
Bill Windsor truck hit on April 10 2024

  • Insurance card for Mark Cuyler exchanged on 4/16/2024.
    Insurance card for Mark Cuyler exchanged on 4/16/2024.

On April 10 2024, I went to Winn Dixie for a few basic grocery items needed, and Bill Windsor truck hit on April 10 2024.

This was only the second traffic accident I had been involved in my 75-1/2 years.  I was almost killed in the first accident on 5/5/2017.
This is the story of when Bill Windsor truck hit on April 10 2024.
Winn Dixie Entrance off Main Street in Bushnell Florida
Winn Dixie Entrance off Main Street in Bushnell Florida
This shows an entrance lane in the center of the photo (to the right of the yellow stripe).  The two Driveway exit lanes are just to the left.  The Driveway is 27-feet wide and the entry lane is about double that to allow vehicles in and into the parking areas to the right.
The accident happened on 4/10/2024 when I visited the Winn Dixie grocery store at 1122 N Main Street in Bushnell Florida, just off Highway 301.  I have gone there about twice a week for many months.  I drive in the only entrance to the Parking Lot off Main Street (shown above).  I travel about 200-feet to the front of Winn Dixie and park in the Handicapped Parking space at the right front of the Winn Dixie building.  (The pickup truck is shown in the space in this photo.)

I have always parked in the same spot or one to the left if the end space is occupied.

Handicapped Space where Bill Windsor always parked at Winn-Dixie
Handicapped Space where Bill Windsor always parked at Winn-Dixie

I always leave the same way.  I back straight out and then turn to the left to do a U-Turn around any of the cars in that parking area.  This puts me back on the Entrance Driveway. (I did a U just past the white car in this photo.)


This is what I see at the spot on the Driveway where I turned on the way in.

View down the driveway from corner where Bill Windsor parked to the left
View down the Driveway from corner where Bill Windsor parked to the left

I measured this at 190-feet, the distance from the Stop Sign at the highway to the entrance to the parking areas beside Winn Dixie’s building.  This is my view after I did my U-Turn.

Width of the Driveway measured at 27-feet.
Width of the Driveway measured at 27-feet.

I measured the width of the Driveway to be 27-feet.

Florida road width must be 12-feet per lane.  This makes the Driveway two lanes, one in each direction.  The Pickup Truck has a width of six-feet and is 20-feet long.

Exit from the Parking Area to the right of the Entry
Exit from the Parking Area to the right of the Entry

This is the exit from the big Parking Lot to the right of the entrance drive.  It is 70-feet to the Stop Sign.  This is where the Robert Lindquist vacated his parking space on 4/10/2024 in his 2020 Polaris Slingshot and headed for home.  He ran right into the driver’s door of the pickup truck driven by Bill Windsor.

Robert Lindquist later lied about this in a bizarre claim saying I had passed him.  But I never passed anyone, and when we first spoke on 4/10/2024, he said to me: “I didn’t see you.”  I responded: “I didn’t see you.”  He hit me from my left rear.  He came to my truck window.  I am disabled so I remained seated right where he hit me.  I did not move the truck an inch.  Robert Lindquist admitted fault and signed an agreement saying his insurance would pay.  But 10 days later, he has not filed an insurance claim.  This is very strange.


Robert Lindquist giving information to Bill Windsor after he hit Windsor's truck.
Robert Lindquist giving information to Bill Windsor after he hit Windsor’s truck.

Robert Lindquist is shown giving information to Bill Windsor after he hit Windsor’s truck.  This shows the truck in the right lane of the Driveway about 10-feet from the white line, 30-feet to the Stop Sign.  This is the precise scene of the accident.  Damage can be seen on the driver’s side of the truck.  The tree (Tree #1), seen to the right just above the cab, is 23-feet to the Stop Sign.  The white lane divider is 20-feet long, and Robert Lindquist is standing about 15-feet from it.  This places the truck at about 40-feet from the Stop Sign.  The truck is 20-feet long, so the truck is positioned from 40-feet to 60-feet in the Driveway.

Truck and Slingshot side-by-side after the accident.
Truck and 2020 Polaris Slingshot side-by-side after the accident.
License plate on Richard Lindquist Slingshot motorcycle
License plate on Richard Lindquist 2020 Polaris Slingshot motorcycle

I paid to have a Report run on this license plate.  It provides complete details on the vehicle, and it  says VIN is 57XAARHB3L8139693.  License Plate: Florida MUUS37.  But Robert Lindquist gave me an insurance card on 4/20/2024 for a 2010 Chevrolet.

Robert Lindquist Insurance Card
Robert Lindquist Insurance Card

The insurance card that Robert Lindquist allowed me to photograph on 4/20/2024 shows: Vehicle Identification Number 2G1WL52J511245489 for a 2001 Chevrolet.  This is not the 2020 Polaris Slingshot.

Robert Linquist Michigaan Drivers License and State Farm Insurance
Robert Linquist Michigan Drivers License and State Farm Insurance

I was able to lighten an unreadable photo from 4/17/2024, and it shows to be the insurance for the 2020 Polaris Slingshot.

Left front of truck after accident.

This is the left front of the truck after the accident.  The tree (Tree #2) seen above the truck cab provides further evidence of the location of the accident and the position of the truck in the far right of the Driveway.  Tree #2 is 60-feet from Tree #1, so 83-feet from the Stop Sign.  The front end of the truck is at about 63-feet from the Stop Sign.  Robert Lindquist is seen here looking at the damage.

Bill Windsor met two police officers at the Winn-Dixie Parking Lot on April 16, 2024 . Robert Lindquist, was also there.

Robert Lindquist started to change his tune on what happened.  He claimed we saw each other and he saw me pass him.  NEVER HAPPENED!  Fortunately, I took photos at the time of the parking lot accident that prove his latest story to be false.  He signed an agreement at the scene when the accident took place saying his insurance would pay.  TRUCK-ACCIDENT-11-accident-lindqiuist-insurance-agreement-2024-04-10
The police ensured that proof of insurance and driver’s licenses were exchanged.

Robert Alan Lindquist, DOB 11-16-1951, Driver’s License Michigan L532 745 040 878, 128 Oak Street, Montrose, MI 48457, 810-730-4421.  Unfortunately, the photo cut off the State Farm insurance card, so I managed to get one from him on 4/20/2024.

Robert Lindquist Insurance Card
Robert Lindquist Insurance Card

Mark Cuyler’s State Farm Insurance Card and his Florida Vehicle Registration for the Truck.

Mark Cuyler’s State Farm Insurance Card and his Florida Vehicle Registration for the Truck with my South Dakota Driver’s License.

Once I obtained the name of his State Farm Insurance agent, I sent him two emails:
Here’s my first email to the insurance agent:
Mr. Rom:
I am a State Farm customer in South Dakota.  I was driving a pickup truck loaned to me by a State Farm customer, Mark Cuyler.  I was hit in the Winn Dixie parking lot in Bushnell Florida on 4/10/2024 by Robert Lindquist.  Linquist was unable to produce a registration, and he gave me a Michigan Concealed Handgun License rather than his Driver’s License.
The Sumter County Sheriff later obtained his Michigan driver’s license.  I received an estimate for $5,900 for the repairs, but Mr. Lindquist has not filed a claim.
Please accept this as a claim.  I am at risk as I am disabled, and the driver’s door will not close properly.
I have provided complete details at
William M. Windsor,
Here’s my latest email to the insurance agent:
I was able to adjust brightness on a photo of the State Farm Florida Insurance Card for the 2020 Polaris insured by you.   Robert Lindquist, Policy Number (hard to read) KB4-5787-E09-59A.  VIN is 57XAARHB3L8139693.  License Plate: Florida MUUS37.
Please consider this a claim for $5,948.19.  The estimate and the agreement from Robert Lindquist that you will pay is at
We need this repaired ASAP, and I will need you to provide a rental car.
How does a homeowner in Michigan get Florida auto insurance?

Bill Windsor begins Oral Surgery

Bill Windsor Begins Oral Surgery on January 18, 2024.
Bill Windsor sees a Dentist from India
I spent all afternoon on 1/18/2024 at Nova Southeastern University’s Dental School in Clearwater, Florida. Such wonderful people. I saw L, Vito (Brazil), Sushma (India), Godlive (Haiti), Linda (India), and Dr. Chirag Panchal (India). I saw at least another half dozen dentists including the head of the International Dental Program.
All on 4 Dental Implants
If I could jump, I would have jumped out of the dental chair when the head honcho told Vito that what I need are two more Implants on the bottom. He had twice previously said no to that because the government grant wouldn’t cover it.  I havew the two outer Implants, with six holed between them
But today, with all my International friends huddled around, he presented a plan. HOORAY!!!!!!
Vito presented my Treatment Plan to me, and I approved it. They began with Dr. Chirag Panchal from India extracting the tooth where the crown broke off a month or so ago. It was painless. Not easy or without a lot of pressure, but painless.
I’m on a liquid diet for 48 hours. Biting on gauze pads. Got quite a headache.
Bill Windsor Oral SurgeryMy gum seems to be healing perfectly from the surgery on Thursday. I get off the liquid diet today and get to have some soft food.
On Thursday 1/18/2024, Vito and the supervising dentists gave me a Treatment Plan orally, but it wasn’t presented chronologically. They explained by tooth.
APPOINTMENT 5 — I anticipate that the next visit (Monday the 29th) will have them removing some (ultimately all) of my existing crowns on upper teeth to see underneath to determine if those teeth can be repaired. If they can be repaired, they will do so, and I will get new crowns. If they can’t, they go on an extraction list.
APPOINTMENT 6 –I believe they will then do additional repairs and place new crowns. They will identify holes that will need Implants.
APPOINTMENT 7 –Next up will be surgery to remove all the teeth that failed the crown removal inspection. There will likely be several. I think they will put me to sleep and remove all of those at one time. I’ll then need two weeks for healing.
APPOINTMENT 8 — I anticipate the next appointment will be an initial appointment with a senior Dentist who does Implants. Once he or she gets the lay of the land, I will be scheduled for the Implant Surgery.
APPOINTMENT 9 –The next appointment will be the Implant Surgery. This recovery took a while from when I had my first two Implants done five years ago.
APPOINTMENT 10 –Once healed, I go back to have the Abutment and Artifical Replacement Tooth placed.
APPOINTMENT 11 –Vito and Sushma will then do impressions and order the Dentures.
APPOINTMENT 12 –After the Dentures are manufactured, they are placed and adjusted.
APPOINTMENT 13 –If I am unable to remove them (as I have no use of my left hand), a permanent All-on-4 Denture will be manufactured for the bottom and placed.
APPOINTMENT 14 –Then they’ll have to revisit what to do on the top. This will involve multiple dentists (not students) and the head of the Dental School.
APPOINTMENT ?? AND ?????? — I have no idea what will come next. Because of the inability to use my left hand, I am not at all opposed to having all remaining upper teeth / crowns extracted and four Implant Posts placed during the Extraction process.
I estimate APPOINTMENTS 5 to 14 will take until August 2024.
Bill Windsor's Teeth
What was quoted at $56,000 will cost nothing but a lot of gas.

Bill Windsor says 2023 Sucked the Big One so Happy New Year 2024

Bill Windsor says 2023 Sucked the Big One so Happy New Year 2024

Bill Windsor says 2023 Sucked the Big One so Happy New Year 2024.

Best Wishes for a Better Year in 2024!

2023 was an unpleasant year for me.  It began by contracting COVID despite having had all the vaccinations. That was coupled with one of many falls that caused me to lose the use of my left hand.  My teeth continued to rot out of my head.  I now have more holes than teeth.  As the year draws to a merciful close, I am in serious dental pain from where I broke a crown off on a piece of soft cheese.

I can no longer chew.  But I have serious burns on my only good hand from extremely hot soup that was no match for the extremely cheap paper bowls I had purchased.

I’ve encountered one incompetent medical professional after another.

I am now at war with every federal judge in the Southeastern United States and every civil and criminal judge in the State of Florida.  A crook named Jeff Ashton dismissed my personal injury case for the traffic encounter that disabled me. I should have gotten North of $10 million.  Instead, I am in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.

I received several death threats, but admittedly fewer than the number in some years.

I’ve lost or misplaced my keys dozens of times.  Same goes for a number of other things.

I can no longer walk.

I can’t locate anyone in North Dakota.

I somehow woke up one day in October, and I was 75-years-old.

It goes on and on….

I won’t be too surprised if a dozen women sue me for child support.  I have no recollection of the sex, but we now live in a world of dishonesty.  All I know for sure is that 2023 Sucked the Big One.

Bill Windsor Has a Clean Van Down by the River II

Bill Windsor Has a Clean Van Down by the River II

Bill Windsor sends BIG thanks to Izeta and Bill for cleaning the inside of the RV today!  Three hours.  Izeta is from Bosnia.
It’s so nice to be in a clean place.  No olives, mushrooms, or broccoli on the floor.
Not a single dirty item in the sink.  Stove cleaned.  The toilet and bathroom were thoroughly cleaned.  New desk chair pad is in place with the old one in the dumpster.  RAID Ant & Roach Killer refreshed along every exterior seam on the floor.
I’d love to be able to keep it clean for a while.  New Year’s Resolution.
I didn’t accomplish much today other than direct Izeta and Bill.  I salvaged my comforter from the Truck as it’s really cold here, and getting it dry-cleaned will have to wait.  My two quilts did not get the job done last night.
FedEx notified me the battery-powered wheelchair will be delivered on Tuesday – a day early.  Jim will help me see if I can transport it in the front of the Truck.  I know I can’t lift it up over the rails in the truckbed.  The Amazon video makes it look easy, but I’m not sure I can move 70 pounds.
Goodbye Humana, hello Aetna on 1/1/2024.  I have to send in an appeal to Humana for not paying to have my teeth cleaned, something that is clearly covered.  It was denied because I only have half as many teeth, and the dental hygienist had no code Humana would accept. SMH.
I still have no money.  Wells Fargo says they have sent a new Debit Card, but I’m cardless.  The truck is loaded with laundry, but I’m moneyless.
An RV down the way is giving away American flags, so I got a pile of them for all the dental students in Clearwater (all of whom are from other countries).  I am buying flowers for each of the four members of my Dental Team, and I will insert a flag into each.
I’m back there on Thursday.  I know they will be doing individual x-rays.  I need them to do something about the pain where the crown broke off.
My back pain is MUCH better, but I simply can’t walk anymore.  I have to resign myself to that fact.
If you haven’t seen The Mighty Macs, get it on Amazon.  I think I saw it many years ago, but my memory for movies has always been non-existent.  My brain is full, so I have no place for entertainment to be stored.
In the early 70s, Cathy Rush (Carla Gugino) became the head basketball coach at a tiny, all-girls Catholic college, Immaculata.  Though her team has no gym and no uniforms — and the school itself is in danger of being sold — Coach Rush looked to steer her girls to their first national championship.  It’s a true story.
Carla Gugino is really good-looking in the movie, and her assistant coach (Sister Sunday) has such a sweet nunness.  I looked her up – Marley Shelton, and she’s been in a ton of movies.  It’s a feel good movie, and be sure to watch the credits as I was amazed at the success enjoyed after college by the players.
Go Cowboys.  Go Chiefs.

Bill Windsor has been Burned and Scammed

Bill Windsor has been Burned and Scammed

Bill used to have one good hand. Now it is burned from knuckles to wrist.
 The cheap bowls I bought at Winn-Dixie fell apart when removing REALLY hot soup from the Microwave.  Yet another lesson learned the hard way.  I did yell fu*k REALLY LOUD.
I was preparing soup because my chewing ability is gone.  Bad pain from where I lost a crown a few weeks ago.
In the middle of slathering Neosporin all over my hot hand, my cellphone beeped.  It was Wells Fargo asking me if I charged $84 on the Ivory Coast in Africa.  NOT ME!  I had to call Wells Fargo, and now I have to wait a week for a new card.  At least I wasn’t burned twice.  One bad burn and an attempted scam.  49 paper bowls into the trash bin.
My body doesn’t work to allow me to get down to get the Broccoli Cheddar Soup off the cabinets and floors.

Happy Boxing Day from Bill Windsor

Happy Boxing Day from Bill Windsor

We lived in England from 1992 to 1994, and we celebrated Boxing Day.  It seemed like a bigger holiday than Christmas.
The wealthy landowners would box up their leftovers from Christmas dinner and deliver the boxes to the peasants who worked their land.  Over the years, it became like our Thanksgiving as the extended families would get together to celebrate.
Last Boxing Day, I fell and lost the use of my left hand.  So now I’m a one-handed boxer.
I’m happy to report that I feel better today.  All of the OXY is gone.  The pain is much less.  MiraLAX finally helped.
I got my legal action filed against the United States Supreme Court Clerks.  I will post it all on…/ when time permits.
Still no word from Taylor Swift.
I need to hire a helper.  The inside of the RV is a mess.  I have ad responses, but I need to discipline myself to contact one or more of them.
I did not sleep well in bed, but I managed to sleep for a number of hours in my desk chair.
Now I need to finish my 42 USC 1983 lawsuit against Judge Carla Pepperman.  She dismissed my case when there was an automatic stay from the bankruptcy court.  I hope to file it tomorrow.  I also have lawsuits against Jeff Ashton and the Sixth District Court of Appeals.

Bill Windsor reportedly slandered by Marcie Schreck and Letty Lanzaro


Marcie Schreck

Marcie Schreck (not Shrek) is a woman in Amarillo, Texas who asked Bill Windsor for help with her family’s legal problems 12 years ago.  She was a no-show for Lawless America filming, but she contacted Bill for help again in 2021.

Bill spent virtually full-time for a year helping.  Bill stopped helping when Marcie said and did things that he considered to be scary.

Now she’s back accusing Bill Windsor of all types of things that are complete fabrications.

Today, Bill Windsor reportedly slandered by Marcie Schreck and Letty Lanzaro.  Bill received an email from long-time friend, David Schied.  He reported the following:

“Marcie Schreck and her associate, Letty Lanzaro, are two women who have been recently calling to me.  At first, Bill Windsor’s name was never mentioned to me by Marcie Schreck.  Her request was for me to tell her about SEPSIS in my person experience; and then to ask what I might recommend in her having to deal with court corruption pertaining to some case in WACO, TX related to her deceased mother’s estate and problems with her disabled son.  I did the best I could well over 1/2 hour on the first call.
“Then, after a week to 10 days, I got the call from Letty Lanzaro who called with heavy allegations about Bill Windsor being charged with “barratry” in the very same case.  A 3-way conference call was attempted but failed with Marcie.  Soon afterwards, Marcie and I spoke and she reiterated the allegations against Bill with more details.  Both women were insisting that Bill Windsor needed to take down information from the Internet about Marcie’s son’s case or it would be the end of everything for her son as well as her mother’s estate.
“Both women are saying Bill had acted selfishly and ‘lawlessly’ to enter records into the court(s) as Marcie’s “representative.”  Marcie ended up insisting that Bill had done so to get access to her mother’s estate by giving her false promises, including moving to a different state.”
Bill never did anything but help this family.  He doesn’t know Letty.  He doesn’t take well to demands and false accusations.  He will not take anything down, and he will be delighted to sue them for slander and harassment.
Here are a few of the articles that Bill Windsor has published:
Barratry (/ˈbærətri/ BARR-ə-tree) is a legal term that, at common law, described a criminal offense committed by people who are overly officious in instigating or encouraging prosecution of groundless litigation, or who bring repeated or persistent acts of litigation for the purposes of profit or harassment.

Anatomy of a Facebook Scam


I received a Friend Request from Bessie Mea Tennyson.  I accepted it because there was no cleavage or gummy bear weight-loss posts.

You’re friends on Facebook
Lives in Menlo Park, California


Hello Bill
How are you doing today?
12:59 AM

You sent

Hello Bessie Mea, I’m okay.  Thank you for being a Facebook Friend.  I’m asking all of my Friends to join the American Association of Non-Lawyers as support for all of us who don’t have lawyers.  Please join, or I’ll have to UNFRIEND as I’ve reached the max on Facebook Friends with a long list of Requests.
Bill Windsor updated his cover photo.
I’m Bessie by name, I am from Menlo Park, CA here in United States of America ,I work for Facebook Headquarters and you ?
[MY THOUGHT: She won’t join.  I smell yet another scam.]
3:19 AM

You sent

I have spent the last 14 years helping victims of injustice with legal work, I do it for free. I’m 75 years old and disabled. I can’t walk and have use of only one hand. I was hit by an 18-wheeler at 75 miles per hour in what I believe was attempted murder.
You sent
Bill Windsor Story – October 12 2023 – Bill Windsor
4:04 AM

You sent

I need you to join, or I have to unfriend you.
[MY THOUGHT: She won’t join.  She ignored my request.  The aroma of  yet another scam fills the air.]
7:55 AM
Bessie replied to you
Bessie Mea Tennyson
You sent
Pass away

You sent

I’m going to report you to Facebook for impersonating a Facebook employee.


You sent
You wrote: “our attention is urgently needed because we have a vital information to pass across to you about your Facebook Acct..” I responded: “Pass away.”
pass across. I think you are a crook.


Looks like I’m not entertained


[MY THOUGHT: OOOh, THE ANATOMY OF A FACEBOOK SCAM is definitely taking shape now. ]
Cool. For what reason?
You sent
You sent
What did I win?
[MY THOUGHT: It’s the 15th of December.  Th 6th of March was a mere 253 days ago.  It’s definitely a scam.]


You sent
What do I get?


You sent
What did I win?
You won the sum of $400,000.00USD from the Ongoing Facebook Lottery Promotion going on.
Three other winners has claimed their winnings and they are Happily living with their Family.
Here are some pictures of our winners take a good look


[MY THOUGHT: Grammar anbd punctuation are not this scammer’s long-suit.]
I am your claims officer and i am here to take you through the steps on how you will get your winnings.
Shall we proceed on the claiming of your winnings?

You sent

you may proceed
You sent
written down
[MY THOUGHT: Poop gathering.  Scamaroo.]
Those are the details you are to reconfirm in other to claim your winning prize
Those are the information needed for the processing of your Facebook Winning Certificate.
You sent
Please first give me this same information for you.
You sent
To give to law enforcement if this is a scam. is on this page.
October 2 Birth date  1948 Birth year are on this page.
Bill Windsor and William Michael Windsor are on this page.
75 years old is on this page
My address is shown on this page — 5013 S Louise Avenue #1134, Sioux Falls, SD 57018
Open photo
[MY THOUGHT: Forgery, impersonagting a government law enforcement official.]
You sent
I’ll call the local office of the FBI to confirm this. Now I need your contact information, date of birth, drivers license state and number.
Sorry I can’t give you that Bill I will only give you my Facebook ID card.

Open photo

You sent
works for me


Bessie Mea Tennyson
[MY THOUGHT:  This person doesn’t have a clue who she is dealing with.  The odds of me keeping something like this secret are 0 to 400,000.]
Hope you do understand that Bill
You sent
What’s the scammer doing???
[My Thought: Shame on scammers.]

You sent
Theses are very-real looking photos.
That’s because they are real.  My trusted companion Google Reverse Image Search has all of these.  But surprise, surprise, none of them have a dman thing to do with Facebook.
Reputed mob boss arrested in 1978 ‘Goodfellas’ airport heist
APRIL 1 2020 WESTWOOD, CA — FBI agents take Robert C. Fierro into custody…
You sent
Gee, Bessie Mea, I’d say I’ve got plenty of proof you are a scammer.
[MY THOUGHT: DUH, I just fell off a turnip truck.]


You sent
I don’t THINK it. I know it. Have your officials contact me. I’m going to print all of this on Facebook and on

Home –

9 PM

You sent

Have you ever been in prison, Bessie Mea?


I can’t be in Prison Bill for you to get your winnings prize you don’t need to deep into all this because all this has been posted by Facebook officials to keep all innocent people aware of scammers online.


As you can see am in office now.

You sent

You did a really poor job of pasting a Facebook F over some other graphic.

You sent

Are you mentally ill?


No I’m not I can’t accept those sort of words Bill you’ve to respect me as much as I’m doing with you.

You sent

I have started setting up the first of my articles on Once done, I will post it on Facebook and I will file complaints with Facebook and the FBI. If you get $400,00 to me in cash, I’ll have to drop it.

That’s absolutely no problem Bill there’s no way you’re doing this because you’ve been choosing for this and it’s yours no one can take it away.


You are to choose one out of the three listed payment option below and your winnings shall be packaged in accordance to the option you choose: Options/Preferred mode of payment 1.CHECK DELIVERY 2.ATM CARD DELIVERY 3.CASH DELIVERY

I want you to know that your CASH DELIVERY and some other relevant documents as regards to your winnings will be deliver to you by the FedEx delivery Company.  Mr Mark Eliot Zuckerberg the CEO of Facebook have ordered a private FedEx delivery company to deliver your winnings to you at your doorstep for security purpose.


As you can see am in office now.

You sent

You did a really poor job of pasting a Facebook F over some other graphic.


You sent

Are you mentally ill?


No I’m not I can’t accept those sort of words Bill you’ve to respect me as much as I’m doing with you.

You sent

I have started setting up the first of my articles on Once done, I will post it on Facebook and I will file complaints with Facebook and the FBI. If you get $400,00 to me in cash, I’ll have to drop it.

Bill Windsor – Retired Guy – Bill Windsor


That’s absolutely no problem Bill there’s no way you’re doing this because you’ve been choosing for this and it’s yours no one can take it away.



You are to choose one out of the three listed payment option below and your winnings shall be packaged in accordance to the option you choose: Options/Preferred mode of payment 1.CHECK DELIVERY 2.ATM CARD DELIVERY 3.CASH DELIVERY

You sent



I want you to know that your CASH DELIVERY and some other relevant documents as regards to your winnings will be deliver to you by the FedEx delivery Company Mr Mark Eliot Zuckerberg the CEO of Facebook have ordered a private FedEx delivery company to deliver your winnings to you at your doorstep for security purpose.

Mark Zuckerberg


Great, but I don’t want you at my home as I am not there. I am in Florida in my RV. When will the delivery be made? I’ll get you an address.


You sent

I can meet at any FedEx ofifce

Bessie replied to you

Original message:

I can meet at any FedEx ofifce

No you don’t have to worry about that.

