Lindquist is standing about 15-feet from it.  This places the truck at about 40-feet from the Stop Sign.  The truck is 20-feet long, so the truck is positioned from 40-feet to 60-feet in the Driveway.

Truck and Slingshot side-by-side after the accident.
Truck and 2020 Polaris Slingshot side-by-side after the accident.
License plate on Richard Lindquist Slingshot motorcycle
License plate on Richard Lindquist 2020 Polaris Slingshot motorcycle

I paid to have a Report run on this license plate.  It provides complete details on the vehicle, and it  says VIN is 57XAARHB3L8139693.  License Plate: Florida MUUS37.  But Robert Lindquist gave me an insurance card on 4/20/2024 for a 2010 Chevrolet.

Robert Lindquist Insurance Card
Robert Lindquist Insurance Card

The insurance card that Robert Lindquist allowed me to photograph on 4/20/2024 shows: Vehicle Identification Number 2G1WL52J511245489 for a 2001 Chevrolet.  This is not the 2020 Polaris Slingshot.

Robert Linquist Michigaan Drivers License and State Farm Insurance
Robert Linquist Michigan Drivers License and State Farm Insurance

I was able to lighten an unreadable photo from 4/17/2024, and it shows to be the insurance for the 2020 Polaris Slingshot.

Left front of truck after accident.

This is the left front of the truck after the accident.  The tree (Tree #2) seen above the truck cab provides further evidence of the location of the accident and the position of the truck in the far right of the Driveway.  Tree #2 is 60-feet from Tree #1, so 83-feet from the Stop Sign.  The front end of the truck is at about 63-feet from the Stop Sign.  Robert Lindquist is seen here looking at the damage.

Bill Windsor met two police officers at the Winn-Dixie Parking Lot on April 16, 2024 . Robert Lindquist, was also there.

Robert Lindquist started to change his tune on what happened.  He claimed we saw each other and he saw me pass him.  NEVER HAPPENED!  Fortunately, I took photos at the time of the parking lot accident that prove his latest story to be false.  He signed an agreement at the scene when the accident took place saying his insurance would pay.  TRUCK-ACCIDENT-11-accident-lindqiuist-insurance-agreement-2024-04-10
The police ensured that proof of insurance and driver’s licenses were exchanged.

Robert Alan Lindquist, DOB 11-16-1951, Driver’s License Michigan L532 745 040 878, 128 Oak Street, Montrose, MI 48457, 810-730-4421.  Unfortunately, the photo cut off the State Farm insurance card, so I managed to get one from him on 4/20/2024.

Robert Lindquist Insurance Card
Robert Lindquist Insurance Card

Mark Cuyler’s State Farm Insurance Card and his Florida Vehicle Registration for the Truck.

Mark Cuyler’s State Farm Insurance Card and his Florida Vehicle Registration for the Truck with my South Dakota Driver’s License.

Once I obtained the name of his State Farm Insurance agent, I sent him two emails:
Here’s my first email to the insurance agent:
Mr. Rom:
I am a State Farm customer in South Dakota.  I was driving a pickup truck loaned to me by a State Farm customer, Mark Cuyler.  I was hit in the Winn Dixie parking lot in Bushnell Florida on 4/10/2024 by Robert Lindquist.  Linquist was unable to produce a registration, and he gave me a Michigan Concealed Handgun License rather than his Driver’s License.
The Sumter County Sheriff later obtained his Michigan driver’s license.  I received an estimate for $5,900 for the repairs, but Mr. Lindquist has not filed a claim.
Please accept this as a claim.  I am at risk as I am disabled, and the driver’s door will not close properly.
I have provided complete details at
William M. Windsor,
Here’s my latest email to the insurance agent:
I was able to adjust brightness on a photo of the State Farm Florida Insurance Card for the 2020 Polaris insured by you.   Robert Lindquist, Policy Number (hard to read) KB4-5787-E09-59A.  VIN is 57XAARHB3L8139693.  License Plate: Florida MUUS37.
Please consider this a claim for $5,948.19.  The estimate and the agreement from Robert Lindquist that you will pay is at
We need this repaired ASAP, and I will need you to provide a rental car.
How does a homeowner in Michigan get Florida auto insurance?

Bill Windsor in Accident in South Dakota on 7/11/2022

Bill Windsor was in an accident in Tea, South Dakota. WELCOME TO SOUTH DAKOTA.

     The winds are REALLY STRONG in South Dakota. The RV was rocking and rolling like an amusement park ride two nights before. Wild ride.

     The weather calmed, so Mr. Bill and I decided to drive slowly to Lincoln County on July 11, 2022 to make a third attempt to get license plates.  An electrical failure and one heck of a wind blew him backward down a 9-foot embankment at a gas station.  It was a miracle that the 22,000-pound home didn’t roll over.  A “No J1959 Activity” message appeared on the dashboard to indicate the electrical system had failed to the transmission.  So when Bill gave it the gas to try to move forward to reposition himself, the RV was, unknown to him, stuck in reverse.  Before he knew it, he was in a ravine.