Bessie replied to you

Original message:

Great, but I don’t want you at my home as I am not there. I am in Florida…

That’s not a problem as long as you can give us your current address in Florida it would be delivered right to you


Do you live in your RV?

You sent

I am traveling from town to town. I live full-time in my RV.

Please tell me the date for delivery, and I will get an address.


I am about to forward your info to the FedEx and head office now and once your winning certificate is ready your delivery agent will get back to you.

You sent

Great, so glad you aren’t a scammer. Brooksville is where I’ll be tomorrow.


Okay that’s good no problem Bill.

You sent

I’m excited. I’m disabled and don’t have money for surgery…until now. Maybe I will be able to walk again and regain the use of my left hand.

You sent

I received a text message from Mr Williams from FedEx Delivery Company at 510-244-3843.


Amen Bill you’ve got nothing to worry about here you’re going to be alright and walk again this is Just a Blessing from our Lord.

You sent

God Bless you and Facebook

You sent

Now he wants a fee. Nah.

I’m publishing and reporting.

Your photo will be the header on my Facebook Page.


I want you to understand that this requested fee is for the shipment of your package to you and we also want you to know that there is no way they can ship the to you if you don’t have the fee paid to the right department according to their mode of operation.


I want you to know that the Delivery Company is a profit making organization that needs to be paid for!!! The services they render the Facebook has cleared all government related taxes on this,the only fee you are to pay yourself is the delivery fee for the delivery of your package to you at your doorstep ok.

This may sound too good too be true but i bet you this is true and fully legit the FedEx fee is the only fee needed for the delivery of your check to get to you,i will solely implore you to try as much as you can to raise the delivery fee because this is the only distance between you and your CASH.

You sent

Bessie Mea Tennyson

Bill Windsor updated his cover photo.


Bill Windsor Wiped Out Physically from 300-foot Walk

Nova Southeastern University Dental School

I continue to be wiped out physically from my 300-foot walk to Nova University Dental School.  I haven’t been able to stay awake today.  I have 17 items on my Things To Do List, and I have done 1/2.
When I wake up, it takes a minute, but then I remember how special ye
sterday was. I smile all the way to my chair, and fall asleep again in minutes.
The 1/2 Thing To Do that was accomplished was to write a letter to Taylor Swift.  If she would support saving our fellow Americans from denial of our Constitutional rights, we would get 156,001 members in no time.  When I can stay awake, I need to gather every possible address for Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, Jason Kelce, Momma Donna Kelce, the Hunt family, and Blake Lively. Please help.
I have mail coming from the United States Supreme Court.  I’m anxious to see what it is.  It’s big, so it will include a rejection for filing of my latest motion.
I’m going to an RV Dealer I’ve previously been to in the Leesburg area when my helpful neighbors return.  Jim can guide me back into my parking space.  They’ll re-wire the new Inverter to the Refrigerator and the outlet that is wired to provide 12V to things.  If I can get a refund from Humana, I’ll also have them fix the toilet and see what caused me to be unable to get back in after simply pulling the door shut.  It will be a whole new life without dental concerns and broken RV parts.
I switch to Aetna on 1/1/2024.  I’m going to try now to get a January appointment for a complete physical.  I’ve seen dozens of doctors and dentists, but all were focused on specialty areas.  They did tell me yesterday at Nova Southeastern that my blood pressure was great — better than either “Godiva” or Vito.  When they heard my cholesterol, I heard what I’ve heard throughout my adult life: “We’ve never had a patient with such low cholesterol.”
This is an updated article with photos about my Nova Southeastern University experience —…/bill-windsor-had-one-heck-of…/
Nap time.😔😀😔

Story of Bill Windsor and Taylor Swift

Story of Bill Windsor and Taylor SwiftHappy Birthday to Taylor Swift. 12/13/1989.

Our story began 29 years before Taylor was born.

In 1969, as a student at Texas Tech University, I started selling fraternity and sorority merchandise, including imprinted T-shirts, jerseys, and sweatshirts.  I enjoyed making money so much that I dropped plans to attend law school.  I began my post-graduate career selling T-shirts.

My Dad thought I was making a big mistake because this had to be a fad.  I told him I was convinced it was fashion that would be long-lasting.

I started a newsletter to fellow friends selling fraternity and sorority merchandise, and then in 1977, I launched a magazine for what I named “the Imprinted Sportswear Industry.”  It was a HUGE success, and I was recognized as the father of the industry.  (The magazine and trade shows are still going strong after 46 years.)

A favorite hamburger chain, Fuddruckers, asks for your name when you order so they call out your name over the speakers when your order is cooked the way you want.  I asked the guy to pick a name for me in 2015.  He wouldn’t, so I said “Taylor Swift.”

When my order was ready, “Taylor Swift, your order is ready” went booming through the restaurant.  Everyone in the place was craning their neck to see THE TAYLOR SWIFT. They only saw me.  Don’t you know a lot of them told family and friends they had dinner with Taylor Swift!

Taylor has recently made news for buying $1,200 worth of vintage Kansas City Chiefs clothing.  This CHIEFS shirt she is wearing is way cool.  It will be reproduced and will be a huge seller.

Well, when I filled out all the paperwork at Nova Southeastern University yesterday, it asked “Name You Like to be Called.”  I thought for a second and then wrote “Taylor Swift.”

Bill Windsor had one heck of a day on December 12, 2023

Bill Windsor has a great day


My day started at 6 a.m. I didn’t sleep well as I was so excited to go to Nova Southeastern University Dental School to apply to be a patient in a special new program. (Go Dolphins!)

As long-time readers here know, I have endured Dry Mouth since my attempted murder by an 18-wheeler on 5/5/2017. This has caused me to have about 17 teeth fall out or be extracted.

I have been quoted as much as $56,000 for extractions and implants. Today, a dental student under the supervision of a faculty member dentist will do a full evaluation to ensure I am a qualified candidate.  A government grant is paying for this to cover veterans, so my DD-214 U.S. Army Discharge Papers are the most important thing to take.  I will have a permanent student dentist.  It’s a brand-new program, so I anticipated prompt treatment.

On October 3, 2023, the State gave $5 million to Nova University for dental care for veterans —*nub5pz*_gcl_au*MTkwODM0MzAzNS4xNzAyMTQ5Nzc5

I had everything I was going to take organized the night before.  So, shave, shower, floss, double brushing of my remaining teeth, sweatpants and sweatshirt as it was COLD, and shoes.

My neighbors were going on a five-day trip to the Florida Keys, and I made a “Have a Great Time” sign to put on their windshield.  But they were already gone. Back to the RV, and I was locked out.  The door wouldn’t open.  I pulled and pushed, tried other keys, and froze my butt off.  Fortunately, while everything else I needed was locked away, I had my cell phone on a rope around my neck.  I called AAA, and they could have someone there by 8:15.

I was going to be at least 45 minutes late for my 9:00 a.m. appointment.  I left a voice mail for Violet, my contact at the School.

Nova’s #1 Rule is “ALWAYS BE ON TIME.” Damn!

The AAA man got the door open, and I grabbed my stuff and hit the highway.

Nova Southeastern University Dental SchoolI had seen photos of the dental area at the main campus in Davie, Florida.  It was packed, so I left my Walker in the truck and walked with my cane so I would not be a problem when I was inside.  I have no balance, and I cannot walk more than 30 feet with the Walker.

I arrived 45 minutes late, had to walk down two flights of parking garage stairs, then a long walk to the front door of the Dental Building.  I could barely move when I got to the Reception Desk after I had gutted it out for maybe 150 feet.  Then I discovered it was another long walk, an elevator ride, and another long walk.  I almost fell over when I reached the door after close to a football field of stumbling.  The very beautiful “L” saved me, and eased me into a chair.

I apologized profusely for being late, but there was nothing but kindness.

I had a lot of paperwork to do.  “L” saw me struggling, so she got me a desk and a chair.

Nova Southeastern University Dental School

Let me set the scene.  This is the most beautiful school building I have ever seen.  They must have someone who comes around daily and fixes any scratches on the walls or whatever.  All the equipment looked brand new.

I learned there are 35 student dentists, all from other countries.  It’s a U.S. Government program.  These student dentists are here for three years, and then they get licensed in the U.S. and return to their countries as licensed dentists.

My second appointment will be data collection (X-Rays), and the third appointment will begin treatment.

My dental team was a sweet lady from Haiti with a name I can’t spell, somewhat like Godiva, and my student practitioner, Vito from Brazil.  There aren’t enough words to describe how nice and kind they were.  Dr. Goldsmith was the Supervising Dentist.  Very businesslike, but very kind.

I was asked a lot of questions, and they took a panoramic X-Ray.

After three hours, I was officially accepted!  If I could have moved, I’d have jumped for joy.  I begin treatment on January 4, 2024 as all the students get to go back to their countries for “Christmas.”  I will go on Mondays and Thursdays.

As I am a veteran, there is apparently no charge. YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I literally stumbled back to my car, but Vito showed me a shortcut and held me up until I got on an elevator.  I drove home and collapsed.  I couldn’t keep my eyes open, and I could barely walk.  But I was EXCITED!

All-on-4-Dental ImplantsIf all goes as planned, I will have fixed, permanent dentures (All-on-4) on the bottom and top.  Decay will be a bad memory in the rearview mirror.

I wrote every dental school in Florida, and Nova Southeastern was the ONLY response.  Timing is everything as they had just opened this program in Clearwater.  Thank you, God

Catherine Maloney is a New Friend of Bill Windsor

Bill Windsor met Catherine Maloney on Facebook.  Catherine Maloney is a New Friend of Bill Windsor. 

  • Catherine Maloney

Bill has over 100,000 Friends and Followers on Facebook.  Of all the women, he has encountered through his work and social life, he considers Catherine Maloney to be the most beautiful.  She looks like she could be Elizabeth Hurley‘s younger sister.

Catherine has class.  She has a spectacular style.  She is always beautifully attired.  She travels extensively, and she must have separate suitcases for glasses and sunglasses.  I don’t believe these photos were taken with a Polaroid.  Catherine Maloney apparently travels with the top fashion photographers in the world.

Catherine Maloney studied at The University of Oklahoma.  She currently lives in Leicester, United Kingdom.  She is sadly a widow.

Catherine Maloney was the Head of Sales at Xavion Energy from January 1, 2017 to November 16, 2023.  I’d buy anything she is selling.  She has a passion for innovation and strategic growth.  Catherine Maloney is a New Friend of Bill Windsor, and he is very pleased to make her acquaintance.

This slideshow of over 200 photos has an interesting back story.  When Bill Windsor met Catherine Maloney, he was immediately taken aback by her beauty.  He decided to poke around on Catherine Maloney’s Facebook Page in search of a bad photo.  He never found one.



Bill Windsor has his Appellants Brief Docketed in Case of Attempted Murder by an 18-Wheeler

Bill Windsor
Bill Windsor

Bill Windsor is appealing the corrupt actions of Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton in dismissing his personal injury case when he was disabled. 

Bill Windsor and Friends have Proposed Legislation to minimize corruption and Save America.

Bill Windsor Podcast Recording for November 16, 2023

Bill Windsor
Bill Windsor

Bill Windsor had to postpone the 11/16/2023 Pro-Se Podcast, but he was able to record a short version.

I was starting to prepare for The Pro-Se Podcast on TalkShoe at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time on 11/16/2023 when the power went out. Heavy rain here, gusty winds, so I am going to postpone this Podcast.  I originally said 11/23/2023, but now I realize that is Thanksgiving.

I’m in a boondocks-like location, so I don’t want to lose contact with folks. We now have 1,476 people registered for TalkShoe, so I’m afraid we have outgrown it. We had members turned away last week because there was no more bandwidth.

I recorded a message and put it on the Podcast Page at TalkShoe.

I’ve become frustrated with TalkShoe because I can’t get complete answers, and we seem to have outgrown it. I remain frustrated with my website Hosting companies for the same reason plus one delay after another.

We did finally get working with just a few glitches remaining. This was SOOOOO IMPORTANT because there are 2,000 articles on it dating back to 2008. Millions of reads of those articles. There’s a lot of evidence on there that is not available anywhere else.

I was able to add an article and post my Appellent’s Brief in what I call The Attempted Murder by an 18-Wheeler Case. Here’s the PDF —

It’s long, but it has valuable information and citations for any pro-se party. It also has my candid thoughts, which folks often find entertaining. LMFAO.

Now, let me explain why this Appeal could be the most important thing to happen for the American Association of Non-Lawyers. If my case gets reinstated and goes to trial, I should be awarded tens of millions of dollars. I have pledged to use this money to create a non-profit association to provide legal aid to those members of AANL who cannot afford attorneys.

I personally will use only enough to buy a small house without any steps anywhere, an inexpensive vehicle for travel to doctors and stores, and a caregiver. The home will be chosen due to no steps, close proximity to a grocery store and a hospital, and an area where I can get deliveries.

The initial expenditures of the non-profit will be News Releases to reach the masses to get them to join the American Association of Non-Lawyers.
We already have members in 49 states, DC, and Puerto Rico. The plan is that when we have big numbers, we will press for our legislation and demand that our Association take precedence over the BAR Association. PLEASE read the Proposed Legislation, and let me have your suggestions.

A few people at $20 per hour with my database of over 100,000 Friends and Followers could do wonders making contacts on my behalf with a recorded messsage from me. I simply no longer have the stamina.

The beauty of the concept of the American Association of Non-Lawyers is that those of us representing ourselves is authorized in the Constitution and federal stautes. Lawyers and the American BAR Association are not autorized in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, or any statutes.

My power just went out, but it recovered after a few seconds.

If you haven’t joined the American Association of Non-Lawyers, PLEASE DO —

I am dead serious about UNFRIENDING and BLOCKING my purported friends who aren’t members. I sent out 1,000 emails on 11/13/2023, and I will start methodically going through those with personalized emails mentioning our history. I need to get rid of all the females peddling sex or gummybears so i have space in the 5,000 Friends Cap for real people.

Sorry about the postponement.

I am searching for a podcast service that can handle a group as large as ours.

American Association of Non-lawyers – Please Join

Save yourself, your family, and your friends

Please Join American Association of Non-lawyers.  Click on this link, and fill out the form, and SUBMIT.  That’s all it takes.  I will pay your one-penny lifetime membership dues to the American Association of Non-Lawyers.

We need 156,000 members to be bigger than the Association of lawyers, so we’ve got a lot to do.

You can be part of returning America to the rights that our forefathers set out for us.

DO NOT DELAY.  It takes less than a minute and a half.

Get every family member and friend to submit one as well.

If you don’t join, you will be helping the bad guys. 😀


Bill Windsor Story – October 12 2023

As I prepare to launch an association for pro-se parties in an effort to regain our Constitutional rights and provide legal justice for non-lawyers, I was shocked as I discovered in October 2023 that very few of my Facebook Friends today were Friends back when I was filming Lawless America.  So it seems many of you don’t know who I am.

  • Facebook Cowboy Photo
    Movie Producer and Director

I believe I am the leading authority in America on judicial corruption.  This idea wasn’t hatched by some guy who just fell off a turnip truck.  (If anyone feels another is the leading authority, please notify me as I don’t want to claim anything that isn’t true.

My father was an off-the charts genius.  I got some of that, and my IQ qualified me for MENSA.

In the Seventh Grade, I was a Rainbow Rabbit.  That was the highest reading group.  I also received a Certificate of “Participation” in Penmanship.  All Read No Write.

I attended the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Kentucky, and Texas Tech University.  I graduated with a BBA in Marketing from Texas Tech.

My first job was delivering prescriptions for a pharmacy because I was a year behind in getting Driver’s Ed training and thus a year behind getting a driver’s license.  All I wanted to do was drive.

I then became a cameraman for KLBK-TV in Lubbock, Texas.  Next I was a DJ at KLBK-Radio.  I worked at several other radio and TV stations during college.  I had a TV show on WFTV Channel 9 my senior year in college.  I was terrible.

I was in the United States Army for six years, and I believe I was the last corporal to ever exist in the Army.  I was the RADAR as the commanding general’s clerk in a transportation brigade.

I became a bail bondsman at Texas Tech, and one harrowing experience convinced me I didn’t want to accept my invitation to law school.

I began my business career as a junior at Texas Tech University in 1969.  I became involved in the T-shirt business, and after eight years as a retailer, wholesaler, and manufacturer, I launched the trade magazine and trade show for the industry in 1977.  I am considered by many to be the father of the multi-billion dollar “imprinted sportswear industry.”  I guess I’m now the GRANDFATHER.  IMPRESSIONS Magazine is still going after 47 years!

I started other magazines and shows and sold the company in 1981 and “retired” at the age of 33.  My retirement didn’t last long.  I have owned and/or operated many magazines and trade shows, travel businesses, retail stores, manufacturing companies, printing company, typesetting business, advertising agency, marketing companies, convention services businesses, souvenir and gift businesses, tourist attractions, resort businesses, music businesses, computer software company, a consulting company, a food franchise, internet businesses, and more.  I have written numerous articles, books, training programs, and manuals.  I have spoken at conferences and trade shows across North America and in Europe, Australia, and China.

I’m a serial entrepreneur.  I have started over 50 businesses.

In 1990, I first represented myself in court.  The district court judge ruled in my favor.  I think Judge Marshall was enamored of a young non-lawyer consistently whipping the biggest law firms in town.  The bad guys appealed, and I gave oral argument before a panel of Texas appellate court judges.  I won.

From 1992 to 1996, I was President of Advanstar Expositions, a company owned at the time by Goldman Sachs.  Advanstar was one of the largest producers of trade shows and conferences in the world.  I lived in Chester, England in 1992 and 1993.  (In 2014, Advanstar was sold for $972 million.)

From 1996 to 2001, I was CEO of 1st Communications, a company owned by Bain Capital, Triumph Capital Group, and me.  1st Communications made a series of multi-million-dollar acquisitions to build one of the largest trade show businesses — the largest in terms of the number of annual events.  1st Communications also developed one of the first online job and resume businesses using a network of over 1,000 websites.  That business was sold to The Washington Post in 2001, and I “retired” to Atlanta, Georgia to be near grandchildren-to-be.

I used to be a reasonably normal husband, father, and grandfather.  I am committed for the rest of my life to battling judicial and government corruption, but I lost my family in the process.

In 2007, I thought judges were honest and courts were where you went for justice.

In 2008, I learned how very naïve I was.  I discovered corruption in the federal courts in Atlanta, Georgia, and I pledged I would not stop until judges and other corrupt government officials were exposed for the world to see.  My friends will tell you that I am as tenacious as they come.  I plan to spend the rest of my life on this.

After federal Judge Orinda D. Evans stole all of my money and made over 200 false statements in her order in the case, I personally filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the United States Supreme Court.  It was one of the 8,000 or so that was not considered.  (I’d have disowned my parents if they had named me Orinda.)

In 2010, SCOTUS denied petitions for writs of mandamus that I filed.  Breitbart wrote a story about it.  I quickly learned I wasn’t the only person screwed in courts.  Over 10,000 people emailed me to tell me their story.  697 people called and left a voicemail to tell me their story.  It broke Bell South’s voicemail system.  I called the first person back, David Schied, and we were on the phone for an hour and a half as I heard his horror story.

I’m not a lawyer.  I was accepted to law school but decided to go into business instead.  Over the last 16 years, I have gotten quite a legal education.  Maybe 98% of all lawyers have never had a case before the United States Supreme Court, so I take GREAT PRIDE in doing something the narcissist lawyers have never done.

Following the publicity in 2010, I conducted an online video conference, and then I conducted TalkShoe shows twice a week.  The shows provided aid to Pro-Se Litigants for free.

I came up with several ideas for how to attack corruption.  The goal was to reach a million people, because we all have at least 50 relatives, friends, co-workers, school friends, church members, and others.  If we could reach a million, and they each reached their 50, we’d hit 50,000,000.

We took petitions to be signed at the Fulton County Courthouse in Atlanta.  We were able to get 322 signed.  There are 3,244 counties and parishes in America.  Multiply 3,244 by 322, and guess what you get?  Just a little over a million!

So, we didn’t need a million people, we needed 3,244.  Sadly, most people talk, but don’t walk.

A TalkShoe discussion after this focused on how a court employee told us to bring a camera next time as it would be like a magnet, so we did.  That led to the idea of having me drive to all 50 states and DC to film a documentary.

The plan was to film one victim in each state.  But there was a big problem.  Over 10,000 people had contacted me, and 2,500 showed up wanting to be filmed.  I worked day and night for a full year and managed to film 1,500.  I became the focus of vicious cyberstalking.  I endured hundreds of death threats.

In 2008, I filmed back stories for key interviews.  I drove to Missoula, Montana to film the story of Sean Boushie, the worst of the cyberstalkers.  As I was driving to Missoula, a car two lanes to my right burst into flames and smoke.  It apparently was caused by shots that came from a grassy knoll.  I wasn’t going to get out as I feared for my life and my new bullet-proof vest was waiting for me at the hotel in Missoula.

When I booted up my computer, there was an email taking credit for the shooting.  I traced the IP address to Sean Boushie at the University of Montana.  The police, sheriff, and courts in both Missoula and Ravalli Counties did nothing.

My family asked me to stop helping people in 2013.  I declined their request.  I explained that I had made commitments to my Lawless America family.  I stopped for a while to be able to communicate with my granddaughters, but my former children didn’t keep their end of the bargain.  I was divorced in 2013 just days before our 42nd Anniversary.

In 2014, I filed suit in Ellis County, Texas against the gang of cyberstalkers, Joeyisalittlekid.

In October 2014, I left the courtroom following a hearing, and a bunch of guys with guns got on behind me.  I was taken to the Ellis County Jail.  I was not arrested.  I was held for 53 days before I was released.  I spent a total of 134 days in three jails and my bond reached $6.1 million.

I continued to help people, living in Air BnB’s or hotels.  All of a sudden, I realized I was going to run out of money, so I needed to buy a home. I moved to Leesburg, Florida just in the nick of time to be in the nick of time and bought a nice double-wide manufactured home.

On May 5, 2017, I was driving alone down the busy Florida Turnpike at 70 miles-per-hour.  I heard an explosion and then realized I had been hit by an 18-wheeler.  I had never been in a traffic accident in my life.  According to eyewitness Jerome Wilt, the 18-wheeler drove right into my lane, lifted all four wheels of my tiny convertible off the ground, spun me 180-degrees, and dropped me to the roadway.  I knew I was going to die.  I did eight high-speed spins back and forth across the six Southbound lanes.  I heard a whisper “Driver’s Ed.”  I remembered that in Driver’s Ed at age 16, they taught us to steer in the direction of the skid.  While very counter-intuitive to me, I did, and it saved me from dying against the big cement wall that was the median.  I am now a firm believer in angels and ghosts, since Audrey Hepburn visited my condo twice following my COVID vaccination on January 15, 2021.

I was ticketed for driving Northbound in the Southbound lane.  I won that.  Judge Elizabeth Starr apparently didn’t know who I was.  Another eyewitness called 911, and she had been speaking with Sean Boushie.  When I took this woman’s deposition in January 2023, she denied it all.  I now believe all of this was attempted murder.

On October 2, 2024, I had my 75th birthday.  I’m disabled, have no balance, can’t walk, and every disc from my neck to my tailbone is herniated or bulging or both.  I fell last year and lost the use of my left hand.  I have some Cognitive Decline though I got an A on my Dementia Test.  I later developed a plan for how to ace another part of the Dementia Test.

I’ve survived two attempts to murder me, and I have received hundreds of death threats, rewards posted for me to be killed, and reports to the FBI that I had a plan to kill every government official in America.

I lost my wife, two children, and four grandchildren because they were afraid they would be killed.

I now have a bit of a Lisp, caused by the loss of almost all of my teeth from anxiety medication given to me after my Attempted Murder.  It caused dry mouth, and my teeth just rotted away.

I have over 150,000 Facebook Friends or Followers.  I had 50,000 more, but Facebook deleted them all in 2013 claiming I had violated terms of service regarding nudity, pornography, and solicitation of sex.  AT&T revoked my long-time phone number claiming I violated terms of service, which they never explained.  I never violated a thing.

I have never committed a crime – not even a valid traffic ticket or parking ticket in 23 years.  I make full stops at stop signs in the middle of nowhere.

But judges hate, loathe, and despise me because I hate, loathe, and despise them.

I never lie about anything legal.

I spent 134 days in jail, but I was never arrested or read my rights.

I was held on $6.1 million bond.  Inmates seemed cautious of me as the story circulated that I was a serial killer of nuns.  In the jails I was in, there had never been an inmate with a bond as high as mine.

I used to be a multi-millionaire, but corrupt judges stole all of my money.

I should have received tens of millions from my attempted murder by an 18-wheeler.  I committed to put the money in a non-profit to provide legal aid to pro-se parties.  But Judge Jeff Ashton, of Casey Anthony and Ashley Madison fame, entered a purported order denying me the right to represent myself.  Then he dismissed my case because I didn’t have a lawyer.  I’m in Chapter 13 bankruptcy, so I have no money for a lawyer.

I sit in a chair 16 hours a day, 7 days a week and work on fighting INjustice in America.  I can’t walk, but believe me when I tell you I always walk the walk.

William M. Windsor
5013 S Louise Ave #1134
Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Please email to contact me as I am inundated on Facebook.



United States Supreme Court hears Petition of William Michael Windsor Today

Midnight September 26 2023

Nine of the most famous people in America will sit down at a special conference table in the Supreme Court building in Washington, DC today and discuss me and my case.
Justices of the United States Supreme Court
It is historic for a pro se party to have done this. A WIN will make it even more historic — first pro se party to prevail at the United States Supreme Court in 52 years, and only the second in HISTORY.
This should set precedents that will be cited from now on. It will help all pro se parties and the 63% who cannot afford an attorney.
I don’t know when their opinion will be announced. I plan to call Jake, the Clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas, at the end of the day. I’ll apologize for calling, and I’ll ask if he can tell me what happened.

Bill Windsor publishes BOB BARKER AND ME: Life in Cell Block 7

Bob Barker and Me Life in Cell Block 7Bill Windsor publishes BOB BARKER AND ME: Life in Cell Block 7, available on Amazon.

Each of the links printed below will be printed as hyperlinks for easy copying and access from the Annotations Section of the book, BOB BARKER AND ME: Life in Cell Block 7:

[1] Copyright – Courtesy of Dreamstime-19487829

2 Warning – Courtesy of Dreamstime-16345065

3 Glossary –

4 Bill W

5 AA –



8 The real Bob Barker –

9 Bob Barker Hollywood Star – Photo 40284856 | Bob Barker © Eric Broder Van Dyke |

10 Racial Disparities in Jails and Prisons –

11 Prison Race Graphs –

12 Tattoo Stats –

13 Drug Crimes –

14 Pro Se Representation Statistics –,compared%20to%2054%20percent%20represented%20by%20private%20counsel.

15 Inmate Statistics –

16 Inmate Statistics by Gender –

17 Incarceration Rates – Meyer, I. H.; Flores, A. R.; Stemple, L.; Romero, A. P.; Wilson, B. D.; Herman, J. L. (2017). “Incarceration Rates and Traits of Sexual Minorities in the United States: National Inmate Survey, 2011–2012”. American Journal of Public Health. 107 (2): 267-273. Doi 10.2105/AJPH.2016.303576. PMC 5227944. PMID 27997242

18 Jail Cell – Illustration 204109993 © Rawf88 |

19 Butt fucked – Rhinos – dreamstimefree_1936558 © Jere Paajanen –

20 Heart – heart-jail-man-cartoon-heart_love_141336-1500000-640w

21 Unnecessary Incarcerations –

22 Courtesy of Ada County Jail

23 Heart with Footprint – 19632161 © Larioja |

24 Man – Windsor owned image – people-man-3500000-060427a0036

25 Pills – dreamstimefree_463721 – – author Marcel Liebenberg

26 Man Sleeping on Book – dreamstimefree_19491128 – – author Yulia Gapeenko

27 Windsor owned image – household-800000-Household 657

28 Johnny Sack –

29 Unnecessary Incarceration –

30 Lawless America – is operated by William M. Windsor

31 Milk –

32 Farts – dangerous gases – 1087278-fart_large899072157—

33 Books – dreamstimefree_631205 author – Darko Draskovic


34 Stinks – Skunk –


35 Prison Statistics –


36 Haircut-


37 Toilet Paper-4958068-PIXABAY-BIG


38 Hot Pot -Courtesy of Bob Barker Company


39 Maid – wheres-the-maid-Courtesy of


40 Baby Shooting Finger-dreamstimefree_4536451—


41 Man Shooting Finger-dreamstimefree_3479155—


42 Ada County Jail


43 Soup – maruchan-ramen-noodle-soup-chicken


44 333 –


45 Flying Kites –


46 Dirty Thirty –


47 Telmate Jail Phone Service –


48 Disneyland –


49 Staple –


50 Man sleeping on book dreamstimefree_19491128—


51 Mattress-Bob-Barker-Company-SSCOTTON_No Pillow!01




53 Jailers

Behind Bars – Horse’s Ass Photo 48837957 © Clearvista


54 Spork –


55 Ace of Spades – Creative Commons–


56 Let’s Make s Deal – Monty Hall –


57 20 Victimless Crimes


58 Happy Birthday – 17673762 © Rasslava |

59 Finger Toothbrush –


60 Old women playing Spades


61 Tightie Whities – Courtesy of Bob Barker Company.


62 Jet – dreamstimefree_19981924—


63 Rainbow-906561 © Roman Krochuk |


64 Razor – 42327757 © Tomy86 |


65 Constitution


66 Fat Woman- Photo 108228871 © Nomadsoul1 |


67 Subway Chomo – Courtesy of TMZ/Getty jared-fogle-3beb62b53cf852ebb909446e80dda0a6_md

68 Faceless- dreamstimefree_11158828—

69 Chain – Courtesy of Dreamstime- dreamstimefree_241556—


70 All the Way –

71 Thanksgiving Turkey – dreamstimefree_5483626—

72 Staph –


73 Tragedy of Victimless Crimes –,of%20the%20total%20incarceration%20rate%20in%20our%20country.


74 Prison Costs –


75 Staph –


76 MRSA –

77 Nuns – dreamstime_xxl_222387883—


78 Bill Windsor –


79 Strong Man –


80 Six Million Dollar Man –


81 More than a Six Million Dollar Man –  Another $2 million was added in Montana.


82 Nuns – dreamstime_xxl_222387883 Free photo Author – National Library Ireland


83 Man sitting-dreamstimefree_475842—


84 Appendix – Reprinted from


85 United States Supreme Court Case #22-7648, In re: William M. Windsor


86 Joshua Hooker Jailed


87 Alex Gibson –


88 Mug Shots


89 Hole – 6×9-B—


90 People – dreamstimefree_5537033—


91 Solitary Confinement


92 Socks with Sandals-shutterstock_309605309—


93 Shawshank Redemption –


94 Shiv – dreamstimefree_4158427—


95 Shackles – Ocean Corbis—


96 Bin – dreamstimefree_6168758—


97 Spade-A-Rama- ace-of-spades-320H—


98 Games of Chance – dreamstimefree_17581929—


99 10-Cents a Copy –


100 Public Pretender – man with empty plate – dreamstimefree_965933—


101 Mug shot crumpled face mug-shot-2017—


102 Clown—


103 Drugs – dreamstimefree_463721—


104 Heart stepped on – dreamstimefree_19632161—


105 Staph, MRSA. Herpes, and TB – owned image by William M. Windsor


106 Kite – https://www


107 Light at End of Tunnel –


108 Honor Among Thieves –


109 Wheaties Vanity Fair –


110 Finger – dreamstimefree_4784252—


111 Bloody Hand – serial-killer-dreamstimefree_16635889—


112 Heart with nail – hearts-red-clipart-broken-heart-20


113 Nickname for Bill Windsor – I was nicknamed Montana in jail because the inmates could not understand how I was being held in a Texas jail on a bogus Montana charge.


114 Sleepy Man – dreamstimefree_24625576


115 Toilet – dreamstime_l_204109993-cropped-flipped—


116 Porcelain Toilet –


117 Toilet – dreamstime_l_204109993-cropped—


118 Light Switches – dreamstimefree-4945936-cropped—


119 Criminal Victimization Statistics


120 Unnecessary Incarcerations


121 Jail Statistics –


122 Homeless Statistics


123 Bob Barker Death Report


124 Prison Exterior – ada-county-jail


125 Phone – image owned by William M. Windsor – 070720b0022


126 Bob-Barker-15100912524334—


127 Cleaning Duty—


128 Scabies –


129 None of these numbers matter as far as Windsor is concerned.  He gets 100 Bonus Points for being hated by judges nationwide for battling judicial corruption.


130 Trash – dreamstimefree_5619153—


Gender –


Drug Facts –


Ellis County Commissary Cart


Ellis County Sheriff –


Felony Flu – people-man-3500000-060427a0036


Prison Food –


Prison Statistics –


Rape –


Time Out


BENCHBOOK for U.S. JUDGES now being distributed.

Here is the first shipment of BENCHBOOK for U.S. JUDGES: Corruption Edition.  Received on an interesting date – 9/11.
The Book is Everything They Don’t Teach in Law School, and it’s only $9.99.
PLEASE, please, Please buy some copies. Keep one for yourself, and donate a copy to the nearest law school or university. Perfect holiday gift for any judge, attorney, law school student, law enforcement person, victim of INjustice, or incarcerated person on your list.
I believe this book offers the greatest potential to impact the pandemic of judicial corruption. We need to get it distributed far and wide. This book will educate our fellow citizens about the reality of Lawless America and the dishonest people who run it.

Bill Windsor publishes BENCHBOOK for U.S. JUDGES

BENCHBOOK for U.S. JUDGES - Corruption EditionBill Windsor publishes BENCHBOOK for U.S. JUDGES.

Each of the links printed below will be printed as hyperlinks for easy copying and access from the Annotations Section of the book, BENCHBOOK for U.S. JUDGES: Corruption Edition:

[1] By Constitutional Convention of 1787 – This file has been extracted from another file, Public Domain,


[3] to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive

[4] A “Favored Party” is one who has greased the palm of the judge with green cash money or who has a relationship with the judge that will cause that judge to ensure a win.

[5] The “Naughty List” is the list of all the attorneys who do not play ball with the Corruption that has been established to run the legal system.

[6] Motion to Disqualify or Recuse –

[7] Affidavit of Prejudice in Support of the Motion —

[8] Certificate of Good Faith —

[9] Judicial Qualifications Commission Complaint —  —

[10] Judicial Qualifications Commission Denial —

[11] Judicial Qualifications Commission Reconsideration —

[12] Judicial Qualifications Commission Letter –



[15] Denied the Constitutional Rights to Due Process — (Pages 10 to 20)

[16] “The Designated Loser” is the party who has not greased the palm of the judge with green cash money or who does not have a relationship with the judge that will cause that judge to ensure a win.  (Opposite of “The Favored Party.”)









[25] Lewis, Anthony (1964). Gideon’s Trumpet. U.S.: Random House. ISBN 978-0-679-72312-7.

[26]  Photo of Bill Windsor on a movie set in 1985.  Copyright 1985-2023, William M. Windsor.  Windsor figured a photo at half his current age was kind of current.

[27] Windsor hired an attorney and sued the Niagara Falls Commission in Ontario for giving these people the multi-billion rights to the boat rides without the required competitive bidding.  He won.  Competitive bidding was done, and the Niagara Parks Commission receives a huge amount of money each year.









Bill Windsor appeals Jeff Ashton

This is Bill Windsor’s Appellant’s Brief in the case he calls “Attempted Murder of Bill Windsor by 18-Wheeler.”  Only absolutely, completely, totally corrupt judges could deny this appeal.



WILLIAM WINDSOR,                 CASE NO.: 6D23-2476

CASE NO. 2018-CA-010270-O


ROBERT KEITH LONGEST, an individual, and BOISE CASCADE BUILDING MATERIALS DISTRIBUTION, L.L.C., a Foreign Limited Liability Company,





William M. Windsor, Plaintiff, Appellant

5013 S Louise Ave #1134, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108

352-XXX-XXXX —


Matthew J. Conigliaro, Defendants’ Appellate Attorneys

Carlton Fields, P.A., 4221 W. Boy Scout Blvd., Suite 1000

Tampa, Florida 33607, (813) 229-4254,,


Blake Mansker — Scott Warburton, Defendants’ Attorneys

Adams | Coogler, P.A., 1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. Suite 1600, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, 561-478-4500 Fax: 561-478-7847,,, and





INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………….. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………i

TABLE OF CITATIONS………………………………………………………. ii


STATEMENT OF THE CASE ………………………………………………….1

SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT………………………………………………….40













ARGUMENT IV — THE 03/22/2023-ORDER VIOLATES FLORIDA STATUTE 38.10, the general florida disqualification statute…………………………………….58














18 u.s.c. 1519………………………………………………………….67



court destroyed evidence and VIOLATed

florida statute 839.13………………………………………… 68



TO SUPPORT DISMISSAL……………………………………………69








CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE……………………………………….. ……..xi






CASES                                                                   PAGE NUMBER

18 U.S.C. 1519……………………………………………………41, 67
18 U.S.C. 4……………………………………………………………..72
ABA Rules of Professional Responsibility……………………….
Article I, Section 21, Florida Constitution (1968)…………..…62
Butz v. Economou, 98 S. Ct. 2894 (1978)………………………62
Cannon v. Comm. on Judicial Qualifications, (1975)

14 Cal. 3d 678, 694……………………………………………..62

Canon 3E………………………………………………………….51, 52
Carey v. Piphus, 435 U.S. 247, 259-262, 266-267 (1978)….51
Carey v. Piphus, 435 U.S. 247, 259-262, 266-267 (1978)….66
Concrete Pipe & Prods. V. Constr. Laborers Pension,

508 U.S. 602, 617 (1993) (citation omitted)…………..54, 55

Crosby v. State, 97 So.2d 181 (Fla. 1957)………………………51
Crosby v. State, 97 So.2d 181 (Fla. 1957)………………………66
Daytona Migi Corp. v. Daytona Automotive Fiberglass,

417 So.2d 272 (Fla. 5th DCA 1982)…………………………..64

Dickenson v. Parks, 104 Fla. 577, 140 So. 459 (1932)….51, 66
Downs v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901)………………………….62
Duncan v. Missouri, 152 U.S. 377, 382 (1894)………………..62
Elmore v. McCammon (1986) 640 F. Supp. 905………………62
Faretta v. California (1975)…………………………………………62
Florida Bar v. Brumbaugh, 355 So.2d 1186 (Fla. 1978)…….62
Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct……………………..12
Florida Code of Judicial Conduct……………………… 51, 52, 59
Florida Code of Judicial Conduct Canons 1, 2, and 3……….66
Florida Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 3-B (7) and E. 2 I

………………………………………………………………….59, 66

Florida Constitution § 9……………………………………….42, 61
Florida Criminal Statute 839.13………………………………..
Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure Rule-2.330…………….59
Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Rule-1.140……………………42
Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Rule-1.190 (e)………………..35
Florida Rules of Judicial Admin 2.160………………………59, 66
Florida Statute 38.02………………………………………………..59
Florida Statute 38.10………………………………………………..59
Florida Statute 839.13………………………………………………68
Florida Statute 92.525……………………………………………..xiii
Florida Statutes……………………………………………………….59
Geiler v. Comm. on Judicial Qualifications, (1973)

10 Cal.3d 270, 286………………………………………………..62

Giozza v. Tiernan, 148 U.S. 657, 662 (1893)……………………62
Goldberg v. Kelly, 397 U.S. 254, 267 (1970)…………………….53
Gomillion v. Lightfoot, 364 U.S. 155 (1966)……………………..62
Gonzalez v. Comm. on Judicial Performance, (1983)

33 Cal. 3d 359, 371, 374…………………………………………62

Haines v. Kerner (1972)……………………………………………….62
In Boyd v. United, 116 U.S. 616 at 635 (1885)………………….61
In re Murchison, 349 U.S. 133 (1955)…………………………….56
In re United States of America, 441 F.3d at 66…………………56
In re: Windsor, Petition in U.S. Supreme Court

Case#22-7648…………………………………………..…1, 28, 65

In re: Windsor, Case#6-21-bk-04061 in the U.S. Bankruptcy

Court for the Middle District of Florida…..……………….…..2

Jenkins v. McKeithen, 395 U.S. 411, 421 (1959)………………62
Johnson v. Mississippi, 403 U.S. 212, 216 (1971)……….54, 55
Joint Anti-Fascist Committee v. McGrath, 341 U.S. 123,

172, (1951)…………………………………………………….51, 66

Judiciary Act of 1789…………………………………………………61
Kentucky Railroad Tax Cases, 115 U.S. 321, 337 (1885)…….62
Levine v. United States, 362 U.S. 610, 80 S.Ct. 1038 (1960)

………………………………………………………………………..54, 55

Liteky v U.S., 510 US 540 (1994)………………………………….54
Littleton v. Berbling, 468 F.2d 389, 412 (7th Cir. 1972)…….56
Lowery v. Kaplan 650 So. 2d 114 (4 DCA 1995)………………58
Maid of the Mist v. Alcatraz Media, Superior Court of

Gwinnett County Georgia, Case#05A-10097-3……………2

Maid of the Mist v. Alcatraz Media, USDCNDGA


Marchant v. Pennsylvania R.R., 153 U.S. 380, 386 (1894)

……………………………………………………………………..…..52, 53

Marshall v. Jerrico, Inc., 446 U.S. 238, 242 (1980)….51, 53, 66
Matthews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319, 344 (1976)……………….66
Maty v. Grasselli Chemical Co., 303 U.S. 197 (1938)………….62
Miller v. Donald, 541 F.3d 1091, 1096 (11th Cir. 2008)………56
Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 426, 491; 86 S. Ct. 1603……….62
Nicholson Supply Co. v. First Fed. Sav. & Loan Assoc.,

184 So.2d 438 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1966)……………………………64

Ninth Judicial Circuit Courtroom Decorum Policy……………..12
Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 p. 442………………….62
Offutt v. United States, 348 U.S. 11, 14, 75 S. Ct. 11, 13 (1954)

…………………………………………………………………………..54, 55

Olmstad v. United States, 277 U.S. 438 (1928)…………………..62
Osborn v. Bank of the United States, 9 Wheat (22 U.S.)

738, 866, 6 L.Ed 204 (1824)…………………………………56, 62

Peters v. Kiff, 407 U.S. 493, 502 (1972)………………………54, 55
Picking v. Pennsylvania Railway, 151 F.2d. 240, Third Circuit

Court of Appeals…………………………………………………….62

Procup v. Strickland, 792 F.2d 1069, 1072 (11th Cir. 1986)

(per curiam) (en banc)……………………………………………..57

Pucket v. Cox, 456 2nd 233………………………………………….62
Quinn v. Housing Auth. of Orlando, 385 So.2d 1167 (Fla. 5th

DCA 1980)……………………………………………………………64

Rodriguez-Diaz v. Abate 613 So, 2d 515 (3DCA 1993)…………58
Rule 2.160, Fla. R. Jud. Admin………………………………..51, 52
Rule 2.515 of the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration.….64
Rule 2.6 of the Rules of Judicial Conduct published by the

American Bar Association………………………………………..62

Rule 9.210(a)(2)(B) of the Florida Rules of Appellate


Schweiker v. McClure, 456 U.S. 188, 195 (1982)……………….
Sherar v. Cullen, 481 F. 2d 946 (1973)……………………………62
Simmons v. United States, 390 U.S. 377 (1968)………………62
Smith v. Allwright, 321 U.S. 649………………………………….62
Snyder v. Massachusetts, 291 U.S. 97, 105 (1934)…………..53
State ex rel. Davis v. Parks, 141 Fla. 516, 194 So. 613

(1939)…………………………………………………………..51, 66

State ex rel. Mickle v. Rowe, 100 Fla. 1382, 131 So. 3331

(1930)…………………………………………………………..52, 66

Stone v Powell, 428 US 465, 483 n. 35, 96 S. Ct. 3037……..54
Truax v. Corrigan, 257 U.S. 312, 332……………………………62
U.S. Constitution……………………………………………………..61
U.S. Constitution Fourteenth Amendment, § 1……………….
U.S. Constitution Sixth Amendment…………………………….44
U.S. v. Simpson, 927 F.2d 1088 (9th Cir. 1990)………………56
U.S.C. § 1654.…………………………………………………………61
United States v. Lee, 106 U.S. at 220, 1 S. Ct. at 261


Wanda I. Rufin, P.A. v. Borga, 294 So.3d 916 (Fla. App.


Warnock v. Pecos County, Texas, 88 F3d 341 (5th Cir.