     The four herniated discs in Bill’s back and five in his neck got a jolt.  A family pulled the RV out of the ravine, gathered up all the stuff that went flying, towed it to their repair shop, and took Bill to a motel.

     Bill Windsor was in too much pain to sleep, but it subsided and he did not need medical treatment.

    Just about everything that could go wrong with this move has gone wrong.  But Bill Windsor is alive.  God Bless those Angels who seem to save him

Bill Windsor
Bill Windsor

Bill Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not, therefore, reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.   This website is to expose judicial corruption, government corruption, law enforcement corruption, attorney wrongdoing/corruption, and political corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our  Legal Notice and Terms

Copyright, 2022, Lawless America


Bill Windsor Seriously Injured

Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt.
Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt.

Bill Windsor seriously injured when he was hit by an 18-wheeler at 70 miles per hour.  He has four herniated discs in his back, five in his neck, and Diastasis Recti, an allegedly inoperable abdominal injury.

A corrupt judge, Jeff Ashton, has kept the case from going to trial.

A second accident on 12/26/2022 aggravated the injuries.  Bill has lost the use of his left hand, and the surgeon says it is linked to the traffic accident because the nerves in the neck control his hands.

Bill falls a lot, and he can’t get up.  He has an alarm that will wake the dead that he now wears around his neck with his cell phone.  He used a cane, but he couldn’t walk far.  He then had a four-wheeled Walker, and it really helped keep him balanced, but his back couldn’t go far.  He now has a Nuclear-powered Walker, but he needs to live somewhere he can better use it.

Bill Windsor hit by truck in 2017

Bill Windsor hit by a truck, a Boise Cascade 18-wheeler driven by Robert Longest, at 70-miles-per-hour.  He suffered four herniated disks in his back, five herniated disks in his neck, and an inoperable abdominal injury (diastasis recti).

It was Cinco de Mayo, May 5, 2017.

Still no trial.  He really needs surgery.

This has completely changed Bill Windsor’s life.  He can barely walk.  He has lost all balance.


Bill Windsor
Bill Windsor

Bill Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  My websites express my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not, therefore, reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.   I have websites that expose judicial corruption, government corruption, law enforcement corruption, attorney wrongdoing/corruption, and political corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read the Legal Notice and Terms.

Copyright, 2022, Friends of Bill Windsor


Angel saved Bill Windsor

Angel saved Bill Windsor
Angel saved Bill Windsor

On 5/5/2017, Bill Windsor was driving down the Florida Turnpike in his little 2500-pound convertible, and an Angel saved Bill Windsor.

I was driving 70 miles per hour.  I was properly in my lane and abiding all traffic laws.  I was preparing to exit and go left, so I was in one of the two exit lanes, the second one from the shoulder.

I had never been in a traffic accident in my life.  I heard a very loud noise.  I realized I had been hit by a 60000-pound Boise Cascade truck.

According to Jerome Wilt, an eyewitness, my little car was lifted off all four tires, spun 180-degrees in the air, and then dropped to the roadway where I did eight high-speed spins back and forth across the six lanes of Southbound traffic.

There was a big cement wall in the middle of the road that separated the Northbound lanes from the Southbound lanes.  I had no control of my car, and I knew I was going to die when I hit that wall.  Then I heard a whisper in my ear.  It was an angel.  She whispered: “Driver’s Ed.”  This caused me to recall what I was told at age 16: “steer in the direction of the skid.”

I did as she instructed, and I narrowly escaped death.  I’m alive because an Angel saved Bill Windsor.  I suffered four herniated discs in my back, five herniated discs in my neck, and a Diastasis Recti abdominal injury.

Every disk from my neck to the base of my spine is herniated, bulging, or both.  I can no longer walk.  I have use of only one hand.  My teeth have rotted out of my head from anxiety medication that caused Xerostomia – dry mouth.  My insurance was used up quickly, and there has been no trial, so Medicare won’t pay.  But I’m alive because an Angel saved Bill Windsor.

Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt.
Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt.

Corrupt judges, including Jeff Ashton, have kept my case from going to trial.  Mine is just one of the millions of cases of INjustice.

This may not have been an accident.  There is significant evidence that this was attempted murder involving Sean Boushie, the man who attempted to murder me in 2013 and threaatened to harm me hundreds of times.  He was in communication with another eyewitness, Carrie Broussard.  Carrie Broussard lied in her deposition.  No one stopped to help me.  It was like there was a blockade of vehicles to keep anyone from getting near me, and it was beyond odd that I did not hit anyone on such a busy highway.  It may have all been orchestrated.