Weiser v. Weiser, 132 So. 3d 309, 311 (Fla. 4th DCA



  1. This is a civil case for personal injury negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress. An Order of Dismissal against WINDSOR with Prejudice was dated 07/18/2023 in Case #2018-CA-00270-O. [APPENDIX-5001.]
  2. But on 07/24/2023, in Appellate-Case#6D23-2476, the Clerk issued an Order to Show Cause within twenty days why this appeal should not be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. [APPENDICES—5002-6357.]
  3. And on 07/31/2023, in Appellate-Case#6D23-2476, an Order for Immediate Filing of Brief was issued. WINDSOR was given 30 days to serve the Initial Brief. [APPENDICES-5003-5004.]  So, here it is.
  4. WINDSOR has not received hearing transcripts that have been promised. [APPENDICES 6405-6406-6407-6408.]
  5. WINDSOR currently has pending U.S. Supreme Court Case #22-7648, distributed for Conference of 09/26/2023. [APPENDICES-5005-5006.] These cases are related; WINDSOR is the Pro-Se Plaintiff in both cases, and both cases involve intentional abuse of WINDSOR in denial of his Constitutional rights.
  6. In 2005 at age 56, WINDSOR thought judges were honest and court was where justice is done. On 08/29/2005, WINDSOR, who was retired, was sued in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County Georgia, Case#05A-10097-3.  The sworn complaint [APPENDIX-5007] was completely false as was proven in depositions and affidavits. [APPENDIX-5008.]  See USDCNDGA Case#1-06-CV-0714-ODE-Docket—361-362. [APPENDIX-6358.]
  7. Despite the overwhelming facts and the law, Judge Orinda D. Evans (“JUDGE EVANS”) entered an order for the Plaintiffs. [APPENDIX-5009.] WINDSOR has sworn under penalty of perjury that her Order contained 210 false statements. [APPENDIX-6403.]  WINDSOR believes a 32-year federal judge doesn’t make 210 “errors” in one order; she committed 210 corrupt acts to benefit the largest law firm in Georgia.
  8. The actions of JUDGE EVANS, Judge Thomas W. Thrash (“JUDGE THRASH,”) and the 11TH CIRCUIT cost WINDSOR millions of dollars and wiped out his finances. He has struggled financially ever since and, at age 74, is in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy (Case#6-21-bk-04061 in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida). [APPENDICES-5011-5012.]
  9. WINDSOR was brought up by wonderful parents who never lied, and they taught him this important lesson. WINDSOR has never lied in a legal matter, and he became committed to trying to make a difference in the legal system with those, like himself, who could not afford attorneys.
  10. Blessed with a MENSA IQ, very strong reading and comprehension skills, and 42-words-per-minute typing speed with two fingers, WINDSOR studied paralegal work and, in 2010, began helping people (at no charge) who could not afford attorneys or paralegals (63% of the parties in civil courts today). 13 years later, he has helped several thousand people for free.
  11. In 1967, WINDSOR began working in radio and television. He was in a special Press Corps at the Apollo 11 Launch.  In 1977, he began publishing magazines.
  12. In 2008, WINDSOR began publishing articles online about Pro-Se issues, and in 2009, he began hosting an online radio show for those who could not afford attorneys. In 2010, he hosted an online video conference and was contacted by over 10,000 people who wanted to tell him their stories of  This led to WINDSOR driving to all 50 states and DC in 2012 and 2013 to film a documentary about government, judicial, and law enforcement corruption.  The plan was to film 51 people, but 2500 showed up to be filmed.  He managed to film 1500 in a year.  Constituents of members of the House and Senate met WINDSOR in D.C. to personally deliver the Documentary to their legislators in 2013. (See and
  13. In late May 2011, WINDSOR was informed by radio talk show hosts of a plan to have him killed. WINDSOR notified the FBI and spoke with agent Harry Hammick but nothing was investigated. (See
  14. WINDSOR received hundreds of threats from people on the other side of stories he shared. It began about the time he managed to help encourage a judge to vacate an order that required a 13-year-old girl to have unsupervised sleep-over visits with her biological father who sexually molested her.
  15. WINDSOR seems to be hated by every dishonest judge he encounters. His legal history is filled with dishonest and corrupt acts by judges.
  16. On 08/04/2013, an attempt was made to murder WINDSOR. He was shot at on the Interstate in Montana, but the bullets hit a car to his right. [APPENDICES-5013-5014.] He received an email taking credit for the shooting, and WINDSOR was able to trace the IP to identify the shooter as Sean Boushie, a Montana man who had threatened WINDSOR hundreds of times because he filmed a woman Sean Boushie hated. [APPENDIX-5015.]  See  Two police departments, two sheriffs departments, and four courts did nothing.  It became clear to WINDSOR that Boushie was protected by government people.
  17. On 05/05/2017, an 18-wheeler smashed into WINDSOR at 70 miles per hour on the Florida Turnpike and sent WINDSOR and his car airborne. [APPENDIX-5054.]
  18. MRIs, CT-SCANS, X-Rays, Ultrasounds, Nerve Conduction Studies, and more have been done since 05/05/2017. MRIs taken on 03/31/2023 reveal that WindsoR’s injuries have progressed as there has been no medical treatment due to no money.  He now has three Herniated Discs in his back, five Herniated Discs in his neck, ten Disc Bulges, and a Diastasis Recti abdominal injury… all generated by the DEFENDANTS on 05/05/2017. [APPENDICES-5016-5017.]
  19. WindsoR is in constant pain. He can barely walk with assistance.  He has no balance.  He has fallen as many as 100 times.  He uses a walker and a cane, but he cannot go more than 30-feet without needing to rest.
  20. He has difficulty sleeping and never more than a few hours at a time. He has lost 12 teeth and was recently told all remaining teeth must be extracted.  This has been caused by medication WindsoR takes for anxiety due to the accident and aftermath.
  21. WindsoR’s only hope for some relief came from this personal injury lawsuit (Case #2018-CA-010270-O (“010270”)) as his personal insurance coverage ran out long ago. WINDSOR was in excellent physical health before he was crushed on 05/05/2017.
  22. 010270 was instituted in the Ninth Judicial Circuit in Orange County, Florida on 09/20/2018. [APPENDIX-5018.]  It was filed by Dan Newlin & Partners (“Newlin”).  The filing fee was paid. [APPENDIX-6362-P.30.]  010270 was assigned to Judge Lisa T. Munyon. (“JUDGE MUNYON”).  NEWLIN did not consult with WINDSOR, and the Complaint contained stupid errors.
  23. NEWLIN began Discovery in the case when the Complaint was filed. [APPENDICES–5062-5063-5064-5065.]
  24. On 10/10/2018, Discovery was filed by the DEFENDANTS, but unsigned. [APPENDICES-5066-6304.] [1] Answers to Interrogatories were also unsigned. [APPENDICES-5068-5069.] DISREGARD.
  25. On 11/16/2018, the DEFENDANTS filed Answers to Admissions, and both were signed with signed Certificates of Service as well. [APPENDICES-5070-5071.]  So, the DEFENDANTS know how to sign.
  26. But the Answers contain false statements and evade providing valid answers. [APPENDIX-5070–#3-#4-#6.] [APPENDIX-5071–#6-#8.]
  27. After NEWLIN was terminated, WINDSOR sought additional discovery. [APPENDICES-6319-6320-6321-6322-6323-6324-5052-5053-5057-5058-5051.]
  28. Virtually everything filed by the DEFENDANTS in 010270 has been unsigned and violates the Rules. APPENDIX-5019 is a DOCKET, and a check of filings by the DEFENDANTS will show them unsigned.  APPENDIX-6410 is an analysis of every filing by the DEFENDANTS.  It shows all 97 unsigned.  These must be disregarded by the court in considering FACTS.
  29. The DEFENDANTS filed a joint unsigned ANSWER on 10/10/2018. [APPENDIX-5021.] It contains LIES.
  30. 010270 was transferred to Judge John Marshall Kest (“JUDGE KEST”) on 08/25/2020 [APPENDIX-6351], and he approved an amended complaint on 10/20/2020. [APPENDIX-5082-08/19/2020.] [APPENDIX-5020-10/10/2020.]
  31. 010270 is about auto negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress, dishonesty, abuse, corruption, and the destruction of WindsoR’s health and life.
  32. Case#010270 has been pending for five years with seven Defense attorneys and four trial settings [APPENDICES-5023-5024-5025-5026.]
  33. On 02/05/2019, NEWLIN took a one-hour Deposition of LONGEST. WINDSOR was not notified of the Deposition, and the information he needed was neither sought nor obtained by NEWLIN. [APPENDICES-5075-6241.]
  34. On 04/08/2019, WINDSOR’s Deposition was taken. In a stunning change, a NEWLIN attorney actually notified him of the date and time. [APPENDIX-6242.]
  35. On 10/04/2019, a Mediation was held. It was a complete waste of time.  The DEFENDANTS’ attorney claimed he was unfamiliar with the case, and another NEWLIN attorney was definitely unfamiliar with the case.
  36. On 02/26/2020, a Motion to Withdraw as Counsel for WINDSOR was filed by NEWLIN. [APPENDIX-6409.]
  37. On 03/19/2020, WINDSOR terminated Newlin [APPENDICES–5049-5050] because WINDSOR was completely unhappy with their work and lack of work.
  38. On 03/19/2020, an ORDER confirmed removal of NEWLIN as WINDSOR’s attorney. [APPENDIX-5050.]
  39. WINDSOR began representing himself Pro-Se. He is not an attorney, but he has independently studied law and has represented himself in various actions for over 25-years.
  40. When WINDSOR obtained the files from Newlin’s firm, he discovered an even worse job than he had anticipated. He began work on problems with motions to compel interrogatories, compel production, and objections to admissions.  The DOCKET shows this work. [APPENDIX-5019.]
  41. On 06/24/2020, WINDSOR also filed Motions for Sanctions for Fraud on the Court against both LONGEST and BOISE. [APPENDICES-5055-5056.]
  42. On 06/24/2020, WINDSOR filed a sworn affidavit swearing as to the events of 05/05/2017. [APPENDIX-5054.]
  43. On 07/01/2020, WINDSOR filed Amended Motions for Sanctions for Fraud on the Court against both LONGEST and BOISE. [APPENDICES-5059-5060.]
  44. On 07/07/2020, a Hearing was held. [APPENDIX-6314.] The request to File an Amended Complaint was denied without prejudice and claimed paragraphs 15-21-22-23-24-25-26-46 were improperly plead and that the matters are barred from this litigation.  On the Motion to Compel Incomplete Answers to Interrogatories, the Court required a better answer to interrogatory #8 and allowed the Defendants 20-days to answer. [APPENDICES-6315-6316-6317.]
  45. On 07/20/2020, the Defendants filed one of the most frivolous motions in the history of Florida civil courts. Defendants’ unsigned Emergency Motion Requesting the Court to Determine if Plaintiff William Windsor is Mentally Competent to Represent Himself was filed. [APPENDIX-5061.]  It’s as FRIVOLOUS as can be as part of their campaign of INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS.
  46. It became clear that the DEFENDANTS knew they could get away with anything. The attorneys repeatedly sought dismissal because they knew they would lose on the facts of the case.  They also dreamed up outlandish motions to dismiss because they knew this would distress WINDSOR.
  47. On 07/27/2020, WINDSOR filed a Motion to Cancel Hearing and Strike Competency Motion. [APPENDIX-5077.] It was denied. [APPENDIX-5078.]
  48. DEFENDANTS filed an unsigned Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Obey USDC 02/12/2018 Order [APPENDIX-6411.] WINDSOR did not violate a federal court order, and that is not a state court issue.  The USDC order provided only none sanction an only by the USDC.  This Motion was about as frivolous as the motion to declare the Plaintiff incompetent.  
  49. The Defendants filed over a dozen requests to dismiss 010270 – all baseless, yet the judges let them get away with it. They have claimed a plaintiff can have his case dismissed if he is old and has some memory challenges; they have claimed a case can be dismissed if a party uses social media; they have claimed use of social media violates the COURTROOM Decorum Policy; they have claimed a case can be dismissed if a member of the press for the last 57 years continued to publish; they have claimed a case can be dismissed if the Plaintiff is in bankruptcy and has no money to pay for an attorney; a case can be dismissed if a party files evidence.  On top of all this, they lie and lie and lie.
  50. On 07/27/2020, the DEFENDANTS each filed a motion to dismiss due to a claim of failure to obey a USDC Order. [APPENDIX-6411.]
  51. On 07/28/2020, an Order was issued Denying WINDSOR’s Motion to Cancel 08/04/2020 Hearing and Motion to Strike Defendants’ Emergency Motion to require WINDSOR to Comply with the Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct. [APPENDIX-5078.].
  52. WINDSOR’s motions were either ignored or denied with no legal or factual basis. See the 010270-DOCKET for other filings as there is not sufficient word count to address here. [APPENDIX-6399.]
  53. None of the exhibits presented by the DEFENDANTS in 010270 were authenticated as required by the Rules. The ONLY sworn or verified statements in five years are in APPENDIX-5139, so there is nothing to discuss about Facts when the only facts in the case are from WINDSOR.
  54. On 07/30/2020, WINDSOR filed First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Notices of Filing Exhibits. [APPENDICES-5080-5081-5083-5084-5085.] These exhibits provided evidence in opposition to DEFENDANTS’ Emergency Motion to Determine Competency and Enforce Adherence and for Sanctions and/or were in opposition to the 08/04/2020 hearing.  Theses exhibits prove false claims in the DEFENDANTS’ Motions.
  55. On 08/04/2020, LONGEST and BOISE filed a Motion for Protective Order [APPENDIX-5091.]
  56. On 08/11/2020, Orders were issued denying WINDSOR’s Motions for Sanctions Against LONGEST and BOISE for Fraud on the Court. [APPENDICES-5096-5097.] These Orders are outrageous.  WINDSOR presented evidence of 196 violations.
  57. On 08/11/2020, WINDSOR filed a Response to Motion for Protective Order and Motion to Strike. [APPENDIX-5094.]
  58. On 08/18/2020, WINDSOR filed Exhibits in Opposition to DEFENDANTS’ 07/20/2020 Motion to Dismiss for use at 08/25/2020 Hearing. [APPENDICES-5100-5101-5102.]
  59. On 08/18/2020, WINDSOR filed a signed Request for Judicial Notice as to many cases. [APPENDIX-5099.]
  60. WINDSOR filed motions for sanctions with law and evidence galore, and the judges ignored them and then claimed WINDSOR violated the rules.
  61. On 08/18/2020, WINDSOR filed an extensive Memorandum of Law on filing restrictions. [APPENDIX-510]
  62. On 08/19/2020, an ORDER Granting Protective Order was issued on All Discovery Pending Determination of Competency and Dismissal. [APPENDIX-6333.]
  63. WINDSOR’s Motions for Reconsideration of Order on Motion for Sanctions Against Longest and Boise for Fraud on the Court were filed on 08/23/2020. [APPENDICES-6334-6335.]
  64. On 08/20/2022, WINDSOR filed EXHIBITS for the 08/25/2020 HEARING. [APPENDICES-5104-5105.]
  65. On 08/22/2022, WINDSOR filed Requests for Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law on two orders. [010270-DOCKET-187-] Both were ignored.
  66. On 08/23/2020, WINDSOR signed and filed Motions for Reconsideration of orders on motions for sanctions for Fraud on the Court. [APPENDICES-6334-6335.] WINDSOR believes the denial of these motions proves judicial corruption.
  67. On 08/24/2020, WINDSOR verified and filed a Motion for Continuance of the 08/25/2020 HEARING. [010270-DOCKET-192.]
  68. On 08/25/2020, WINDSOR filed his Response to the Emergency Motion Requesting the Court to determine if WINDSOR was Competent to Represent Himself and requiring him to Comply with the Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct. [APPENDIX-5108.] WINDSOR is not a member of the Florida Bar, and those rules CLEARLY apply ONLY to attorneys who are members.
  69. On 08/25/2020, WINDSOR filed a Verified Motion to Disqualify JUDGE MUNYON. [APPENDIX-6270.] It was granted. [APPENDIX-6413.]  Judge John Marshall Kest (“Judge Kest”) was named to replace JUDGE MUNYON. [APPENDIX-6351.]
  70. WINDSOR’s Response to Motion for Competency, Motion to Strike, and Motion for Sanctions was filed on 08/25/2020. [APPENDIX-5108.] This Notarized Response spelled out all the reasons the DEFENDANTS’ Motion was false, malicious, and frivolous.
  71. On 08/29/2020, Motions for Sanctions were filed by WINDSOR to Strike Answers of Boise and LONGEST for Fraud on the Court. [APPENDICES-5115-5116.] 149 reasons were detailed for each of the DEFENDANTS. 298 counts!
  72. On 09/21/2020, DEFENDANTS filed an unsigned unverified Response to WINDSOR’s Motions for Reconsideration. [APPENDIX-5122.]
  73. On 09/28/2020, WINDSOR filed a Verified Motion to Disqualify/Recuse JUDGE KEST. [APPENDICES-5124-5125.] It was denied improperly on 09/30/2020. [APPENDIX-5127.]
  74. On 10/01/2020, an ORDER was entered on Defendants Motion to Dismiss and For Sanctions. [APPENDIX-5128.] The DEFENDANTS’ Motions were DENIED with an excellent explanation.
  75. This Order did not grant any relief to the DEFENDANTS or place any requirements on WINDSOR.
  76. On 10/20/2020, WINDSOR actually had a motion partially granted. [APPENDIX-5020.] JUDGE KEST’s Order granted WINDSOR’s motion to amend the complaint.  This gave WINDSOR two causes of action for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and cleaned up various errors by NEWLIN.
  77. On 11/20/2020, an ORDER Denying WINDSOR’s Second Motion to Disqualify JUDGE KEST was issued. [APPENDIX-5137.]
  78. APPENDIX-5082 contains the Third Amended Complaint approved by Judge Kest. It has causes of action against each Defendant for Negligence and for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. [APPENDIX-5082—EXHIBIT-3-PP.12-14.]
  79. On 10/01/2020, DEFENDANTS filed a Motion for Rehearing of Motion to Dismiss Based on Potential Miscommunication. [APPENDIX-5129.] WINDSOR responded. [APPENDIX-5130.]  The Motion was denied. [APPENDIX-5131.]
  80. On 11/03/2020, WINDSOR filed a Verified Motion for Reconsideration of Orders of Judge Kest. [APPENDIX-5132.] It was denied. [APPENDICES-5132-6345.]
  81. On 11/04/2020, DEFENDANTS filed an unsigned, unverified notice of opposition to WINDSOR’s emergency motion for stay or continuance or in the alternative their motion to dismiss Plaintiff’s complaint without prejudice. [APPENDIX-5134.] The Opposition makes many false and malicious statements.  Due to no signature and no verification, WINDSOR will not waste time responding.
  82. On 11/09/2020, DEFENDANTS filed an unsigned Answer to the Amended Complaint. [APPENDIX-5022.]
  83. On 11/09/2020, WINDSOR filed a Motion for Reconsideration of order of JUDGE KEST dated 10/20/2020 [APPENDIX-5135.]
  84. On 11/19/2020, WINDSOR filed a Second Verified Motion to Disqualify or Recuse Judge Kest. [APPENDIX-5136.] It was denied. [APPENDIX-5137.]
  85. On 11/24/2020, DEFENDANTS filed an unsigned Motion for Attorney’s Fees and Costs. [APPENDIX-5138.]
  86. On 01/01/2021, Jeffrey L. Ashton (“JEFF ASHTON”) became the “judge” in 010270. Since that date, JEFF ASHTON has entered 39 orders: APPENDICES-5144-5145-6300-5149-5152-5155-5156-6298-6340-5180-5181-5182-5184-5185-5186-5187-5189-5190-6296-5026-6294-6206-6207-6208-6336-6287-6234-6237-6238-6246-6261-6262-6263-6264-6277-6278-6341-6343-6302.
  87. Of the 39 Orders entered in 010270, not a single order granted relief to WINDSOR. This is the work of a corrupt judge.
  88. On 01/11/2023, a hearing was held. [APPENDIX 6405 is the Transcript.]
  89. On 01/25/2021, DEFENDANTS filed the Affidavit of Scott L. Astrin. He lied about attorney’s fees.  This is the only affidavit ever filed by the DEFENDANTS in 010270.  Paragraphs 6-7-8 are false and constitute perjury. [APPENDIX-5139.]  The DOCKET [APPENDIX-6399] shows there is no 10/10/2020-Order.
  90. On 01/27/2023, a hearing was held. [APPENDIX 6406 is the Transcript.]
  91. On 02/10/2023, a hearing was held. [APPENDIX 6407 is the Transcript.]
  92. On 02/17/2021, the two DEFENDANTS filed Emergency Motions to Require WINDSOR’S submissions to the court be reviewed, Approved and Signed by a Member of the Florida BAR (“BAR MOTION”). [APPENDIX-5153.] This EMERGENCY Motion is filled with false claims.  It is unsigned and unsworn.  8 of the 11 pages have separate sections for Montana Litigation [PP.2-3], Northern District of Georgia Litigation [PP.3-8], Texas Litigation [PP.8-9], and Florida Litigation [PP.9-10].  The inclusion of Montana, Georgia, and Texas required significant evidence to be added to the Record by WINDSOR.
  93. On 02/18/2021, WINDSOR filed a signed verified Emergency Motion to Strike the BAR MOTION. It was filed pursuant to Rules, Statutes, Codes, and the Constitutions of Florida and the United States of America.” [APPENDIX-5154.]  APPENDIX-5154 details why this “Emergency” Motion was a sham.
  94. On 02/23/2021, JEFF ASHTON denied WINDSOR’s Motion with one word “denied.” [APPENDIX-5156.]
  95. On 02/26/2021, WINDSOR filed a signed, sworn before a notary, 93-page Memorandum of Law regarding this Order [APPENDIX-5157] and a Motion for Reconsideration of the BAR MOTION [APPENDIX-5158.] It says: “There is no basis at all for the Defendants’ BAR MOTION, and there is NO EMERGENCY. The BAR MOTION is filled with false and deceptive information that may not be considered as it was not provided in an affidavit under oath. On 02/23/2021, JEFF ASHTON denied Windsor’s Motion.  This is a FRIVOLOUS ORDER – no basis in fact or law.”
  96. APPENDIX-5158 makes excellent points with extensive citation to law.
  97. On 03/02/2021, JEFF ASHTON filed an Order to Show Cause. [APPENDIX-6299.] In the first paragraph, he states: “Defendants request the issuance of an Order to Show Cause….”  The DEFENDANTS’ Motion did not make any such request. [APPENDIX-5153.]  This is a false and malicious statement by JEFF ASHTON and is a crime.    APPENDIX-5153 is THE ONLY filing by the DEFENDANTS on this issue as the DOCKET shows. [APPENDICES-5019-6399.]
  98. On 03/03/2021, DEFENDANTS filed an unsigned Motion to require WINDSOR’S submissions to the Court be reviewed, approved, and signed by a member of the Florida Bar and Memorandum of Law and Motion to find Pro Se Plaintiff in contempt of Judge Kest’s Order dated 10/01/2020 and Motion for Sanctions. [APPENDIX-5159.]
  99. On 03/02/2021, an ORDER to Show Cause for 04/05/2021 at 10:30am was issued. [APPENDIX-6299.]
  100. On 03/12/2021, WINDSOR’s signed, verified Motion to Strike STRANGE HIDDEN DOCKET ENTRY and Memorandum of Law was filed. [APPENDIX-5160.] WINDSOR believes this “strange hidden docket entry” was the combined effort of JEFF ASHTON and the Defense attorneys to hide the BAR MOTION from WINDSOR.
  101. On 03/12/2021, Motions to Strike Answer and Amended Answer, Enter a Decree Pro Confesso; Enter Judgment in favor of the PLAINTIFF; and Schedule the Jury Trial for Damages were filed. [APPENDICES-5161-5162.]
  102. On 03/16/2021, WINDSOR filed evidence. [APPENDICES-5162-5164-5165-5166-5167-5168-5169-5170-5171-5172-5173-5176-5177-5178.] This evidence was filed because the DEFENDANTS made false claims about emails WINDSOR sent, so he filed every cotton pickin’ one to prove the truth.  APPENDIX-5176 is a notarized affidavit from WINDSOR setting the record straight on the false claims of the attorney for the DEFENDANTS.
  103. On 03/17/2021, WINDSOR filed a Verified Motion to Strike Pleadings and Award Sanctions [APPENDIX-5174] and a Motion for Contempt for Violation of Rules. [APPENIX-5175].
  104. On 03/18/2021, WINDSOR filed motions that were important to his case.  [APPENDICES-6297-6328-6329-6336-6337-6338-6339.]
  105. On 03/24/2021, JEFF ASHTON granted DEFENDANTS’ unsigned Motion for Protective Order. [APPENDIX-6340.]
  106. On 03/25/2021, JEFF ASHTON implemented a scheme to avoid dealing with all the violations. He sua sponte entered an order without notice or an opportunity to be heard. APPENDIX-5181:

“WHEREAS, the Court, on March, 2 2021 set for hearing an Order to Show Cause to Plaintiff as the why the Court should not grant Defendant’s Emergency Motion to Require Pro

Se Plaintiff William Windsor’s Submissions to the Court be Reviewed and Signed By A Member of the Florida Bar on April 5, 2021.


“WHEREAS, since the issuance of the Order to Show Cause, Plaintiff has filed twenty-six items with the Clerk of Court in this matter. Among the motions, was a request for sixteen

hours of hearing time on the Order to Show Cause. Among the matters filed, are item described as affidavits or exhibits totaling one thousand six-hundred-and-seventy-pages.


“The Clerk is hereby directed to decline to file any further documents by the pro se Plaintiff unless they contain a certificate by a member of the Florida Bar that have reviewed the matter and that the filing is appropriate. This Order shall remain in effect until close of business April, 5 2021.”


  1. Nothing filed was improper, and the evidence was necessary due to the unsworn lies of the attorneys.
  2. This violated the right to Due Process as it was issued without notice or an opportunity to be heard.
  3. On 04/05/2021, a hearing on the unlawfully scheduled Order to Show Cause was held. [APPENDIX-6295.]
  4. On 04/05/2021 at 3:13p.m., an Interim Order on Pro-Se Filings was issued. [APPENDIX-5185.] It stated that “the Court Order filed March 25, 2021 shall remain on full force and effect.”  The 03/25/2021-ORDER is a void order issued in violation of Due Process as there was neither notice nor an opportunity to be heard.
  5. On 04/05/2021 at 3:14p.m., an Interim Order On Pro-Se Filings was issued. [APPENDIX-5186.] It stated that “the Court Order filed March 25, 2021 shall remain on full force and effect.”  The 03/25/2021-ORDER is a void order issued in violation of Due Process.
  6. On 04/05/2021 at 3:24p.m., an ORDER Striking Pro-Se Filings from 03/27/2021 to 04/05/2021 was issued. [APPENDIX-5187.]
  7. JEFF ASHTON likely has schizophrenia.
  8. On 04/06/2021, an ORDER issued on the purported Courts Rule to Show Cause Requiring Pro-Se Plaintiff Submissions be reviewed by a Member of the Florida Bar. [APPENDIX-5189.] The ‘Show Cause” was a fraud.
  9. On 04/06/2021, DEFENDANTS filed an unsigned Motion for Final Judgment against WINDSOR for failure to pay attorney’s fees and costs in contempt of this court’s order dated 02/04/2021. [APPENDIX-5188.]   This outrage was discharged in bankruptcy.
  10. On 04/06/2021, an Amended Interim Order on Pro Se Filings was issued. [APPENDIX-5190.]
  11. On 09/08/2021, WINDSOR filed bankruptcy. [APPENDIX-5191.] Notices were docketed. [APPENDICES-5192-5193.]  JEFF ASHTON received all of this and was totally aware of WINDSOR’s financial situation from hearings and filings.
  12. On 08/10/2022 and 10/11/2022, WINDSOR filed REQUESTs FOR TRIAL DATE. [APPENDICES-6382-6383-6384.] APPENDIX-6384 explained that funds from 010270 would be used to pay creditors in bankruptcy.
  13. On 10/13/2022, DEFENDANTS filed a Motion to Strike PLAINTIFFS Motion for Trial. [APPENDIX-6418.]
  14. On 10/21/2022, a Uniform ORDER Set the Case for Jury Trial on 05/22/2023. [APPENDIX-5026.] There has been no trial.
  15. On 10/25/2022, DEFENDANTS’ unsigned Amended Motion for Leave to Serve Additional Interrogatories was filed. [APPENDICES-6385-6386.] WINDSOR objected in a sworn response. [APPENDIX-6387.]
  16. On 12/05/2022, WindsoR filed a Request for Conference. [APPENDIX-6394.]
  17. 12/21/2022, WindsoR filed a Second Amended Disclosure of Expert Witnesses. [APPENDIX-6391.] On 12/22/2022, Defendants’ unsigned Disclosure of Fact Witnesses was filed. [APPENDIX-6392.] On 12/20/2022, Defendants’ unsigned Disclosure of Expert Witnesses was filed. [APPENDIX-6393.] 
  18. On 12/26/2022, WindsoR permanently lost the use of his left hand when a fall aggravated the injuries from the accident 6 years before. [APPENDIX-6404.] Nerve Conduction Studies show that his nerves do not work to his left hand. [APPENDIX-6400.]  On 03/31/2023, he had MRIs for his cervical spine and lumbar spine. [APPENDICES-5041-5042.]  The Reports show significant Disc Herniation and Disc Bulges with increased size and quantity in three years. [APPENDICES-6414-6415-6516-6417.]
  19. WindsoR’s quality of life was ruined by the Defendants. [APPENDICES-5032-5033-5034-5035-5036-5037-5038-5039-5040-5041-5042-6400-6414-6415-6516-6417.] He has no life now other than trying to obtain medical and financial relief in this matter.
  20. Some believe the 05/05/2017 “accident” was attempted murder because Sean Boushie (attempted murderer on a Montana Interstate in 2013) was involved according to Carrie Broussard, an eyewitness who called 911 on 05/05/2017. [APPENDICES-5044-5045-5046.] [2] WINDSOR spoke with her, and she told him she had been in contact with Sean Boushie.  She then lied about it at her deposition.  It was strange that no motorist tried to help WINDSOR.  It was like there was a blockade of cars behind him.
  21. WINDSOR needs hundreds of thousands of dollars in surgery, but corrupt Judge JEFF ASHTON denied WINDSOR any and all Constitutional rights. The absence of due process in this case is based in part on issues presented in SC22-7648.
  22. Jerome Wilt was an eyewitness who called 911 on 05/05/2017 after observing WINDSOR’S wreck. [APPENDIX-5047.] He was the only eyewitness other than WINDSOR because trucker Longest has sworn he saw nothing. [APPENDIX-5048-P.22-LL.1-2–P.19-LL.9-25–P.20-LL.1-16.]
  23. On 01/04/2023, Jerome Wilt testified at his deposition that he saw the 18-wheeler (semi) cause the accident, and he was afraid WINDSOR was seriously injured. He described how the semi crashed into WINDSOR’s lane, lifted all four wheels of his little convertible off the ground, and spun him around 180-degrees. [APPENDIX-5048-P.8-LL7-14;P.23-LL4-25;P.24-LL1-15;P.32-LL11-25;P.33-LL1-25;P.34-LL1-25;P.35-LL1-25;P.36-LL1-24;P.43-LL 7-25;P.42-LL1,16-25;P.43-LL1-8;P.46-LL8-25;P.47-LL1-4,20-24.]
  24. On 01/05/2023, Defendants filed an unsigned Motion for Protective Order and Objection to WINDSOR’s Request to Not Utilize a Court Reporter and/or Stenographer at all Depositions. [APPENDIX-5194.]
  25. On 01/04/2023, Defendants filed a Memorandum of Law in Objection to Subpoena to Dr. Stephen Goll. [APPENDIX-5195.]   WINDSOR observed that Dr. Goll brought a detailed typed report of the results of his examination of WINDSOR before he conducted an examination.  WINDSOR has been blocked from discovery.
  26. From the early days in the case, the Defendants violated statutes, codes, and rules. Each of the judges involved in the case has allowed them to do so with no action taken against them.  WINDSOR knew he was dealing with a corrupt group of judges and extremely dishonest attorneys.  But he never dreamed until recently that they would get away with stealing his life. WINDSOR has learned one valuable lesson: Use an incompetent high-profile law firm because the facts and the law are very much secondary to whose palm has been greased.
  27. Defendants’ Motion for Protective Order on All Discovery Pending Determination of Competency and Dismissal was filed 08/04/2020. [APPENDIX-5091.]   There was no legal basis whatsoever for the motion to dismiss.  Both Defendants filed it to defame WINDSOR with the Court and to make sure JUDGE KEST was aware that WINDSOR had been a leading activist on judicial corruption.  This established extrajudicial bias against WINDSOR, someone who will fight dishonest and corrupt judges until the cows come home.
  28. JEFF ASHTON became the judge in January 2021. He demonstrated complete bias against WINDSOR from his first involvement.
  29. On 01/27/2021, JEFF ASHTON’s Judicial Assistant, Keitra Davis, emailed WINDSOR to set some deadlines. WINDSOR requested that the 02/02/2021 hearing be reset for another date as the deadline she set had passed.  There was no response. [APPENDIX-6303.]  His signed Motion provided financial information showing his sole source of income was social security and he had debts of $1,500,000.
  30. On 01/28/2021, WINDSOR filed a Motion for Reconsideration of his Emergency Motion for Stay and/or Continuance. [APPENDIX-5140.] There was no response to this Motion or WINDSOR’s emails as was sadly routine.
  31. On 01/30/2021, WINDSOR filed a Second Emergency Motion for Stay and/or Continuance. [APPENDIX-5141.] WINDSOR was admitted to Waterman Hospital in Tavares, Florida and spent all day on 02/02/2021 with medical personnel; he was unable to attend the hearing.
  32. On 02/02/2021, WINDSOR filed a Notarized Motion to Disqualify JEFF ASHTON with a Notarized Affidavit and Notarized Affidavit of Prejudice. [APPENDICES-5146-5147-5148]. It was denied on totally bogus grounds. [APPENDIX-6300.]
  33. JEFF ASHTON denied WINDSOR’s Amended Motion for Reconsideration of Orders of Judge Kest at 10:13a.m. on 02/01/2021. [APPENDIX-5145.] Evelyn Wood in her prime could not have read the documents in three-hours-and-thirty-nine-minutes.  JEFF ASHTON committed perjury when he wrote that he had reviewed the file.
  34. On 02/01/2021, JEFF ASHTON denied the second motion for stay without explanation. [APPENDIX-5144.]
  35. On 02/02/2021, JEFF ASHTON purportedly conducted a hearing without WINDSOR. [APPENDIX-6301.] WINDSOR was hospitalized and was denied the opportunity to defend himself and to show that the attorneys for the Defendants had likely committed fraud upon the court with their outrageous request for attorney’s fees.  The “Minutes” indicate that there was no testimony, and there was no evidence presented.  Judge Kest only awarded attorney’s fees on two motions to compel.  JEFF ASHTON allowed Scott L. Astrin to inflate the bill, and he did not have to provide any proof.
  36. On 04/01/2021, WINDSOR filed a second Motion to Disqualify Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDICES 6396-6397.] APPENDIX–6396 is file-stamped by the Clerk of Court, but note on the Docket [APPENDIX-6362] that JEFF ASHTON had these filings removed from the court’s DOCKET.  This is a crime – Florida Criminal Statute 839.13.  Complete evidence was provided to the Orange County Sheriff on 03/10/2023, and a case was opened.
  37. Judge Munyon, Judge Kest, JEFF ASHTON, and the Defendants and their attorneys are responsible for this bankruptcy. If it was not for their dishonesty and corruption, WINDSOR would have received enough money from 010270 to avoid the costs and stigma of bankruptcy.  He might be able to walk.  He could regain the use of his left hand.  He could have teeth.
  38. On 09/08/2021, WINDSOR filed an Application for Bankruptcy. [APPENDIX-5191.] [APPENDIX-5192.] [APPENDIX-5193.]
  39. On 08/10/2022, the bankruptcy court lifted the stay to allow WINDSOR to pursue 010270 as his bankruptcy plan is to pay all debts in full with recovery from 010270. [APPENDIX-6363, P.1.]
  40. WINDSOR tried unsuccessfully for many months to find an attorney to represent him in 010270. Then he tried to find an attorney who would review and sign his pleadings at low cost, and no one would.  He even ran ads on Craigslist. [APPENDIX-6364.]
  41. On 12/15/2022, WINDSOR’s bankruptcy attorney, Jeff Badgley, reluctantly agreed to review, sign, and approve his filings.
  42. On 01/10/2023, WINDSOR’s Application for Indigent Status was approved by the Clerk. [APPENDIX-5197.] JEFF ASHTON received this and had detailed data about WINDSOR’s financial disaster through his Indigence Filing and his Bankruptcy Filing.
  43. On 01/17/2023, the Defendants’ attorney, Jonathan Blake Mansker, called WINDSOR’s Bankruptcy attorney and informed him that he would pursue sanctions and charges against him if he continued to sign WINDSOR’s pleadings. [APPENDIX-6398.]   WINDSOR believes he did this solely to conspire with JEFF ASHTON to damage WINDSOR.
  44. On 01/24/2023, WINDSOR conducted an inspection of what was supposed to be the truck that hit him on 05/05/2017. Attorney Jonathan Blake Mansker lied and concealed the actual truck by using a different truck. APPENDIX-6401 is the fake truck.  APPENDIX-6402 is the truck WINDSOR photographed after he was hit on 05/05/2017.
  45. WINDSOR filed a Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on 01/31/2023 on the issue of liability for Negligence. [APPENDIX-6209.] It was never heard.
  46. On 02/10/2023, the Defendants’ attorney filed Defendants’ Amended Motion to Strike Improperly Named Individuals from Plaintiff’s Witness List and Motion for Sanctions Against Both WINDSOR and Attorney Jeffrey L. Badgley for “Continuing to File Frivolous and Repetitive Filings.” [APPENDIX-6222-P.3.] There was nothing frivolous or repetitive. [APPENDIX-5026.]  The judges and attorneys identified as witnesses are witnesses to two causes for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress.  Amended witness lists are authorized by Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Rule-1.190 (e).
  47. On many occasions, WINDSOR informed JEFF ASHTON that he was in bankruptcy and could not afford an attorney. JEFF ASHTON was well aware of the bankruptcy filing, the stay, and WINDSOR’s approval as Indigent. See, for example, SOC ¶¶20, 119, 120, 128, 130, 138, 146, 147, 148, 151.
  48. On 02/16/2023, WINDSOR filed a Verified Affidavit regarding emails. [APPENDIX-6365.]
  49. On 02/21/2023, JEFF ASHTON entered a sua sponte order REVOKING WINDSOR’s right of self-representation (“02/21/2023-ORDER”). [APPENDIX-6237.] The 02/21/2023-ORDER shows clearly that there was neither notice nor an opportunity to be heard.  It says: “…having reviewed the file and being otherwise fully informed, finds as follows….” [APPENDIX-6237-P.2.]  the Order says:
  50. The content of the order is false. The history of this case is replete with corrupt acts by JEFF ASHTON and wrongdoing by the attorneys for the DEFENDANTS.  JEFF ASHTON never has any facts to back up his lies, such as “review by counsel have utterly failed” and “plaintiff threatened a witness during cross examination.”  Jeff Badgley did a fine job reviewing the filings; no fault was ever identified.  WINDSOR never threatened a witness.  This is proven by WINDSOR’s sworn affidavit and the Transcript.  WINDSOR has never threatened, harassed, or abused.  He has zealously represented himself, which is something legal representatives are supposed to do. (ABA Rules of Professional Responsibility.)
  51. On 02/24/2023, WINDSOR filed a Complaint Against JEFF ASHTON with the State of Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission. There is no copy in the APPENDIX as the Commission requires confidentiality. [APPENDIX-6366.]
  52. On 02/28/2023, WINDSOR terminated his bankruptcy attorney, Jeffrey Badgley, because he refused to sign documents after he was threatened by the Defendants’ attorney and Mansker filed charges against him. [APPENDICES-6371-6372-6373.] WINDSOR had prepaid Jeffrey Badgley in 2018, and he cannot afford an attorney.  He has to represent himself in bankruptcy court.
  53. On 03/08/2023, WINDSOR discovered evidence of a crime by JEFF ASHTON. On 04/01/2021 at 05:29:58 a.m., Windsor had filed his second written effort to get Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton removed. [APPENDIX-6367.]  He found the Orange County Clerk’s Proof of Filing and Service, filed 04/01/2021 at 05:30a.m. [APPENDIX-6368.]  He went to the Clerk’s website and discovered it was NOT ON THE DOCKET. [APPENDIX-6369.]  WINDSOR has a 2021 pdf of the Docket when it showed that filing!  [APPENDIX-6370–04/01/2021.]
  54. JEFF ASHTON is dishonest.  He stole or had someone steal those documents.  He has obstructed justice.
  55. On 03/10/2023, WINDSOR filed a criminal complaint against JEFF ASHTON with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, and a case was opened. JEFF ASHTON violated Florida Statutes 839.13 – Falsifying records.
  56. On 03/20/2023 at 2:47p.m., WINDSOR, a Party, filed a Motion to Disqualify Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton [APPENDICES-6375-6374]. These were both file-stamped and docketed by Tiffany Moore Russell, the Clerk of Court. [APPENDIX-6362–DOCKET,P.2.]  WINDSOR sent them directly to her by mail since he was being blocked from filing.
  57. On 04/01/2023, WINDSOR filed a Motion for Extension of Time to file Appellant’s Brief. [APPENDIX-6376.] There was no response. [APPENDIX-6377.]
  58. On 01/10/2023, the Clerk of Court declared WINDSOR INDIGENT after review of his Application for Insolvency and Indigency. [APPENDIX-5197.] JEFF ASHTON received this and was totally aware of WINDSOR’s financial situation.
  59. On 02/01/2023, WINDSOR executed a sworn affidavit in 010270 detailing the 05/05/2017 accident. [APPENDIX-6211.] [3]
  60. APPENDIX-6237 is a 02/21/2023 Order (“02/21/2023-ORDER”) “revoking Plaintiff’s right to self-representation.” It was entered sua sponte without notice or an opportunity to be heard.  The 02/21/2023-ORDER indicates Windsor, the Plaintiff in 010270, was given 30 days to obtain counsel.  The 02/21/2023-ORDER was perhaps issued in an effort to head off the Third Motion to Disqualify JEFF ASHTON [APPENDICES-6244-6245.]  The 02/21/2023-ORDER is filled with false claims.
  61. APPENDIX-6246 is the 03/22/2023 Order (“03/22/2023-ORDER”) striking and denying WINDSOR’s Motion to Disqualify JEFF ASHTON docketed at 11:22:45 am. The 03/22/2023-ORDER falsely claimed it was a violation of the court’s order of 02/21/2023, but Florida Statutes do not require a party to have representation on a motion to disqualify.  And, the 03/22/2023-ORDER does not prohibit WINDSOR from filing; it only applies to the Clerk, and it does not attempt to unlawfully restrict the statute. [APPENDIX-6246-P.2.]
  62. On 04/19/2023, a hearing was held. [APPENDIX 6408.] WINDSOR has been promised a transcript by the DEFENDANTS’ attorney, but nothing has been received.  WINDSOR will supplement or amend this Brief when the missing transcripts are obtained.
  63. APPENDIX-6261 is a 04/25/2023 Order at 9:34p.m. (“04/25/2023-ORDER”) dismissing 010270 with Prejudice. The 04/25/2023-ORDER is jam packed with false, unfounded claims.
  64. APPENDIX-6263 is the 04/27/2023 Order at 7:12p.m. (“04/27/2023-ORDER-2”) dismissing 010270 with Prejudice. It is filled with false statements.  WINDSOR was legally and financially unable to hire an attorney, and JEFF ASHTON knew it.
  65. APPENDIX-6378 is the 06/27/2023 Order of the Florida Supreme Court (“06/27/2023-ORDER”) denying any right of appeal. The 6DCA ensured that there would be no Florida Supreme Court review by intentionally issuing an unelaborated decision.
  66. APPENDIX-5001 is the 07/18/2023 Order (“07/18/2023-ORDER”) – a “FINAL ORDER DISMISSING PLAINTIFF’S COMPLAINT WITH PREJUDICE.” [4]


  1. WINDSOR isn’t your ordinary pro-se party. He is one of the leading authorities on pro se legal issues in America.  And, he is in Chapter 13 bankruptcy where federal criminal laws are involved.
  2. This APPEAL should be quite a simple matter for an honest court. WINDSOR’s Constitutional rights to Due Process have been violated again and again and again.  Courts and judges have no discretion on Due Process issues.  JEFF ASHTON denied Due Process, and he loses.
  3. This is a case of unbridled corruption. JEFF ASHTON and the attorneys involved have violated just about every rule in the book.
  4. JEFF ASHTON’s bias is overwhelming. JEFF ASHTON has violated criminal statutes.
  5. JEFF ASHTON, the Clerk of the Court, and the judges of the Fifth District and Sixth District have impeded, obstructed, and influenced WINDSOR’s Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The actions of JEFF ASHTON and the Florida courts violate 18 U.S.C. 1519, a criminal statute.


  2. This is a pure legal issue to be reviewed “de novo” and a rational basis review.
  3. The DEFENDANTS filed a joint unsigned ANSWER on 10/10/2018. [APPENDIX-5021.]
  4. On 11/09/2020, DEFENDANTS filed a joint unsigned Answer to the Amended Complaint. [APPENDIX-5022.] This lack of a signature was never corrected.
  5. The Florida Rules of Civil Procedure (“FRCP”) require a signed Answer. Without a signed Answer, there is no Answer.  FRCP 1.140 says: “…a defendant must serve an answer….”
  7. This is a pure legal issue to be reviewed “de novo” and a rational basis review.
  8. The Constitutions of the United States and Florida guarantee due process of law. U.S. Const. amend. XIV, § 1; Fla. Const. art. I, § 9.
  9. Florida Constitution “9. Dueprocess No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.”
  10. “The denial of due process rights, including the opportunity to be heard, to testify, and to present evidence, is fundamental error.” Weiser v. Weiser, 132 So. 3d 309, 311 (Fla. 4th DCA 2014). [Wanda I. Rufin, P.A. v. Borga, 294 So.3d 916 (Fla. App. 2020).]
  11. There are many violations of Due Process identified in the Statement of the Case (“SOC”), referenced and incorporated here, but the most significant and easiest for this Court to use to grant this APPEAL are APPENDICES-6237-and-5181. APPENDICES-5185-5186-5187-5190 also violate Due Process.
  12. APPENDIX-6237 is a 02/21/2023 Order (“02/21/2023-ORDER”) “revoking Plaintiff’s right to self-representation.” It was entered sua sponte without notice or an opportunity to be heard.  The 02/21/2023-ORDER indicates Windsor, the Plaintiff in 010270, was given 30 days to obtain counsel.  The 02/21/2023-ORDER shows clearly that there was neither notice nor an opportunity to be heard.  It says: “…having reviewed the file and being otherwise fully informed, finds as follows:” [SOC-¶157.]
  13. APPENDIX-5181 is a 03/25/2021 Order entered sua sponte without notice or an opportunity to be heard to require Pro-Se Plaintiff WINDSOR’s Submissions to the Court be Reviewed and Signed by a Member of the Florida Bar. [SOC-¶110.]
  14. Due Process requires that citizens receive fair notice of what sort of conduct to avoid. The orders of 02/21/2023 and 03/25/2021 violated due process as there was no notice and no hearing.  For legal authority, see Paragraphs 147, 129 – 142 of the Petition in U.S. Supreme Court Case#22-7648.
  15. The Sixth Amendment provides the Constitutional right to self-representation. That right should be enjoyed without fear of harassment or judicial prejudice.  Furthermore, no law, regulation, or policy should exist to abridge or surreptitiously extinguish that right.
  16. JEFF ASHTON has expressed his disdain for Pro-Se parties. He has harassed Windsor and demonstrated extreme judicial prejudice.  Consider these statements by JEFF ASHTON:
  17. APPENDIX-6359–Transcript-4:8-11;P.29:3-18;P.29: 25;P.30:1-8;P.33:1-10.
  18. On 03/19/2020, NEWLIN was removed as counsel. [APPENDIX-5050]. JEFF ASHTON falsely claimed on 04/05/2021 “this case has not proceeded at all towards trial or resolution.”  There were 266 DOCKET entries in that time, including discovery efforts, motions for leave to file an amended complaint, WINDSOR affidavits, motions for sanctions against the DEFENDANTS, two frivolous motions to dismiss the case by the DEFENDANTS, filing exhibits, recusal of JUDGE MUNYON, case management conference with JUDGE KEST, motion to recuse JUDGE KEST, JEFF ASHTON became judge, motion for reconsideration of JUDGE KEST orders, BAR MOTION by the DEFENDANTS, Memorandum of Law Regarding Pleadings signed by a Member of the Florida Bar, unlawful order to show cause, Motion to Strike ANSWER AND AMENDED ANSWER, ENTER A DECREE PRO CONFESSO; ENTER JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF THE PLAINTIFF; AND SCHEDULE THE JURY TRIAL FOR DAMAGES, evidence filing, motions designed to move toward trial, unlawful show cause hearing, and various bogus orders by JEFF ASHTON.
  19. At the hearing on 4/5/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton accused WINDSOR of threatening a member of the judiciary and said it was contemptuous. This is what Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton said was a threat to a member of the judiciary (said under oath):

“352. MR. WINDSOR: “I’m going to make it my mission to expose you and Astrin.

“THE COURT (JUDGE JEFFREY L. ASHTON): “All right. Mr. Windsor, that is a threat against this Court —

“MR. ASTRIN: “And myself.

“THE COURT (JUDGE JEFFREY L. ASHTON): “Mr. Windsor, there is a limit. I have let you go on at length, but you have just threatened a member of the judiciary and that is a matter which is contemptuous. No sir, would you like to withdraw that comment or would you like to leave it in the record and face contempt? Because that, sir, will not be tolerated. Threatening a member of the judiciary in a court hearing is not going to be permitted.” [EXHIBIT A – Transcript of Hearing 4/5/2021 – P. 38: 18-25, P. 39:1-6.]”

  1. Exposing corruption is not a threat. It is a First Amendment right. It has been my vocation since 2007. I have websites, including, and I have produced and directed a documentary film on government and judicial corruption that was presented to every member of Congress on 2/5/2003.” [APPENDIX-6245-Paragraphs-352-353.]
  2. At the hearing on 04/05/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton falsely and maliciously accused WINDSOR of being a liar: [APPENDIX-6245-Paragraphs 357-to-360.]

“357. THE COURT (JUDGE JEFFREY L. ASHTON): “Well, sir, I want to reiterate what Mr. Astrin has said, that this case cannot go forward, but you’ve got to make a choice. You can either continue the way you have been, which — well, I mean, you can’t, if I grant the motion; you just can’t do anything.

“You cannot get around it by sending e-mails to my judicial assistant. We’re going to block you from communicating that way. But we are more than, more than happy to consider any motion that you file which is signed and approved by a member of the Florida Bar.

“So the motion is granted. The interim order that I filed will be extended to be a permanent order in this case. Mr. Astrin, if you would like to prepare a proposed order and send it to me, please send it in Word because I’m sure I will be making changes and additions to it.

“Send a copy of that to Mr. Windsor as well so that he will know what you submitted to me. I will submit the order. In the interim, I’m going to prepare a brief order extending my prior order until the new order is written and fully done.

“Mr. Windsor, I hope that you get an attorney involved in this case, because I think there’s a case here that needs to be litigated. But the case needs to be litigated not on personalities.

“So that is the ruling of the Court. Thank you all very much. Mr. Astrin, I’m looking forward to seeing your proposed order.

“Mr. Windsor, I don’t — I mean, I don’t – if I ask you not to e-mail my JA anymore, will you do it?

“MR. WINDSOR: “Your Honor, I have only e-mailed her when necessary. But she is listed as one of the contacts on the E-portal and I would be happy to remove her from that –

“THE COURT (JUDGE JEFFREY L. ASHTON): “Mr. Windsor, you e-mailed my JA 214 times since Thursday. Since Thursday.

“MR. WINDSOR: “Absolutely not, Your Honor.

“THE COURT (JUDGE JEFFREY L. ASHTON): “Well, you’re calling my secretary a liar and I know that she’s telling me the truth about that, so that ain’t going to happen. So I’ll block you from e-mail, again. If you have a lawyer that wants to communicate with us on your behalf, we will be happy to speak with him.” [EXHIBIT 4060 – P.36: 9-25; P.37: 1-25; P. 38: 1-4.]

“358. I sent three emails to Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton’s Judicial Assistant from Thursday April 1, 2021 to Monday April 5, 2021. THREE (3) not 214. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton is a liar and calling me a liar in open court is a violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct. As Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton does not have 214 emails as evidence, this proves he is aa damn liar. This is perjury. This is fraud upon the court.”

“359. At the hearing on 4/5/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton established his bias against me as a senior citizen and a person with a disability after I mentioned difficulty finding something in my records:

“MR. WINDSOR: “Sorry, Your Honor. I do suffer from a cognitive decline that makes it impossible for me to remember if I just took my pills.

“THE COURT (JUDGE JEFFREY L. ASHTON): “Well, sir, since you’ve raised that, if you suffer from that cognitive decline so that you can — as you said you can’t remember – – you have no short-term memory, how is it that you can represent yourself if you can’t remember whether you took your pills a few minutes ago?” [EXHIBIT 4060 – P. 21: 4- 12.]

“360. Following the hearing on 4/5/2021 at 11:51 a.m., I printed the DOCKET in Case # 2018-010270-O. [EXHIBIT 4057.] It shows all of my evidence was on file at the time of the Hearing, but Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton refused to consider any of it.”

  1. JEFF ASHTON said and did the following on 01/11/2023 and 02/21/2023 [APPENDIX-6245-Notarized-Affidavit-Paragraphs-382-to-385; 391-to-393]:

“382. In January 2023, a hearing was held on 1/11/2023, but Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton changed it to a hearing on a Defendants’ Motion rather than the motion I had scheduled. On 1/24/2023, an Inspection of the Boise Cascade Truck was finally held. I obtained very damaging evidence against the Defendants. On 1/27/2023, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton denied me access to damning evidence against the Defendants and their Hired Gun Goll. He also introduced his plan to bifurcate to try to screw me more. On 1/30/2023, I filed a Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. It is a slam dunk if the judge was honest. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered other orders to damage me.

“383. The lowlight in February 2023 came on 2/21/2023 when Jeff Asshton purportedly entered an order on the docket sua sponte that took away my Constitutional rights. Fortunately, I was left with my shirt, pants, shoes, fingers, tongue, and member.

“384. I believe Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton will say and do anything. I never threatened a witness during cross examination resulting in the Court requiring the continuation of the deposition to be taken by a licensed attorney or before a Special Master. The transcript and tape recording show that I was polite and attempting to protect the dishonest witness by encouraging him to have legal counsel because I was preparing to sue him and had already reported him to his superiors with the Florida Highway Patrol. This was explained to Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton in open court, and he said, “I don’t believe for a second anything you said.” I cannot afford the TRANSCRIPT of the 2/10/2023 Hearing, but I do have a tape recording of the hearing that I will use in my lawsuit against Jeff Ashton to prove just how significant he is as a liar. I am also working several angles in an effort to get my eyes on the other Ashley Madison emails sent by the Dog.

“385. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton, not known for his honesty a la Ashley Madison, outrageously claimed I threatened to un-necessarily prolong the questioning of  the witness at trial. What a liar. I said if Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton denied a  deposition, I would just have to ask the questions at the trial. That was no threat. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton will prolong the trial if I continue to be denied all forms of discovery, or he will simply disallow everything I need to prove my case.

“391. Then Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton wrote on 2/21/2023 at 12:09:51 p.m.: ‘In response to the hearing set for this date Plaintiff has returned to his abusive filings. He has, in the last four days filed 1,504 documents. Plaintiff has previously been sanction for his abusive conduct in litigation. The right to self-presentation does not the right to threaten, harass and abuse.’

“392. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton made all of this up. I have not threatened, harassed, or abused in legal proceedings. I am writing a book about this case, and it will be brutally honest. I will spread the word far and wide on social media. I plan protests at the Orange County Courthouse, and I will utilize every legal means possible to expose Jeffrey L. Ashton, Lisa T. Munyon, and others.

“393. In the last FOUR days, I had filed four docket entries totaling 429 pages. If 2/17/2023 is added to the equation, it was 1,062 pages. [EXHIBIT 4091.] There was one motion and one affidavit. All the rest was evidence to prove the malicious and false claims of the Defendants. I produced every document with my right hand and index finger from emails in my email program. This was done to provide incontrovertible proof that I did nothing but file evidence that proved the attorney for the Defendants filed a false, malicious motion. Everything I filed was e-filed by me, all on pdfs, so it did not take any precious time from the Clerk’ staff.  Besides, when you have evidence that is needed, it is the Clerk’s job to get it handled efficiently.  If she doesn’t know how, I am available at $250 per hour to come and straighten out their systems.”

  1. The DEFENDANTS’ motion failed to meet the requirements for the entry of an injunction. The Defendants do not have standing to seek an injunction, and the attorneys failed to state the essential elements.  JEFF ASHTON completely ignored this.
  2. There was neither factual nor legal basis for these orders.
  3. The DEFENDANTS’ Motion identified WINDSOR cases in Georgia, Texas, Montana, and elsewhere, but other states are not relevant.
  4. The Due Process Clause entitles a person to an impartial and disinterested tribunal. See Carey v. Piphus, 435 U.S. 247, 259-262, 266-267 (1978); Matthews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319, 344 (1976); Joint Anti-Fascist Committee v. McGrath, 341 U.S. 123, 172, (1951); Marshall v. Jerrico, Inc., 446 U.S. 238, 242 (1980).
  5. JEFF ASHTON is totally biased against WINDSOR as shown in the Statement of Case (“SOC”).
  6. Canon 3E, Fla. CJC, and Rule 2.160, Fla. R. Jud. Admin., mandate that a judge disqualify himself in a proceeding “in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” The disqualification rules require judges to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. JEFF ASHTON shows nothing but impropriety. Crosby v. State, 97 So.2d 181 (Fla. 1957); State ex rel. Davis v. Parks, 141 Fla. 516, 194 So. 613 (1939); Dickenson v. Parks, 104 Fla. 577, 140 So. 459 (1932); State ex rel. Mickle v. Rowe, 100 Fla. 1382, 131 So. 3331 (1930).
  7. JEFF ASHTON violated Canon 3E, Fla. CJC, and Rule 2.160, Fla. R. Jud. Admin.
  8. For due process and to secure Constitutional rights judges may not take the law into their own hands. But this is precisely what JEFF ASHTON has done.  He has ignored the law, ignored the facts, and claimed laws and rules provide something they do not provide, while abusing and disadvantaging Windsor.
  9. For due process to be secured, the laws must operate alike upon all and not subject the individual to the arbitrary exercise of governmental power. (Marchant v. Pennsylvania R.R., 153 U.S. 380, 386 (1894).) JEFF ASHTON has violated Windsor’s rights by using his power to inflict his bias.
  10. For due process, Windsor has the right to protections expressly created in statute and case law. Due process allegedly ensures the government will respect all of a person’s legal rights and guarantee fundamental fairness.  JEFF ASHTON violated Windsor’s rights by using his power to ignore facts and the law.
  11. JEFF ASHTON has interfered with the process and violated rules for the purpose of damaging Windsor.
  12. An inherent Constitutional right is the honesty of the judge. JEFF ASHTON has not been honest.  He has lied, committed perjury, committed crimes, and has proven to be supremely dishonest.  Windsor has not been treated fairly in any way.
  13. Judges have violated the Constitution and laws intentionally. (Snyder v. Massachusetts, 291 U.S. 97, 105 (1934; Goldberg v. Kelly, 397 U.S. 254, 267 (1970); Palko v. Connecticut, 302 U.S. 319 (1937).)
  14. In 010270, the fundamental right to have the courts accept Windsor’s sworn affidavits as true has been violated. (Marchant v. Pennsylvania R.R., 153 U.S. 380, 386 (1894).)
  15. Judges haven’t shown an ounce of impartiality. (Marshall v. Jerrico, 446 U.S. 238, 242 (1980); Schweiker v. McClure, 456 U.S. 188, 195 (1982).)
  16. In 010270, judges have denied the process that is due. (Snyder v. Massachusetts, 291 U.S. 97, 105 (1934).)
  17. Litigants have the right to equal protection of the law regardless of race, creed, color, religion, ethnic origin, age, handicaps, or sex. Windsor is 74, white, born male and still male, Presbyterian, handicapped, and anti-corruption, and he has not received equal protection as a Pro-Se party.
  18. Windsor has been denied recourse to the laws.
  19. Judges in Florida have violated Windsor’s rights by using their power to inflict their bias.
  20. Due process requires an established course for judicial proceedings designed to safeguard the legal rights of the individual.
  21. The Constitution guarantees Windsor a fair and impartial judge. Florida judges denied Windsor’s guarantee to inflict their extra-judicial bias.

Every person “has a constitutional and statutory right to an impartial and fair judge at all stages of the proceeding.” (Liteky v U.S., 510 US 540 (1994).  (See Stone v Powell, 428 US 465, 483 n. 35, 96 S. Ct. 3037; Johnson v. Mississippi, 403 U.S. 212, 216 (1971); accord Concrete Pipe & Prods. V. Constr. Laborers Pension, 508 U.S. 602, 617 (1993) (citation omitted).)

  1. Due process is supposed to guarantee basic fairness and to make people feel that they have been treated fairly.

“justice must give the appearance of justice” (Levine v. United States, 362 U.S. 610, 80 S.Ct. 1038 (1960), citing Offutt v. United States, 348 U.S. 11, 14, 75 S. Ct. 11, 13 (1954).)  (Peters v. Kiff, 407, U.S. 493, 502 (1972).)

  1. At a basic level, procedural due process is essentially based on the concept of “fundamental fairness.” For example, in 1934, the Florida Supreme Court held that due process is violated “if a practice or rule offends some principle of justice so rooted in the traditions and conscience of our people as to be ranked as fundamental.” Where an individual is facing a (1) deprivation of (2) life, liberty, or property, (3) procedural due process mandates that he is entitled to adequate notice, a hearing, and a neutral judge.  Substantive due process refers to the rights granted in the first eight amendments to the Constitution.  Fifth Amendment due process means substantially the same as Fourteenth Amendment due process.221.         Judges in Florida have a Constitutional duty to Windsor.  Florida judges have violated Windsor’s civil and constitutional rights under color of law.

“[t]rial before an ‘unbiased judge’ is essential to due process.” Johnson v. Mississippi, 403 U.S. 212, 216 (1971); accord Concrete Pipe & Prods. V. Constr. Laborers Pension, 508 U.S. 602, 617 (1993) (citation omitted). (Levine v. United States, 362 U.S. 610, 80 S.Ct. 1038 (1960), citing Offutt v. United States, 348 U.S. 11, 14 (1954); Mathews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319, 344 (1976); Peters v. Kiff, 407 U.S. 493, 502 (1972).

  1. The due process clauses of both the Florida and the United States Constitutions guarantee a party an impartial and disinterested tribunal in civil cases. (Marshall v. Jerrico, Inc., 446 U.S. 238, 242, 100 S.Ct. 1610, 1613 (1980).)

Partiality in favor of the government may raise a defendant’s due process concerns. In re United States of America, 441 F.3d at 66 (citing In re Murchison, 349 U.S. 133 (1955).

  1. Judges in Florida have effectively denied Windsor’s rights of the equal protection under the law in Article VI of the Constitution. Their actions prove that they have exercised their power in this and other actions for their own personal purposes rather than the will of the law.

Littleton v. Berbling, 468 F.2d 389, 412 (7th Cir. 1972), citing Osborn v. Bank of the United States, 9 Wheat (22 U.S.) 738, 866, 6 L.Ed 204 (1824); U.S. v. Simpson, 927 F.2d 1088 (9th Cir. 1990).

  1. The orders issued by judges in Florida suggest the appearance of animosity towards Windsor.
  2. These latest purported orders from JEFF ASHTON deny WINDSOR his fundamental Constitutional right of access to the courts, “unquestionably a right of considerable constitutional significance.” Miller v. Donald, 541 F.3d 1091, 1096 (11th Cir. 2008).) Meaningful access to the courts is a constitutional right. (Procup v. Strickland, 792 F.2d 1069, 1072 (11th Cir. 1986) (per curiam) (en banc).) [emphasis added.]
  3. In Procup v. Strickland, 792 F.2d 1069 (11th Cir. 1986) (en banc), the Court held that the district court’s injunction was overbroad and violated a prisoner’s right to access courts because it barred him from filing any case in the district court without an attorney, which, given the facts of his case, effectively prevented him from filing any future suit. 792 F.2d at 1070-71. WINDSOR’s financial situation, bankruptcy, and the wrongdoing of JEFF ASHTON prevented him from any involvement in his case.  Surely this is unheard of.


  1. This is a pure legal issue to be reviewed “de novo” and a rational basis review.
  2. There is no statute or rule to allow a judge to revoke a Plaintiff’s right to represent himself in a civil case.
  3. But on 02/21/2023, JEFF ASHTON entered an order (02/21/2023-ORDER) [APPENDIX-6237] without notice of any type.
  4. JEFF ASHTON cited his authority for the 02/21/2023-ORDER as Lowery v. Kaplan 650 So. 2d 114 (4 DCA 1995) and Rodriguez-Diaz v. Abate 613 So, 2d 515 (3DCA 1993). Both of these cases involved criminals and indicate that notice and an opportunity to be heard are requirements.  There was no notice or opportunity to be heard in this matter.  “THIS MATTER” didn’t “come before the Court.”  This is a sua sponte order that is void.
  5. There was no order to show cause. [APPENDIX-6362.] There was no opportunity to be heard.
  6. WINDSOR believes JEFF ASHTON issued the 02/21/2023-ORDER because he knew WINDSOR couldn’t afford an attorney, so this set him up for dismissal of 010270.
  7. THE 03/22/2023-ORDER VIOLATES FLORIDA STATUTE 38.10, the general florida disqualification statute.
  8. This is a pure legal issue to be reviewed “de novo” and a rational basis review.
  9. Florida Statute 38.10 authorizes a “party” to seek disqualification of the judge. WINDSOR is the Plaintiff, a party to the action. [APPENDIX-6362–DOCKET,P.1.]
  10. On 03/20/2023 at 2:48p.m., WINDSOR, filed an Affidavit of Prejudice of Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. It was docketed on 03/21/2023.  APPENDICES-6244-6245 provide an excellent look at all the wrongdoing of JEFF ASHTON, so it will not be re-typed here.
  11. There is nothing in Florida Statute 38.10 that requires a party to be represented by counsel or that allows a judge to deny a party the right to seek this relief.
  1. WINDSOR’s motions were premised on Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure Rule-2.330, Florida Statutes, and the Florida CJC, all of which require that a judge disqualify himself once a party has established a reasonable fear that he will not obtain a fair hearing. See Florida Rules of Judicial Admin 2.160; Fla. Stat. §§ 38.02, 38.10; Fla. CJC, Canon 3-B (7) and E. 2 I.
  2. JEFF ASHTON violated this law because he proceeded further in the case.
  4. This is a pure legal issue to be reviewed “de novo” and a rational basis review.
  5. There is no legal authority to allow a judge to revoke a Plaintiff’s right to represent himself in a civil case. But on 02/21/2023, JEFF ASHTON entered the 02/21/2023-ORDER without notice of any type.  The 02/21/2023-ORDER has no legal authority. [APPENDIX-6237.]
  6. The arbitrary and irrational exercise of power by JEFF ASHTON violated WINDSOR’s due process rights.
  7. The rights of parties cannot be taken without notice and opportunity for hearing. The action by JEFF ASHTON was unreasonable and unjust.  WINDSOR did nothing wrong.  JEFF ASHTON’s purported complaint was that WINDSOR was filing evidence after being denied an evidentiary hearing after the Defendants filed and submitted to the Court 275 pages of documents. [APPENDIX-6362—DOCKET-02/10/2013.]  The attorney for the DEFENDANTS continued to lie about this and everything.  As WINDSOR was not allowed to submit evidence at a hearing, then a sworn affidavit authenticating the exhibits was the only other option.  JEFF ASHTON chose to ignore the Constitution, due process, statutes, rules, and codes because his sole purpose was to damage WINDSOR.
  9. This is a pure legal issue to be reviewed “de novo” and a rational basis review.
  10. American courts have secured the right to represent oneself in court since the beginning of the nation. The Judiciary Act of 1789 recognized the right to personally present oneself in court without a lawyer.  In 1948, this right was reaffirmed under U.S.C. § 1654 which reads: “In all courts of the United States the parties may plead and conduct their own cases personally or by counsel as, by the rules of such courts, respectively, are permitted to manage and conduct causes therein.”
  11. The United States Constitution, the Florida Constitution, and a massive amount of case law provide WINDSOR has the right to represent himself in court.
  12. In Boyd v. United, 116 U.S. 616 at 635 (1885) Justice Bradley wrote: “It is the duty of the Courts to be watchful for the Constitutional Rights of the Citizens, and against any stealthy encroachments thereon. Their motto should be Obsta Principiis.”
  13. See also Downs v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901); Gomillion v. Lightfoot, 364 U.S. 155 (1966); Smith v. Allwright, 321 U.S. 649; Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 426, 491; 86 S. Ct. 1603.
  14. The Florida Supreme Court says this: “A person should not be forced to have an attorney represent his legal interests if he does not consent to such representation. All citizens in our state are also guaranteed access to our courts by Article I, Section 21, Florida Constitution (1968).” [Florida Bar v. Brumbaugh, 355 So.2d 1186 (Fla. 1978).] [emphasis added.]
  15. Several courts have written: “The right to represent oneself in a civil proceeding is on a scale of importance equal to the right of trial by jury.”
  16. Rule 2.6 of the Rules of Judicial Conduct published by the American Bar Association reaffirm this right.
  17. S. Supreme Court Cases reaffirming the right to self-representation include: Osborn v. Bank of the United States (1824); Haines v. Kerner (1972); Faretta v. California (1975); Elmore v. McCammon (1986) 640 F. Supp. 905; Jenkins v. McKeithen, 395 U.S. 411, 421 (1959); Pucket v. Cox, 456 2nd 233; Maty v. Grasselli Chemical Co., 303 U.S. 197 (1938); Sherar v. Cullen, 481 F. 2d 946 (1973); Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 p. 442; Simmons v. United States, 390 U.S. 377 (1968); Butz v. Economou, 98 S. Ct. 2894 (1978); United States v. Lee, 106 U.S. at 220, 1 S. Ct. at 261 (1882); Olmstad v. United States, 277 U.S. 438 (1928); Duncan v. Missouri, 152 U.S. 377, 382 (1894); Giozza v. Tiernan, 148 U.S. 657, 662 (1893); Kentucky Railroad Tax Cases, 115 U.S. 321, 337 (1885); Truax v. Corrigan, 257 U.S. 312, 332. Other relevant federal opinions include Picking v. Pennsylvania Railway, 151 F.2d. 240, Third Circuit Court of Appeals; Warnock v. Pecos County, Texas, 88 F3d 341 (5th Cir. 1996); Cannon v. Comm. on Judicial Qualifications, (1975) 14 Cal. 3d 678, 694; Geiler v. Comm. on Judicial Qualifications, (1973) 10 Cal.3d 270, 286; and Gonzalez v. Comm. on Judicial Performance, (1983) 33 Cal. 3d 359, 371, 374;


  1. This is a pure legal issue to be reviewed “de novo.”
  2. The purported motions of the DEFENDANTS are They must be disregarded and stricken. [APPENDIX-6410.]
  3. A signature is not optional. The signature is much more than a person’s name.  Rule 2.515 of the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration dictates the requirement:

“Every document of a party represented by an attorney shall be signed by at least 1 attorney of record….

  1. Therefore, there is no proof that any attorney read the motions, and there is no certification that, to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, there is good ground to support the motions.
  2. There are many cases where pleadings were declared nullities because they were not properly signed.

See Daytona Migi Corp. v. Daytona Automotive Fiberglass, Inc., 417 So.2d 272 (Fla. 5th DCA 1982) (holding a notice of appeal signed by a non-attorney corporate officer a nullity); Quinn v. Housing Auth. of Orlando, 385 So.2d 1167 (Fla. 5th DCA 1980) (reversing summary judgment in favor of corporate housing authority, holding its complaint signed and filed by a non-attorney void); Nicholson Supply Co. v. First Fed. Sav. & Loan Assoc., 184 So.2d 438 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1966) (affirming trial court’s striking of plaintiff corporation’s complaint holding the complaint a nullity where it was filed and signed by the corporation’s non-attorney president).

  1. But in this case, there are no signatures at all except on one affidavit about legal fees!
  2. This Court must strike the unsigned documents.
  3. None of the exhibits have been authenticated, so all must be disregarded.


  1. This is a pure legal issue to be reviewed by the “de novo” standard of review.
  2. Void Orders and Void Judgments have no legal force or effect. For legal authority, see Paragraphs 129–142 of the Petition in U.S. Supreme Court Case#22-7648. [APPENDIX-6360.]
  4. This is a pure legal issue to be reviewed by the “de novo” standard of review.
  5. The law is clear that a PARTY has that right. JEFF ASHTON had no authority to remove Plaintiff WINDSOR as a PARTY and did not.
  6. JEFF ASHTON has violated Windsor’s Constitutional rights. See Carey v. Piphus, 435 U.S. 247, 259-262, 266-267 (1978); Matthews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319, 344 (1976); Joint Anti-Fascist Committee v. McGrath, 341 U.S. 123, 172, (1951); Marshall v. Jerrico, Inc., 446 U.S. 238, 242 (1980).
  7. Canon 3E, Fla. CJC, and Rule 2.160, Fla. R. Jud. Admin., mandate that a judge disqualify himself in a proceeding “in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” See Crosby v. State, 97 So.2d 181 (Fla. 1957); State ex rel. Davis v. Parks, 141 Fla. 516, 194 So. 613 (1939); Dickenson v. Parks, 104 Fla. 577, 140 So. 459 (1932); State ex rel. Mickle v. Rowe, 100 Fla. 1382, 131 So. 3331 (1930).
  8. JEFF ASHTON has lied and demeaned Windsor in open court hearings. Windsor has tape recordings of JEFF ASHTON if this Court would like to hear them.  They prove his lies in his court orders.
  9. An inherent Constitutional right is the honesty of the judge. JEFF ASHTON has not been honest.  He has violated Canons 1, 2, and 3 of the CJC.
  11. This is a pure legal issue to be reviewed “de novo.”
  12. The actions of JEFF ASHTON and the Florida courts violate 18 U.S.C. 1519:

18 U.S. Code § 1519 – Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy


“Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”

  1. JEFF ASHTON and the Clerk of the Court have made false entries in the Record. Filings have disappeared from the DOCKET.
  2. JEFF ASHTON, the Clerk of the Court, and the judges of the Fifth District and Sixth District have impeded, obstructed, and influenced WINDSOR’s Chapter 13 bankruptcy. WINDSOR’s documented bankruptcy plan has been to represent himself Pro-Se in 010270 and get a jury award more than sufficient to pay all creditors in full.
  3. By claiming WINDSOR has to pay attorneys when he has no money or access to money due to bankruptcy and the control of all of his assets by the Trustee, these people have violated 18 U.S.C. 1519.
  4. By denying WINDSOR’s legal rights and dismissing the case because he can’t pay an attorney, JEFF ASHTON has unlawfully blocked WINDSOR’s reorganization plan which is a sure winner. If a man named Leroy gets $990,000 from being rear-ended at a stop light, WINDSOR should receive millions for permanent disability from being sent airborne by an 18-wheeler at 70 miles per hour. [APPENDIX-6361.]
  5. JEFF ASHTON AND THE clerk of court destroyed evidence and VIOLATed florida statute 839.13.
  6. This is a pure legal issue to be reviewed “de novo.”

“…if any judge, justice, mayor, alderman, clerk, sheriff, coroner, or other public officer, or employee or agent of or contractor with a public agency, or any person whatsoever, shall steal, embezzle, alter, corruptly withdraw, falsify or avoid any record, process, charter, gift, grant, conveyance, or contract, or any paper filed in any judicial proceeding in any court of this state, or shall knowingly and willfully take off, discharge or conceal any issue, forfeited recognizance, or other forfeiture, or other paper above mentioned, or shall forge, deface, or falsify any document or instrument recorded, or filed in any court, or any registry, acknowledgment, or certificate, or shall fraudulently alter, deface, or falsify any minutes, documents, books, or any proceedings whatever of or belonging to any public office within this state; or if any person shall cause or procure any of the offenses aforesaid to be committed, or be in anywise concerned therein, the person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.”


  1. See SOC ¶¶142-and-161.
  2. The actions of JEFF ASHTON and the Clerk of the Court violated Florida Statute 839.13.


  1. This is a fact issue to be reviewed “de novo.”
  2. As the Statement of Case and APPENDIX show, there are no factual findings. Judges are not authorized to make up facts.


  1. This is a pure legal issue to be reviewed “de novo.”
  2. There were so many errors in the process and procedures that resulted in an “unfavorable” decision that there is too much to repeat.  All of the pages above are referenced and incorporated here.
  3. An injunction may not be issued to block a legal act. It is legal for WINDSOR to represent himself.  It is legal for a person in bankruptcy to represent himself when authorized by the federal bankruptcy court.
  4. The action of JEFF ASHTON is an injunction, and an injunction may not be issued to block a legal act.
  5. The Court abused its discretion by denying WINDSOR the ability to obtain needed discovery. WINDSOR was denied due process.   The Judge repeatedly denied discovery requests that were essential in support of WINDSOR’s case.
  6. WINDSOR was denied the opportunity to depose anyone from BOISE. WINDSOR was denied the opportunity to cross-examine Trooper Linzmeyer.
  7. The Court allowed the DEFENDANTS to abuse discovery at every turn.
  8. The abuse of the legal system and WINDSOR in this case is staggering.  There are many, many cases of perjury by the DEFENDANTS and JEFF ASHTON.  Attorneys for the DEFENDANTS have committed a significant number of violations of rules, ethics and the law.  THEY HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO DO SO BY JUDGE ASHTON!  They have lied and cheated, and they have been rewarded as a result, while punishing WINDSOR day-in and day-out.
  9. The DEFENDANTS deceived the Court Record with complete, total fabrications. Their attorneys have lied repeatedly apparently knowing that they could get away with it.
  10. This case has False pleadings, altered documents, perjury galore, destruction of evidence, and plain old corruption.




  1. JEFF ASHTON had no legal basis to require a bankrupt Plaintiff to hire an attorney. The Trustee controls all assets, and WINDSOR’s sole source of income was Social Security Retirement that was insufficient to over all of his mandatory bills.  WINDSOR’s written Plan was to represent himself Pro-Se so there would be no expense to the Estate.  The Trustee was unwilling to act as WINDSOR’s attorney or signer.
  2. JEFF ASHTON didn’t care. He had one and only one goal: Bury WINDSOR and save the DEFENDANTS millions of dollars.


For all the reasons stated above, WINDSOR respectfully urges the Court to enter an Order granting this APPEAL; vacate all orders of dismissal; vacate all Orders of Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton; remove Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton from 010270; grant WINDSOR’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; and instruct the new judge to proceed in a manner consistent with this Court’s decision.

WINDSOR seeks action by this Court in compliance with 18 U.S.C. 4.

Windsor seeks an order providing any other relief that this Court feels is proper.


This 25th day of August 2023,


/s/ William M. Windsor

William M. Windsor

5013 S Louise Ave #1134

Sioux Falls, SD 57108



I hereby certify that I have served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by Electronic Mail or United States Postal Service:

Matthew J. Conigliaro

Carlton Fields, P.A.

4221 W. Boy Scout Blvd., Suite 1000, Tampa, Florida 33607

(813) 229-4254,,,


Blake Mansker, Scott Warburton

Adams | Coogler, P.A.

1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. Suite 1600

West Palm Beach, FL 33401-2329

Telephone: 561-478-4500 — Fax: 561-478-7847,,, and


Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton, Keitra Davis

Orange County Courthouse

425 N Orange, Courtroom 18-C, Orlando, FL 32801



Roberta Walton Johnson

General Counsel for Clerk of the Circuit Court

Orange County Florida, Orange County Clerk of Courts, PO Box 4994, 425 N. Orange Ave, Suite 2110 Orlando, FL 32802, 407-836-6324,,

This 25th day of August 2023,

/s/ William M. Windsor

William M. Windsor

5013 S Louise Ave #1134

Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108




I hereby certify that I have complied with Rule 9.210(a)(2)(B) of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure.  This Brief contains 12,966 words.

The cover sheet, the tables of contents and citations, the certificates of service and compliance, and the signature block for the brief’s author shall be excluded from the word count and page limits in subdivisions (a)(2)(A)–(a)(2)(D). For briefs on jurisdiction, the statement of the issues also shall be excluded from the page limit in subdivision (a)(2)(A). All pages not excluded from the computation shall be consecutively numbered.

This 25th day of August 2023,

s/ William M. Windsor

William M. Windsor

5013 S Louise Ave #1134

Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108





My name is William M. Windsor. My date of birth is October 2, 1948. My address is 5013 S Louise Ave #1134, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108, Lincoln County, USA.

Pursuant to Florida Statute 92.525, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct based upon my personal knowledge.

This 25th day of August 2023,

/s/ William M. Windsor

William M. Windsor

5013 S Louise Ave #1134

Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108



[1] Unsworn statements must be disregarded by this court.  This notice will be used each time.  APPENDIX-6410 shows all filings are unsworn.

[2] WINDSOR will file audio recordings on a Flash Drive in a separate filing with the Clerk.

[3] Exhibits to affidavits and some motions and responses may be accessed on the Docket of 2018-CA-010270-O.

[4] WINDSOR does not believe any orders have been published.



Margot Robbie arrives at the British Academy of Film and Television Awards
Unfortunately, Margot Robbie has not been part of my life. But on a 1-to-10 scale, she’s at least a 50.
Should she decide to get divorced, I’m available.
Nothing new with the United States Supreme Court. When I could stay awake today, I worked on my petition for the dismissal of my Attempted Murder by 18-Wheeler appeal. Judge Jeff Ashton dismissed my case without notice or an opportunity to be heard because I couldn’t afford an attorney.
I found an affordable place to live for the Winter. RV Parks are MUCH more expensive from October to April. I was going to go to East Texas where I fell and lost the use of my left hand, but this place is almost as inexpensive, and it won’t cost me a fortune in gas.
I’m sticking with the Soup Diet. $2 or less for dinner works for me. I’m drinking Coke for Breakfast and Lunch with an occasional Arnold Palmer.
Margot Robbie


Columbus, Georgia, Age 3 in 1951. Pro Se LOL.
I had some teeth and about the same hair except for color.
I wish I was still 3. The next 25 years were outstanding.
I accomplished little today as I was unable to stay awake. I had a very strange feature-length dream that climaxed before I awakened.



This is a very intriguing photo taken by my Mom in 1952. I was four years old.
I was born with a Double Cowlick… a source of great consternation over the years. But that’s not intriguing.
Note the “gold” watch on a 4-year-old. That’s kind of intriguing. I wish I had it. No idea if it worked.
Very stylish shorts. LOL.
But the really intriguing part of this photo is the T-shirt. It’s an imprinted T-shirt with a cartoon design. 1952! There was no such thing as imprinted T-shirts in 1952. Fast forward to 1967; T-shirts were created, and I went into the business. I called it “the imprinted sportswear business,” and I’m considered the father of that multi-multi-billion dollar industry.
And to think l was wearing imprinted sportswear in 1952 before it had been created. Amazing.
All of this means nothing about the next 52 days, but I’m on pins and needles
waiting to see what happens.
I’m on my Soup Diet. I’m organizing an Appellant’s Brief in the Attempted Murder Case.
I’ve decided I’d like to be four again. The next 20 years were fabulous. So, I’d prefer to spend years 75 to 95 in the 1950s, 1960s’ and 1970s. Then I can croak happily ever after.

Bill Windsor has gone to War with Jeffrey L Ashton

  • Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt.
    Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt.

Bill Windsor has gone to War with Jeffrey L Ashton.

Billy Windsor in 1951

  • Billy Windsor Easter 1951
    Billy Windsor Easter 1951

Billy Windsor in 1951.

William Michael Windsor is 74-years-old

It happened — October 2, 2022.
Funny how things work. I awakened at 2:48 a.m. Eastern Time just a few minutes ago.
At 2:48 a.m. in Columbus, Georgia a few years back, Mary Johnson Windsor gave birth to William Michael Windsor. Proud papa, Walter Michael Windsor, was a most willing participant.
Just a week before, my Mom was nine months pregnant in Hollywood, California. Dad accepted a job as General Manager of WGBA Radio in Columbus, Georgia.
Facebook just zapped the story I wrote claiming it violated Terms, so I guess I have to re-write. Grrrr. I sued Facebook in 2013 for deleting my account claiming it promoted “nudity, pornography, and solicitation of sex.” It was about corrupt judges!
I can’t keep my eyes open, so I will rewrite what Facebook eliminated. There is a brief story written years ago on BillWindsor dot com
Back to Hollywood….
Nine-month-pregnant Mom and Dad, who knew nothing about mothers and babies and childbirth, hopped into their car and drove 2,178 miles from Hollywood to Columbus, Georgia.
I was almost born in Show-Me-Where-She-Danced, Arizona when Dad hit a cow crossing the road in the wee hours of the morning.
But they made it to Columbus, and Dad checked us into the local motel.
I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. This was very fitting since my Dad was born on a Gasless Sunday during World War I. Taxis and cars were not allowed that day, so Grandpa called an ambulance. All the ambulances were busy, so Grandma, Grandpa, and Walter-to-be were taken to the hospital in New York City in a hearse.
I got short-changed with a plain old ambulance. LOL.
We were living in a motel when Mom went into labor. Dad didn’t want his son to come home from the hospital to a motel room, so he raced out and rented a home at 2222 Buena Vista Road, Columbus, Georgia.
I was born at 2:48 a.m. on October 2, 1948. I’ve tried to keep that secret over the years, but there it is.
I feel 30 on the inside, except for Cognitive Decline, but I feel 100 on the outside since a Boise Cascade 18-wheeler hit me at 70-miles-per-hour in an accident in which I could have easily died. I can barely walk, and the corrupt judge hasn’t set a trial date. I figure Boise Cascade owes me a few million. I’ll trade in the Van Down by the River II and get a one-story house with a full-time female caregiver.
Now, I may not be 74 because my 11-year-old girl friend at Sam’s says I look 58 to her.
I’m celebrating today with THREE (3) football games — Cowboys, Cardinals, and Chiefs followed by a long-overdue evening in the Laundromat.
Headed back to bed, and I fell and couldn’t get up. I didn’t have my cane and wasn’t wearing my noisemaker and strobe light. Finally managed to get upright after another scary fall.

Mission Accomplished in Van Down by the River II

Bill Windsor has been living alone full-time in a motorhome for several months.

Bill Windsor 41-foot Winnebago Before Ravine Dive
Bill Windsor 41-foot Winnebago Before Ravine Dive
It’s a decidedly new experience after 48 years as a homeowner.
There’s a lot of maintenance.  The main task is the holding tanks that hold Gas, Propane, Fresh Water, Gray Water, and Black Water.  You can’t let these overflow, and the Black Water Tank is where all the deposits from the toilet reside until flushed into a sewer.
I learned how to hook up all the hoses, watched numerous videos of the do’s and don’ts, got some help the first time from a friendly RV Campground neighbor, and survived in the original Van Down by the River.  Then it took a rear-end-first dive into a nine-foot Ravine.
The Van Down by the River II is very nice, much smaller, but fully equipped.
2018 Thor Ace 30.4 Black Tank Empty 2022
2018 Thor Ace 30.4 Black Tank Empty 2022

There are tiny buttons that you press to light up even tinier lights that tell whether your Tanks are E, 1/3, 2/3, or F.

I have been unable to get the Black Tank to fully empty.  I was unable to get it below 1/2.  I re-read everything, watched all the videos again several times, tried various ideas presented online, and did a lot of cussing.
Then I put out a call for help on Facebook.  Dozens of people responded, mainly seriously.
Special thanks to Wendi Robinson, Susan Carlson, JulieAnn McDougal, Charmin, Walmart’s ULTRA Dish Liquid, Amazon, Water Company, Campground with Free Water, trash bag makers, Thetford Tissue Digester, Hefty, the manufacturer of my cane, Eveready, Thor, the Propane Dude, and assorted others.
I took everyone’s advice and tried almost everything. At 10:24 a.m. on 10/1/2022, MY BLACK TANK IS EMPTY!!!!!
When you live full-time in an RV, it seems there’s little in life much better than an empty Black Tank.
It means all the yucky stuff is now in the sewer.
I’ll never know which of the things I used worked.
I’d like to think each of them did. It only took me about 24-hours of work. I’m putting a sign in my windshield: “WANTED, SWEET, BEAUTIFUL PLUMBER. Free room and board.” I’ll post a photo.
I believe Wendi’s advice about the importance of water was huge. My Black Tank registered 1/2 full, but that seems to have been TP stuck to a sensor. I repeatedly filled my pasta pot with water and brought it to a boil. I then poured it down the toilet. That took many hours and resulted in a few leg burns from splashing boiling water.
The water was left to mingle with yucky stuff overnight, and at 9:00 a.m., I began the task of emptying, filling with water using the Black Tank Flush, again and again, anxiously waiting for the clear sewer elbow to be showing nothing but clear water.
2018 Thor Ace 30.4 Black Tank Empty 2022
2018 Thor Ace 30.4 Black Tank Empty 2022
Now I’ll be using the Carlson Patented Mexican TP Disposal Method. I’ve got to order something to improve my system —
Living in an RV full-time is a “real trip.” My Heavens there’s a lot to deal with.

Bill Windsor in Accident in South Dakota on 7/11/2022

Bill Windsor was in an accident in Tea, South Dakota. WELCOME TO SOUTH DAKOTA.

     The winds are REALLY STRONG in South Dakota. The RV was rocking and rolling like an amusement park ride two nights before. Wild ride.

     The weather calmed, so Mr. Bill and I decided to drive slowly to Lincoln County on July 11, 2022 to make a third attempt to get license plates.  An electrical failure and one heck of a wind blew him backward down a 9-foot embankment at a gas station.  It was a miracle that the 22,000-pound home didn’t roll over.  A “No J1959 Activity” message appeared on the dashboard to indicate the electrical system had failed to the transmission.  So when Bill gave it the gas to try to move forward to reposition himself, the RV was, unknown to him, stuck in reverse.  Before he knew it, he was in a ravine.

     The four herniated discs in Bill’s back and five in his neck got a jolt.  A family pulled the RV out of the ravine, gathered up all the stuff that went flying, towed it to their repair shop, and took Bill to a motel.

     Bill Windsor was in too much pain to sleep, but it subsided and he did not need medical treatment.

    Just about everything that could go wrong with this move has gone wrong.  But Bill Windsor is alive.  God Bless those Angels who seem to save him

Bill Windsor
Bill Windsor

Bill Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not, therefore, reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.   This website is to expose judicial corruption, government corruption, law enforcement corruption, attorney wrongdoing/corruption, and political corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our  Legal Notice and Terms

Copyright, 2022, Lawless America


Bill Windsor Sees Ghosts

Audrey Hepburn face
Audrey Hepburn

On 1/20/2021, Bill Windsor Sees Ghosts; one of the most beautiful women who ever lived appeared in the kitchen of my condo.  Audrey Hepburn was dead.  It was a ghost.

I guess I didn’t believe in ghosts.  I do now.

Because I was seriously injured in a traffic accident on 5/5/2017 and was 72 years old, Florida Hospital Waterman in Tavares, Florida had me on a list of the first people to invite for a vaccination against COVID-19.  Because my paternal grandmother died from the 1918 flu pandemic when my Dad was just a year old, I felt she would want me to do anything I could to avoid death.  So, I signed up and drove to an Advent Hospital site near the Orlando Airport to get my shot.

When I got to the front of the line, the Hospital employee told me I would be at Station 13.  She asked if that would be a problem.  I told her “No, 13 is my lucky number.  It was my number in baseball.”  I was escorted to the nurse at Station 13, and I made a big deal about how happy I was to have her as my nurse.

I received my shot and then waited for 20 minutes as directed.  When I didn’t turn into a werewolf, I was allowed to leave.  I drove home to my condo in Leesburg Florida.

I was sleeping on the sofa in my living room as it provided needed back support since my 5/5/2017 accident.

At 3:30 a.m., I awakened to go to the bathroom.  Audrey Hepburn was in my kitchen carrying on an animated conversation with someone the other side of the refrigerator.  I knew people would say I was dreaming, so I grabbed my camera and took a photo.  A green neon squiggle appeared where Audrey Heburn had been.  Bill Windsor Sees Ghosts.

Photo of Audrey Hepburn in Bill Windsors kitchen on 1/20/2021

 This is the photo I took on the visit of Audrey Hepburn to my condo on 1/20/ 2021 after I had my COVID-19 vaccination.  Bill Windsor Sees Ghosts!

Audrey Hepburn visited me twice when I could see her ghost.

After she came the second time, I remembered that the Hospital said to call if I experienced any problems.  I decided Audrey Hepburn qualified.  Moderna had me on the phone for several hours.  Moderna set up a full day of testing for me at Waterman Hospital.

At the end of the day, the doctor came into my room and said: “We can’t find anything wrong, so we are going to discharge you.  Go see your ophthalmologist as the pressure in your eyes is a little high.  That’s it.  You can get dressed and go home.”  I said: “Doctor, what do I do if she comes back?”  He responded: “Talk to her.  If she’s been dead for a good long time, she may be hungry for some male companionship.”

A few days later, it was time for me to return for the second vaccination.  I expected TV crews to interview the guy who saw Audrey Hepburn in his kitchen.  No TV.  I was disappointed.

I received my shot and then waited for 20 minutes as directed.  I drove home.

At 3:30 a.m., I awakened to go to the bathroom.  A Sumo Wrestler size woman was in my kitchen carrying on an animated conversation with someone the other side of the refrigerator.  I knew people would say I was dreaming, so I grabbed my camera and tiptoed around to the spot between the dining room and kitchen to take a photo.  No one was there.  Bill Windsor Sees Ghosts.

I called Moderna.  I got the sense that I was the first person to inform them that people could experience hallucinations from the vaccine.

Neither Audrey Hepburn nor female Sumo wrestlers have beeen part of my life in any way.  So these ghosts just appeared out of the blue.

I googled Audrey Hepburn and discovered that she visited me on the eighth anniversary of her death.

That’s spooky.

Bill Windsor Sees Ghosts.

Bill Windsor used to be a fairly normal guy. Not anymore.

Bill Windsor used to be a fairly normal guy.  Not anymore.

Biography of William M. Windsor

For Bill Windsor news, the best sources are,, LinkedIn, and www.Facebook/com/billwindsor1

Contact Bill Windsor at — Lawless America Page on Facebook —

Photo copyright Friends of Bill Windsor

Bill Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not, therefore, reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.   This website is to expose judicial corruption, government corruption, law enforcement corruption, attorney wrongdoing/corruption, and political corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our  Legal Notice and Terms.

Copyright, 2022, Lawless America


Bill Windsor Has Launched a Web Content Agency

Bill Windsor has launched a web content agency.  Bill and his staff will write articles, website content, product descriptions, press releases, social media posts, blogs, eBooks, white papers, and newsletters for all types of clients.

There are a billion websites on the internet, and they all need content.  The content is published online in hopes of drawing customers and prospective customers in hopes of making a sale.

Most Website Content Fails With Search Engines

     Most websites fail in attracting potential customers through searches on Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines.  These sites are unsuccessful because they do not contain properly written content.

Bill and His Writers Produce Search Engine-Friendly Website Content

     Bill and his team write interesting content designed to get the attention of readers.  The articles are written with search engine optimization as the goal.

The proper keywords are used the appropriate number of times on each page.  Other tactics are used for readability and to appeal to Google and the other search engines.

About Bill Windsor

     Bill has spent most of his career as a manager of writers and editors.  He was the owner, CEO, president, vice-president, and/or publisher of over 100 trade magazines during his career.  He has written books, screenplays, manuals, and web content galore.  He set up his first website in 1994, and he’s been doing it ever since.

Bill Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not, therefore, reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.   This website is to expose judicial corruption, government corruption, law enforcement corruption, attorney wrongdoing/corruption, and political corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our  Legal Notice and Terms.

Copyright, 2022, Lawless America


Bill Windsor is Writing

Bill Windsor is working as a writer.  He is writing for himself and for others.  He has launched a website to promote his work.

Bill has created a TV sitcom, and he is working with an agent and her editor.  The third draft of the pilot episode needs to be completed.  Bill has also been working on a screenplay.

He first worked as a co-writer on a screenplay in the 80s.  “Big Boo Boo at Booger Creek” never found a producer.  It was a comedy western about the most inept bank robbers ever.  The theme song and soundtrack were great, written by Hiram Kennemer aka Russ Marker.  Bill acquired the rights to the screenplay and re-worked it.  Still no luck.

In addition to his screenplays, Bill has several books that are complete.  He hopes his agent-to-be will represent him on those projects.  If not, he will self-publish and sell on Amazon.

He was approached about doing contract writing.  He is working with a company, and he writes all types of web content for a wide variety of companies.  In recent months, he has written about perfume, auto parts, fire safety, traffic accidents, and much more.  He has learned a lot about a diverse assortment of topics.

Bill Windsor is no longer working as a publisher, but he has been writing essentially his entire adult life.


Bill Windsor in Atlanta
Bill Windsor in Atlanta

Bill Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not, therefore, reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.   This website is to expose judicial corruption, government corruption, law enforcement corruption, attorney wrongdoing/corruption, and political corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our  Legal Notice and Terms.

Copyright, 2022, Lawless America


Bill Windsor Seriously Injured

Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt.
Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt.

Bill Windsor seriously injured when he was hit by an 18-wheeler at 70 miles per hour.  He has four herniated discs in his back, five in his neck, and Diastasis Recti, an allegedly inoperable abdominal injury.

A corrupt judge, Jeff Ashton, has kept the case from going to trial.

A second accident on 12/26/2022 aggravated the injuries.  Bill has lost the use of his left hand, and the surgeon says it is linked to the traffic accident because the nerves in the neck control his hands.

Bill falls a lot, and he can’t get up.  He has an alarm that will wake the dead that he now wears around his neck with his cell phone.  He used a cane, but he couldn’t walk far.  He then had a four-wheeled Walker, and it really helped keep him balanced, but his back couldn’t go far.  He now has a Nuclear-powered Walker, but he needs to live somewhere he can better use it.

Bill Windsor hit by truck in 2017

Bill Windsor hit by a truck, a Boise Cascade 18-wheeler driven by Robert Longest, at 70-miles-per-hour.  He suffered four herniated disks in his back, five herniated disks in his neck, and an inoperable abdominal injury (diastasis recti).

It was Cinco de Mayo, May 5, 2017.

Still no trial.  He really needs surgery.

This has completely changed Bill Windsor’s life.  He can barely walk.  He has lost all balance.


Bill Windsor
Bill Windsor

Bill Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  My websites express my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not, therefore, reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.   I have websites that expose judicial corruption, government corruption, law enforcement corruption, attorney wrongdoing/corruption, and political corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read the Legal Notice and Terms.

Copyright, 2022, Friends of Bill Windsor


Angel saved Bill Windsor

Angel saved Bill Windsor
Angel saved Bill Windsor

On 5/5/2017, Bill Windsor was driving down the Florida Turnpike in his little 2500-pound convertible, and an Angel saved Bill Windsor.

I was driving 70 miles per hour.  I was properly in my lane and abiding all traffic laws.  I was preparing to exit and go left, so I was in one of the two exit lanes, the second one from the shoulder.

I had never been in a traffic accident in my life.  I heard a very loud noise.  I realized I had been hit by a 60000-pound Boise Cascade truck.

According to Jerome Wilt, an eyewitness, my little car was lifted off all four tires, spun 180-degrees in the air, and then dropped to the roadway where I did eight high-speed spins back and forth across the six lanes of Southbound traffic.

There was a big cement wall in the middle of the road that separated the Northbound lanes from the Southbound lanes.  I had no control of my car, and I knew I was going to die when I hit that wall.  Then I heard a whisper in my ear.  It was an angel.  She whispered: “Driver’s Ed.”  This caused me to recall what I was told at age 16: “steer in the direction of the skid.”

I did as she instructed, and I narrowly escaped death.  I’m alive because an Angel saved Bill Windsor.  I suffered four herniated discs in my back, five herniated discs in my neck, and a Diastasis Recti abdominal injury.

Every disk from my neck to the base of my spine is herniated, bulging, or both.  I can no longer walk.  I have use of only one hand.  My teeth have rotted out of my head from anxiety medication that caused Xerostomia – dry mouth.  My insurance was used up quickly, and there has been no trial, so Medicare won’t pay.  But I’m alive because an Angel saved Bill Windsor.

Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt.
Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt.

Corrupt judges, including Jeff Ashton, have kept my case from going to trial.  Mine is just one of the millions of cases of INjustice.

This may not have been an accident.  There is significant evidence that this was attempted murder involving Sean Boushie, the man who attempted to murder me in 2013 and threaatened to harm me hundreds of times.  He was in communication with another eyewitness, Carrie Broussard.  Carrie Broussard lied in her deposition.  No one stopped to help me.  It was like there was a blockade of vehicles to keep anyone from getting near me, and it was beyond odd that I did not hit anyone on such a busy highway.  It may have all been orchestrated.

Bill Windsor evicted from Bingo Night

Bingoers say Go Away Bill WindsorGO AWAY Bill Windsor

This was written on December 28, 2023 about an event in my life in November 2016.


I forced myself to get out and drive to the office as I received an email saying I had a package.

I anticipated a few million pennies from Taylor Swift.  But there it was — a big banner announcing BINGO NIGHT.

I don’t play BINGO.

When I first moved to Florida as a member of AARP, I bought a really nice triple-wide manufactured home.  I closed and needed to rent a truck in Texas so I could move my Divorce Leftovers to my new place.  I couldn’t get Internet service for a week, and I needed to shop for the best deal.  I was told I could use the Internet connection at the Clubhouse, so I drove over.

Picture a really big room filled with tables and chairs and not a soul in sight.  I figured it had to hold 500 people.  I found a table toward the rear that had an electrical outlet within the length of a 25-foot extension cord.  I got wired up and began emailing Penske, Ryder, and U-Haul.

From out of nowhere, an old woman appeared.  She said: “I wouldn’t sit here if I were you….”

I asked why, and the UNwelcome Welcome Wagon-like Lady told me it was probably someone’s lucky seat.  I glanced around the room, and nary a person did I see.  But I didn’t want to cause any trouble, so I asked her if there was ANY one of the 500+ seats that might not be someone’s lucky seat.  She motioned to an area with an overhang just outside the restrooms.

So, I packed up and moved to a spot next to the Ladies’ Room.

I got on the phone with Penske to make arrangements.

The next thing I knew, a decidedly rude-looking old codger appeared above my laptop screen.  He said: “Sir, you’re going to have to leave.  You are disturbing the bingoers.”  I looked around and realized there had been something like the start of the 24 Hours at Le Mans.  There were golf carts everywhere and the largest assemblage of old people I had ever seen.

Bingo Night

I told Fred that I was not speaking loudly, that I am a new resident, that I was here first, that the manager sent me, that I was not using anyone’s lucky seat, and that I would be only a few minutes.  Fred said: “Sir, you’re going to have to leave.” I peered on each side of Fred and saw 1,000 old eyeballs staring angrily at me.

When I got everything loaded up, there was a 500-person standing ovation.  I pledged to never play BINGO with a bunch of old farts.  And I never have.

Bingo Night

It is kind of a Red Badge of Courage. Retired senior citizen evicted form BINGO on his first night as a senior.

Walter Windsor was moved to Peachtree Christain Hospice on February 13 2008

Cliff Pine visits Walter Windsor at Hospice
Walter Windsor at Hospice

Walter Windsor was moved to Peachtree Christain Hospice on February 13 2008

We were advised that Dad was declining and would not make it.  He was moved on February 13 at approximately 6:00 p.m..  The hospice doctor took Dad off all medications except some Ativan.  He had not even had any IV fluids.

Bill Windsor Sold His Publishing and Trade Show Companies in 1981

business 1979 wci Bill in his IMPRESSIONS jacket 1979

In 1981, Don Gandy asked to have dinner with William M. Windsor.  Don was the CEO of a company that was acquiring businesses in the imprinted sportswear industry.

At Alaman’s Mexican restaurant in Dallas, Don wrote something on a little piece of paper and put it in the center of the table.  He told me to take the paper and look at it ONLY if I was interested in selling my imprinted sportswear magazines, trade shows, and conferences.

I had never thought about selling.  I had never considered what the business might be worth.  We were doing $6 million in revenues at the time.

I asked how many zeros were after the range of numbers written on the paper.  I decided I was interested in selling.

Rather than sell to Don Gandy, I hired a publishing consultant, Mark Schrimpf, to do a valuation and seek buyers.  Three large U.S. publishing companies were interested, and I sold to Gralla Publications in October 1981.

I retired.  That lasted for less than a year.


William M Windsor Founded a Publishing Company in the UK in 1981 and Launched an International Exhibition

Windsor Companies business card 1981

William M Windsor founded a publishing company in the UK in 1981.  He began publishing the European Edition of IMPRESSIONS Magazine from an office in The Netherlands.

He also launched the Imprinted Sportswear Exhibition International at the Wembley Centre in England.

The Imprinted Sportswear Exhibition International
The Imprinted Sportswear Exhibition International


Bill Windsor Launched the Imprinted Sportswear Show in New Orleans Louisiana in March 1980

Bill Windsor launched the Imprinted Sportswear Show in New Orleans Louisiana in March 1980.

New Orleans Imprinted Sportswear Show March 20 1980 directory
New Orleans Imprinted Sportswear Show March 20 1980 directory
1980 Staff picture of Windsor Communications
1980 Staff picture of Windsor Communications

The staff had grown to over 80 people by 1980.

Park Tree North Dallas office of Windsor Communications
Park Tree North Dallas office of Windsor Communications

The businesses moved to a new office on Dallas North Parkway in Dallas, Texas.

Bill Windsor Launched Another Trade Show and Conference in 1979


business 1979 wci Dallas Convention Center during set up of I
business 1979 wci Dallas Convention Center during set up of I

The second annual Imprinted Sportswear Show was held in January 1979 at the Dallas Convention Center in Dallas, Texas.  Each show was set up as a separate corporate entity.  Business #14.

business 1978 wci Staff of Windsor at January 1979 Imprinted
business 1978 wci Staff of Windsor at January 1979 Imprinted

The second show was twice the size of the first show.  The business grew from no employees to 10 employees in six months.

Several Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders made a special appearance at the Second Imprinted Sportswear Show.

William M Windsor Started a Trade Show Company in 1978

William M Windsor Started a Trade Show Company in 1978.

In 1978, William M. Windsor launched the Imprinted Sportswear Shows for the “imprinted sportswear industry.”  He founded Windsor Presentations to own the first trade show.  Business #13.

After a year in Dallas working out of a desk in the corner of the master bedroom in a small apartment, Bill opened an office in the Dallas Petroleum Center.

First office for Windsor Communications
First office for Windsor Communications

The office was for both Windsor Communications and Windsor Presentations.

Reception area at Dallas Petroleum Center
Reception area at Dallas Petroleum Center

Bill hired a receptionist. She was quickly promoted to editor of IMPRESSIONS Magazine.  The first event produced by Windsor Presentations was a huge success, so the business was moved to a much larger office.  Within a year, the staff grew from one to 17.

Bill Windsor Launched a Magazine Publishing Company in 1977

Bill Windsor Launched a Magazine Publishing Company in 1977.

In 1977, William M. Windsor launched IMPRESSIONS Magazine as the magazine for what Bill named the “imprinted sportswear industry.”  Business #12.

First edition of Impressions Magazine in May 1977
First edition of Impressions Magazine in May 1977

In quite a coup, Bill was able to get Farrah Fawcett for the cover of the premiere issue of IMPRESSIONS.

After the first two issues, Bill and Barbara sold The Wear-House, The Graphics House, and The Shirt Tale line.

Bill retained the manufacturing business for ShirtCans.

Bill moved the publishing company to the Dallas, Texas area – Richardson, Texas.

The magazine is still going strong after 45 years.

Bill Windsor Created Shirtcans – a Paint-Your-own T-shirt

Bill Windsor Created Shirtcans – a Paint-Your-own T-shirt.

After a trip to Atlanta where Bill Windsor saw hand-painted T-shirts in boutiques in Buckhead, he came up with the idea of a do-it-yourself hand-painted T-shirt.  He wanted a catchy name, and ShirtCans was born. “You wear what we can.”

Bill Windsor invented ShirtCans in1976
Bill Windsor invented ShirtCans in1976

A variety of designs were offered.  Each can contained a white T-shirt printed with a black outline design, four acrylic fabric paints, a paintbrush, and instructions.  After a test at local K-Mart stores, Bill flew to New York and wore out the soles on a pair of shoes walking all over town to make sales calls on apparel buyers.  Then he flew to Chicago where he received a large test order from Sears.

Bill returned to Orlando very excited, and he opened a manufacturing facility at 119 W. Kaley Boulevard in Orlando.  Business #10.

1976 ShirtCans ad
1976 ShirtCans ad

In addition to manufacturing and distributing ShirtcCans to retail chains, the product was also offered to the advertising specialty industry and to premium companies.

Rich Sarver was a very talented artist who did all the art for ShirtCans
Rich Sarver was a very talented artist who did all the art for ShirtCans

Rich Sarver was the talented artist who created the designs for the ShirtCans and the labels and promotional material.  Incredibly talented!

Bill Windsor Launched a Company to Distribute Products to the Advertising Specialty Industry

After several years as a retailer, screen printer, and manufacturer, Bill Windsor launched a company to distribute apparel products to the advertising specialty industry.  The business was called The Shirt Tale.  Business #11.

The Shirt Tale brochure 1976
The Shirt Tale brochure 1976

The Shirt Tale had beautiful catalogs to promote its line of imprinted sportswear, heat transfers, and related products.

How to Sell T-shirts book 1976
How to Sell T-shirts book 1976

Bill Windsor published a book titled “How To Sell T-shirts.”

ShirtCan distributor Robert Grant with Bill Windsor in Brussels Belgium
ShirtCan distributor Robert Grant with Bill Windsor in Brussels Belgium

Bill and Barbara began exhibiting at advertising specialty trade shows.

Bill met people like Robert Grant, who signed a contract to distribute Bill’s products in Belgium and France.



The Wear-House expanded to a 6,000-square-foot store in Winter Park, Florida.

New location of The Wear-House on 17 -92 in Orlando
New location of The Wear-House on 17 -92 in Orlando

Bill divided the 6,000-square-foot space into a 4,000-square-foot retail space, a 1,500-square-foot screen printing shop, and a 500-square-foot office.

It was a big freestanding building on Highway 17-92 in Winter Park, just South of Fairbanks Avenue.


1976 Wear-House staff opening party
1976 Wear-House staff opening party

The Wear-House staff at the grand opening party.

Wear-House view from McDonalds of early days in 1976
Wear-House view from McDonalds of early days in 1976

The building was located right next door to McDonald’s.

Bill decided he should try to attract the customers from McDonald’s.  He cut a window and door to the McDonald’s parking lot, but it appeared to be tiny on the 120-foot long building.

So, Bill had Rich Sarver create some cartoon characters wearing imprinted sportswear.

Mural drawing on side of The Wear-House
Mural drawing on side of The Wear-House

The characters were 10-feet tall, but the mural still seemed really small.

More mural work on The Wear-House 1976
More mural work on The Wear-House 1976

Bill had Rich Sarver continue to create characters.  Rich painted the outline of the art on the wall, and people were invited to come paint.  When it was done, the 120-foot x 10-foot mural became the World’s Largest Cartoon Mural.  And most of the customers for The Wear-House came in from the door next to McDonald’s parking lot.

Bill Windsor Built an Advertising Specialties Business in Orlando Florida

After a year off the busy Park Avenue in Winter Park, Florida, Bill was able to convince wealthy orange grove owner and real estate owner, Jerry Chicone, to rent him a 1,600-square-foot store at 435 Park Avenue South.  The impact was a huge increase in retail sales.

With this move, Bill acquired an advertising specialties business from Tom Bonneville and expanded it into a retail operation.  Bill sold over 100,000 items that could be personalized for businesses, clubs, and more.  Business #9.

Bill’s biggest advertising specialties client was Disney.  Bill sold all of the Do Not Disturb signs and shower caps used in the original hotels at Walt Disney World.

To expand on Park Avenue, Bill needed some money.  With the support of dear old Dad, Bill borrowed $10,000 from Sun First National Bank.  He did manage to repay it.

A fabulous cartoonist, West Reid, did the artwork for The Wear-House.

The business had a number of products that schools could sell for fundraising projects.


1972 Wear-House - Bill Windsor with display of rings
1972 Wear-House – Bill Windsor with a display of rings

Bill Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not, therefore, reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.   This website is to expose judicial corruption, government corruption, law enforcement corruption, attorney wrongdoing/corruption, and political corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our  Legal Notice and Terms.

Copyright, 2022, Lawless America#LawlessAmerica

Bill Windsors 7th Business was a Screen Printing Plant

Bill Windsors 7th Business was a Screen Printing Plant.

A year after opening The Wear-House in Winter Park, Florida, Bill Windsor opened The Graphics House.  The Graphics House was a screen printing plant.  Business #8.

The Graphics House did screen printing on T-shirts and other garments.  I taught myself to screen print using a kit and a book bought from Tubelite.  I quickly realized that it was not something I could do well, so I found a local guy who was a pro.  He managed the shop.

We expanded into decals, bumper stickers, signs, and more.  We even had Disney as an account for our Mickey Mouse clubs – golf drivers with a Mickey Mouse decal.


Bill Windsor opened a store in Winter Park Florida named The Wear-House

When Bill Windsor and Barbara moved to Florida from Rolling Meadows, Illinois, Bill Windsor opened a store in Winter Park Florida named The Wear-House.  Business #7.

1972 Wear-House - Bill Windsor with display of rings
1972 Wear-House – Bill Windsor with display of rings

The Wear-House was an expanded version of the retail store he opened as a college student at Texas Tech.

Bill and Barbara sold a full line of fraternity and sorority merchandise, but they also had a heat transfer machine and sold imprinted T-shirts, customized while the customer was there.

Barbara Windsor at check out counter at The Wear-House in 1972
Barbara Windsor at Barbara Windsor at check out counter at The Wear-House in 1972

We didn’t have much money, so our decor consisted of free pickle barrels and orange crates obtained from local restaurants and fruit stands.  The wall decor was for sale.  We didn’t have a good location, just off busy Park Avenue.  We survived because I was selling to fraternities and sororities all over Central Florida.



Bill Windsor First Job After College was with the American Association of School Retailers

Bill Windsor First Job After College was with the American Association of School Retailers.

Bill Windsor went through the interview process at Texas Tech University.  He was offered an excellent first job by Procter & Gamble, but he wasn’t enamored of the idea of encouraging grocery store workers to give better shelf placement for P&G products.

A small company from Chicago contacted Bill, flew him to Chicago, wined and dined him, and offered him the position of National Marketing Manager for the American Association of School Retailers.  Bill accepted the job and hired several of his fraternity brothers as salespeople.

Bill and Barbara married a few weeks after he graduated from Texas Tech, and they moved to Winter Park, Florida.  Bill was traveling most of the time as AASR loved the sales he was generating.  That got old, and Bill told John W. Heiser of AASR that he would have to quit unless they moved him to the corporate headquarters in Chicago.

Bill and Barbara moved to Rolling Meadows, Illinois.  AASR moved their offices from the Wrigley Building in downtown Chicago to the Des Plaines Office Center in Des Plaines, Illinois – near O’Hare Airport.

Bill worked for AASR for a year, but he knew he could make more money on his own, so pregnant Barbara and Bill moved to Winter Park, Florida.

William Windsor Became an Entrepreneur as a Student at Texas Tech in Lubbock Texas


Bill Windsor at KLBK Radio in Lubbock Texas

As a college student at Texas Tech University, William Windsor was working as a DJ at KCAS-Radio in Slaton, Texas and KLVT-Radio in Levelland, Texas.  He was working 30 to 40 hours a week and paying most of his college expenses.

President of Delta Tau Delta fraternity

Bill was President of Delta Tau Delta fraternity at Texas Tech.  He was also Vice-President of the Interfraternity Council.  A traveling salesman came to Lubbock and took orders for fraternity and sorority sportswear with 50% deposits.  The balances were to be paid on delivery.  The salesman was a crook, and he stole the money from the Tech kids.

This was discussed at the IFC meeting, and the fraternity presidents voted to require salespeople to register and go through an approval process before they could sell.  Fraternity members and pledges were told to call the president of their fraternity if they encountered anyone trying to sell on campus.

Bill Windsor was at his apartment one Sunday and the phone rang.  It was a Delt pledge reporting that a man was in the dorm trying to sell fraternity sportswear.  Bill spoke to Ken Miller of Southern Sportswear that he would not be able to sell until he was approved, which could take a month.  It’s about a six-hour drive to Lubbock from civilization, so Ken was understandably disappointed.  He asked if he could come over to talk to Bill.

Ken came to Bill’s apartment and brought his samples.  He had a great line that included some cool surfer-type shirts that Bill had never seen before.  Ken asked Bill whether the problem was that kids couldn’t be sure they would get their merchandise and could lose their deposits.  Yep.  Ken asked, “what if all orders came in COD with a personal check accepted on delivery?”  Bill said that would work as they could stop payment if the merchandise was not received or was unacceptable, but he’d still need approval.

Ken asked, “Well, what if you were my campus representative?  I could ship to you and accept your personal check.  I’ll pay you 15% commission.”

That got Bill’s entrepreneurial juices flowing.  He said, “I’ll give it a try.”  Ken left a set of samples with Bill, order forms, and complete information.  Bill felt very comfortable with Ken Miller from Atlanta, Georgia.  Business #2 (lemonade stand was #1 LOL.)

Bill took the samples down to his fraternity meeting, put them in the living room with order forms.  After the meeting ended, he had orders for $1,000 and checks for $1,000.  He made $150 doing little or nothing.  He thus started his first business with no money and had $150 in working capital.

He mailed the order off to Ken Miller.  Three weeks later, he received a COD for $850.  He wrote a check, and his fraternity brothers were delighted.  He got orders for another $1,000 when all the fraternity brothers saw the stuff.  Cha-ching, another $150.

Bill kept working as a disc jockey, and he was making $450 or so a week selling fraternity and sorority sportswear.  The sororities had Bill come to their meetings at least once a month.  Tough duty.  LOL.

Bill couldn’t get around to see the sororities as often as they would have liked, and he never had time to go to any of the fraternity meetings.  He had also added party favors, mugs, greek jewelry, and more.

Bill Windsor US ArmyIn 1970, Bill joined the United States Army Reserves.  His best friend, Steve Shanklin, handled the business while Bill was in the Army.

The Greek Corner

So, after he returned from active duty in the U.S. Army, William M. Windsor decided to open a store.  The business was called University Services, and the fraternity-sorority business was called The Greek Corner.  The rent was scary – $75 a month.  But he signed a lease and then subleased part of the store to other entrepreneurs.  He made a profit as a landlord.  Business #3.  The store was pretty ugly, but it was just half a block to the Texas Tech campus.  Bill quit working as a DJ when he opened his store.

When one of his tenants was thrown in jail for stealing a piece of beef jerky at the 7-11, Bill became upset when Joe had to spend the night in jail.  None of the bail bond companies would come to bail him out at midnight.  So Bill worked with Bill Goodacre to start a bail bond service for students.

Bill got 20,000 red and black business cards, one for each student at Texas Tech, and he started handing them out.  For the next two years, he spent many Friday and Saturday nights down at the Lubbock County Jail to get students out.  The bond fee is generally 10@, but he gave students a 10% discount, so it cost them 9%.  Business #4.

Bill’s girlfriend, Barbara, had a sister who could get factory-outlet double-knit slacks, popular at the time.  Bill started buying them from Judy, and he put them in his store and sold a lot of slacks at $12 to $15.

Bill Windsor was THE best-known student entrepreneur at Texas Tech.  So, other companies contacted him to sell things for them and do projects for them.  Bill established a rep business to handle other types of work.  He made a fortune soliciting students to obtain a Humble (Exxon) credit card.  He also did projects for Playboy Magazine (Sex on the College Campus study), Great Books, and others.  Business #5.

College Marketing Research gave Bill a contract to travel throughout Texas to find and hire other student entrepreneurs to solicit credit card applications.  Bill received 10 cents a card for every application they obtained.

Bill was accepted to law school, but he was also preparing to marry Barbara.  He decided he didn’t want to spend two years studying night and day.  He enjoyed making money, so he interviewed.  He received an offer from Procter & Gamble, but he chose an unknown company that had the concept of doing nationwide what Bill had done in Lubbock.

American Association of School Retailers

Bill took a huge pay cut when he accepted the position of National Marketing Manager for the American Association of School Retailers.  When Bill graduated from Texas Tech, he sold the businesses to his best friend, Steve Shanklin.

University Services - The Wear-House

P.S. This is a photo of the store after a tornado ripped Lubbock.  Our signage was destroyed.


Bill Windsor had a Date with Michelle Pfeiffer in College

Michelle Pfeiffer
This is a recent photo of Michelle Pfeiffer, the beautiful actress.
I attended the University of Texas at Austin for the first semester of my freshman year. I pledged Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity when I discovered many of my childhood friends from Texarkana had pledged.
The week before classes began, we had a fraternity party every night for six nights. They were “match parties” where a fraternity and a sorority matched up the new pledges.
While I appreciate a beautiful redhead now, back then I really wasn’t attracted to redheaded girls.
My first date — redhead.
My second date — redhead.
My third date – redhead.
My fourth date – redhead. It got to be a joke in the fraternity: “How red will the hair be of Windsor’s date tonight?”
I decided to speak to the Social Chairman who did the matching. I said: “Sir, do you realize every date I have had has had red hair, and I’m just not attracted to red hair. It’s gotten to be a joke in the fraternity.” He chuckled and said he had heard that. I pleaded with him to match me up with a girl with any other color of hair. He said: “Windsor, it’s like this. We have a pledge class of 57. The sororities have a quota of 35. You are the next-to-last guy on our alphabetical list. By the time we get down to you, you’ll be lucky if there is a redheaded legacy available.” I said: “Could you start at the bottom of the list once?” He sent me away to clean toilets.
Fifth Date — As freshmen were not allowed to have cars at UT, we were always paired up with an active member who had a car. For my sixth match date, I was paired with Tom Neimeyer, a huge lineman on the Texas Longhorns football team. As we waited in the lobby of the Freshman girls’ dorm, Tom looked down at me and said: “Windsor, if an ugly redhead comes over and asks ‘Which one of you is Tom? YOU are Tom.” A gorgeous blonde came over, and I thought the Social Chairman had made amends. But Tom was delighted when she asked if he was Tom. My date had bright red, Howdy Doody-like hair.
Sixth Date — When I was given her name, my heart skipped a beat. Michelle Pfeiffer. I envisioned someone like Claudine Longet. I was pumped as I was driven to the dorm to meet Michelle Pfeiffer. My ride met an attractive brunette. We waited for my date to appear. I heard a sound that was like a herd of elephants was plodding down the stairs.
Out came the biggest, least attractive redhead of the six. Yep, that was my date. Michelle Pfeiffer — not THE MICHELLE PFEIFFER.
I decided to transfer to Texas Tech because of all the bad dates. I was scarred. I lived happily ever after at Tech.
If you enjoyed this true story, please join the American Association of Non-Lawyers.  Redheads are always welcome.  —

Bill Windsors First Job was a Dream Job

Bill Windsors First Job was a Dream Job.  At the age of 16, when I got my driver’s license, I managed to get a summer job delivering prescriptions for Security Pharmacy in Lubbock, Texas.

Nothing could have been better than getting to drive all day!  I was so past ready to get my driver’s license.  I got my license later than my friends because we moved from Louisiana to Texas.  I had to wait to take driver’s ed.

Mary Windsor and the infamous green Valiant
Mary Windsor and the infamous green Valiant


I, Bill Windsor, used to drive up and down our short driveway.  We had an ugly green Valiant with push-button transmission.  This is my Mom standing in front of the infamous green Valiant at our home at 3109 40th Street in Lubbock, Texas.


Bill Windsors Second Job was as a TV Cameraman and Radio Station DJ

Bill Windsors Second Job was as a TV Cameraman and Radio Station DJ.

Bill Windsor’s second job was as a cameraman at KLBK-TV in Lubbock, Texas. Then I was a DJ at KLBK-Radio.

I was a cameraman in the television studio.  We filmed commercials and operated the two floor cameras for the news, weather, and sports.

I punched a time clock.  The other crew members and I would try to eat lunch as fast as possible so we could get punched back in.  We would race from the cafeteria to the time clock.  When we got really lucky, we would be logged out for only six minutes.

I got the jobs because my Dad was the General Manager of KLBK.  My Dad was ALWAYS a fabulous supporter of me in everything I ever did.  He was truly special in so very many ways.  My Dad lived to be 89 1/2.

KLBK ad in Monterey High School paper in 1965
KLBK ad in Monterey High School paper in 1965

Before I had a real DJ job, I was the “host” of a one-hour weekly show called “Teen Topics.”

I spoke about what was going on at Monterey High School.  I wasn’t paid.




I had to study and go to Dallas to take a Third-Class Radiotelephone Operator’s License to be able to DJ.  In those days, we did it all — announced, played the 45-rpm-records, and operated “the board.”  There was no engineer to help.  It was great fun.  I had the midnight to 6 am shift, and all the high school and college students “knew” me.  It was a Top 40 radio station.

Entrepreneurial Bug Hits Bill Windsor

Entrepreneurial Bug Hits Bill Windsor.

It was the third grade when Bill Windsor was first hit with the entrepreneurial bug.

Some kids in our neighborhood were selling Grit magazine door-to-door, and they made money doing it.  I wanted to make money so I could buy more baseball cards.

The best I could manage was a lemonade stand.  But it was a start.

Billy Windsor and Tony Windsor hold baseball bat
Billy Windsor and Tony Windsor hold baseball bat

I was into baseball big-time.  We lived near Spring Lake Park in Texarkana, Texas, and we played baseball every chance we got.

I was on several teams over those years, and I continued to play baseball through college.

I later played softball for many years.

Billy Windsor Began School 1954

  • Billy Windsor and Tony Windsor sharing a chair in 1954.
    Billy Windsor and Tony Windsor sharing a chair in 1954.

I attended five of my six years of elementary school in Texarkana Texas; that is where Billy Windsor Began School 1954.  I started at age 5 in the first grade at Oaklawn Elementary School, and I turned age 6 after two months.  I did not attend Kindergarten.  I don’t believe we had it back then.

Billy Windsor Report Card 1954-55
Billy Windsor Report Card 1954-55

My parents both had beautiful handwriting, but my hand simply would not cooperate. I tried.   First-grade teacher, Lois Roy, was being kind when she gave me a B+ in Penmanship.  Billy Windsor Began School 1954.

My first memories are from 1954.  We were a family of five.

My Dad, Walter, was quite a presence.  He was 6-feet three-and-a-half inches tall.  That made him a giant back in those days.  My Dad had the best male speaking voice ever, very deep.

My Mom, Mary, was the sweetest and best mother ever to live.

I adored my baby sister, Wendy.

Billy Windsor was still taller than his brother Tony in 1954.
Billy Windsor was still taller than his brother Tony in 1954.

My brother, Tony, and I were inseparable until school separated us.

I remember seeing and loving Pinocchio.

I remember it was a big deal to go to Furr’s Cafeteria on Sundays for dinner.

I walked to and from Oaklawn Elementary School.  Dad was the General Manager of KCMC-TV on the other side of town, and Mom did not have a car or a driver’s license.

My Dad was always a celebrity.  That was cool.  My Mom was always the best.  That was cool.

Billy Windsor does drawing on KCMC-TV in 1954.
Billy Windsor does drawing on KCMC-TV in 1954.

I first appeared on TV in 1954.  I believe this was a drawing for Queen for a Day.

I remember going to a classmate’s birthday party.  They served cupcakes.  I had never seen a cupcake.  It was in a paper “cup.”  I ate it all and then feared I would die from what I realized was paper.  I lived.

One of my least fond memories is that I was too shy to ask permission to use the rest room, and I pooped in my pants and sat in it until I mercifully got to walk home.  I’m sure it had to stink, but no one said anything.  Billy Windsor Began School 1954.

We moved to 4105 Rio Grande Avenue in Texarkana, Texas, and that’s where I attended second grade and received my only report card with Straight A’s.  Thank you, Mrs. Kolb.

Billy Windsor First Memories 1953

  • Billy Windsor and Tony Windsor posing next to shrubs in 1953.
    Billy Windsor and Tony Windsor posing next to shrubs in 1953.

My Birth Certificate shows 1948, but Billy Windsor First Memories 1953.

Brother Tony was born 1950 and sister Wendy (aka Woot Woot Wooter) was born 12 days before my fifth birthday in 1953.  Billy Windsor First Memories 1953.

windsor bill 1952 Billy and Tony with Walter 1952 big

This is my brother Tony (16 months apart). Our Mom often dressed us alike. I have no idea where she got the money for the clothes as Dad was always underpaid.

Billy Windsor and Tony Windsor in 1953
Billy Windsor and Tony Windsor in 1953

I always thought we were rich, but when Dad died and I was the Executor, I learned that he always did without.

I did not have a beard at age 5.  LOL.  I had a high forehead (like my Dad), so I looked like I had a receding hairline when I didn’t.

I have a small mouth (except when I talk), and Doctors have said I have the ear canals of a six-month old child.

We lived in Columbus, Georgia from 1948 to 1953 where Dad was General Manager of WGBA Radio.


I had been on the radio by age 3.  Dad did the play-by-play for the Columbus Cardinals baseball team. I knew all the players, and I would sit with Dad in the Press Box and go on the microphone to comment on plays by my favorites, including second baseman Dom Barczewski.  His stats indicate he wasn’t very good, but I liked him for some reason.

I loved to play baseball.  I played through high school.  I was good on everything but pop files; I couldn’t judge fly balls.  It wasn’t until I was in my 50s that I learned I had eye dominance that affected my vision.  My eyes told me I was lined up, but I wasn’t.  Someone should have told me to close my right eye.

Billy Windsor shows he is 5 years old as he sits by his baby sister.
Billy Windsor shows he is 5 years old as he sits by his baby sister.

I loved my baby sister, Wendy.  Wendy (aka Woot Woot Wooter) was born 12 days before my fifth birthday in 1953.

I believe I was a very sweet and well-mannered little boy.

I believe I was a good brother and son until junior high school when I know I became too big for my britches.





Dad drove from Long Beach California to Columbus Georgia with Mom nine-months pregnant with me.  They hit a cow in Salome Where She Danced, Arizona, but Mom and I hung in there.

Dad checked in at a motel when we arrived.  Mom went into labor, and we were taken by ambulance to the City Hospital where I was born at 2:26 a.m.  Six pounds, 13 ounces, 10 fingers, and 10 toes.

Dad didn’t want his son to go home from the hospital to a motel, so he rented a house.  We lived at 2222 Buena Vistaa Road, 1701 17th Avenue, 1340 17th Street, 4609 Dogwood Drive, and 2834 Mimosa Street.

Dad took a job in television in 1953, and we moved to Duluth, Minnesota to handle the application for the first televison station there.  Dad bought a lovely home there at 47th and Robinson.  I guess he was planning to stay and manage the station once the license was approved, but a bigger opportunity presented itself.

My first memories are Duluth.  SNOW.  There was snow everywhere, and Tony and I found a sled in a shed out back.  We had a ball in the snow.  We built a very solid snowman.

I remember playing in the living room one night when water came down through the ceiling.  Someone forgot to turn off the water in the tub when running a bath.

Dad was offered and accepted his second job in television in 1953 as General Manager of KCMC-TV, and we moved to 1700 block of Hickory Street in Texarkana, Arkansas.  When Dad went back to Duluth several months later for the closing on the sale of the house, the  snowman was still there.

I remember standing on the state line in Texarkana with one foot in Arkansas and the other foot in Texas.  Other than that, I don’t remember a thing about Arkansas.

We moved to the Texas side in a rented home, and then we bought 4105 Rio Grande Avenue in Texarkana, Texas.


Billy Windsor Received an Omen at 4-Years-Old

This is Billy Windsor at the age of four.

There really wasn’t such a thing as an imprinted T-shirt back then, but I’m sure wearing one.

What’s extra special about this photo is that in 1977, I launched the magazine and trade show for the T-shirt business.  Impressions Magazine and the Imprinted Sportswear Shows have been credited with creating an industry.  I have been known as the “father of the imprinted sportswear industry.”  I guess that now makes me, William M. Windsor, the grandfather.  Impressions Magazine and the Imprinted Sportswear Shows are still going after 42 years.

Billy Windsor Baby Book 1948
Billy Windsor Baby Book 1948

Baby book for Billy Windsor.

Billy Windsor in 1950

  • Billy Windsor with Easter basket in 1950
    Billy Windsor with Easter basket in 1950

Billy Windsor in 1950.

Billy Windsor in 1949 – Months 4 to 15

  • Someone holding Billy Windsor in air
    Someone holding Billy Windsor in air

Billy Windsor in 1949 – Months 4 to 15.

It was a very good year.

Walter Windsor and Mary Windsor were The Best Parents Ever

  • windsor bill 1948 Mary holds smiling Billy in 1948
    Mary Windsor holds smiling Billy in 1948.

My Mom was Mary Windsor, and she was the best mom ever!  She was a stay-at-home mom.

And my Dad was Walter Windsor. He was the best father ever!  Walter Windsor and Mary Windsor were The Best Parents Ever

I was the first-born child.  My brother and two sisters followed.

I was a very lucky boy.  My siblings and I could not have had a better childhood.  My Dad wasn’t paid what he was worth as the manager of television stations while I was a child.  I always thought we were “rich.”  We weren’t, but we had a very comfortable life.

I, William Michael Windsor, was born in Columbus, Georgia.  My Dad and Mom had just driven to Columbus from California with my Mom almost nine months pregnant.  Dad became the General Manager of WGBA Radio in Columbus.

We were living in a motel when Mom went into labor.  Dad didn’t want his son to come home from the hospital to a motel room, so he raced out and rented this home at 2222 Buena Vista Road, Columbus, Georgia.

Walter Windsor and Mary Windsor were The Best Parents Ever.


Windsor Earliest-known Ancestors date to 1550 in Rheinberg Germany

Walter Windsor holds baby Billy Windsor outside in Columbus Georgia in 1948
Walter Windsor holds baby Billy Windsor outside in Columbus Georgia in 1948

For the Windsor Family, the earliest-known ancestors date to 1550 in Rheinberg Germany.

Walter Michael Windsor is my father.  He was special.  He was the first Windsor, but it was almost 400 years before there was a Windsor.

He was a wonderful father, grandfather, and great-grandfather; a husband who adored his wife, Mary; a talented man who enjoyed a very interesting career, and much more.



Walt was born on September 22, 1918, and he died on February 29, 2008.  It is sad to see so much lost when a loved one dies.  I hope to save the story of the life of the Walter Michael Windsor Family for generations to come.

The story cannot begin in 1918 because we all have roots.  Fortunately, Walter’s third child, my sister Wendy, spent years developing the family genealogy.

Wendy’s work tracing the genealogy history of Walt’s father and mother and their fathers and mothers is excellent.

Wendy has become the leading authority on Walt’s mother’s family, the Catoggios, and her work has enabled us to trace our paternal roots and has helped others find their roots.

Germans and Italians, theaters, and more.  Interesting roots…

Walter Michael Windsor was the first Windsor.

Rheinberg Germany
Rheinberg Germany

His paternal ancestors were Winkopps.  The paternal line has been traced back to the birth of Joest Wennkauff in 1550.  He died in 1602 in Rheinberg, Germany.

The Winkopp family name was changed over the years – Winkopp from Wincopp, Wincop, Wynkops, Wynchauff, Weinkouffe, and Wennkauff.



The name may have originally been “Wijnkoop,” which is Dutch.  The meaning of the name comes from the tradition of traders sealing a business deal with a drink, which was called a “Weinkauff.”

We have traced the family back to the old town of Rheinberg, Germany, in the lower Rhineland near the Dutch border.

Joest Wennkauff was accepted as a citizen of Rheinberg in 1592.

At least four generations lived in the Rheinberg period.  From there, the family moved to Erfurt, Aschaffenburg, and Tauberbischofsheim, Germany.

Winkopp descendants have been mayors, magistrates, government officials, barristers, notaries, University Deans, bankers, monks, nuns, historians, restaurant proprietors, show producers, actors, singers, dancers, television executives, authors, merchants, firemen, airline pilots, tailors, and more.

On the paternal side of the Walter Windsor Family, the earliest-known ancestors date to 1550 in Rheinberg Germany.

Joest Wennkauff was born about 1550.  He was accepted as a citizen of Rheinberg in 1592.  He died in 1602 in Rheinberg, Germany.

Joes Wincoff was one of four generations of Wincoff’s that had been traced to Rheinberg.

Rheinberg is a town in the district of Wessel, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.  It is situated on the left Bank of the Rhine, approximately 31 miles north of Dusseldorf.

Claudia Schiffer was born in Rheinberg, too.

Underberg Palais in Rhineland Gerrmany
Underberg Palais in Rhineland Gerrmany